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Ike Tutorial


Metaphase is when the chromosomes are most condensed

Ignore prokaryotes
DNA related to human beings
Transcription factors enhance interactions between RNA
polymerase and promoter region
Template strand is used by polymerase to create a copy of the
coding strand
Pure agony Purines = Adenine + Guanine
Pyrimidines = Cytosine + Thymine
Nuceloside = Base + Sugar
Nucleotide = base + sugar + Phosphate (at 5 end)
Deoxynucleoside Triphosphates (DNTPS)
Semi conservative replication by DNA polumerase 5 to 3
DNA-a binds to DNA causing it to separate
DNA-b is a helicase enzyme, opening strands further
DNA, polymerase, primers, free nucleotides
95C se[eration, 50primers and 72C polymerase action
Southern blotting = isolation of DNA
o 1. Digest DNA w/ enzymes
o 2. Separate by dectophoresis
o 3. Blot DNA
o 4. Identifying probes
Gel electrophoresis change paplied, smaller fragments move
Insulin production by using restriction enzymes to cut plasmid
and insert appropriate gene
Exons expressed
DNA probe = complimentary isngle stranded DNA that is

Mitosis + Meiosis
Metaphase is when the chromosomes are most condensed
In males the second meiotic division occurs straight away (as
soon as the sperm is formed), whereas in females, its not
completed until fertilisation.
Mendel and his theories can come up
(learn the packaging of DNA)
o DNA undergoes packaging, as its wrapped around histone
proteins to form nucleosome which is coiled further by
binding to another histamine between the space between
the nucleosome and chromosome.
Centromere is the centre, responsible for segregation during
Telomeres are CG rich and prevent freying at the end of the
chromosome, roughly 5 base pairs

Learn planes
Were abiding by the 2004 tissue act
Jacks notes anaemia

Learn Osmolality = Moles/

Osmalarity = Moles/litre of solution
Ampiphhilic = Hydrophobic + hydrophillic

Maths, stats, good 5 marks
You give Tacrolytis after a transplant (1 mark)
Benders Lecture (Maddie bangham biochem)

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