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Welcome to ART

Artists use the elements of art and principles of design to create art. In this class, we
will study these basic ideas to help you learn, create, and improve as an artist.
Grades are given for each art class attended. Your daily grade is very important. It
reflects how focused you are in the class and what you have learned. Doing quality
work in each art class adds up to an art project that is completed to the best of your
individual ability. There are a total of 100 pts for each class.
1.BE PREPARED FOR ART- 15 ptsYou are required to bring a pencil and spiral
notebook to each class. Some classes may require items from home for projects. You
are responsible for bringing these times in when needed.
beginning of class will be on the promethean board. It should be completed each
class. I will check to see if it is completed daily. When critiquing art, please use
positive language. The art room is a place where we talk about different kinds of art
and cultures. All art and individuals should be respected.
3.INSTRUCTIONS AND OBJECTIVES- 30 pts---When instructions are given please listen
without talking. During this time I will give important instructions and steps to follow
to have a quality work of art. The objectives will also be stated so you will know what
elements, principles, and techniques of art are required. If you need to ask questions
dont be afraid, please raise your hand.
4.STUDIO TIME- 30 pts---Use your studio time wisely. This is the only time you have
to complete art projects. Soft inside voices are acceptable during studio time. All
projects are expected to show your knowledge of the objectives and good
craftsmanship. Most projects take more than one day so there are usually criteria that
should be completed for each class.
5.CLEAN UP AND DISMISSAL- 10pts---You are expected to clean your work area before
leaving class. All materials and art work should be put in designated places. Write
your name on the bottom right hand corner on the back. Please leave the art room in
a quiet manner.
Points are taken off of the daily grade for not following instructions, requirements, or
art room procedures. We will be using many types of materials and you are
responsible for using these materials in the appropriate manner.

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