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Monday, August 31, 2015

Today I worked on creating video game documents for my Haunted House Game
assignment. I first on my main character for the game.

Her name is Elise, as suggested by Casmira Harrison. Shes a typical teenage girl
with black hair and purple eyes but shell end up in a non-typical situation. I chose
this character for my game because the style of this sprite is more cartoonish and
not as pixelated.

Compared to Elise the other one looks more pixelated and not as real looking even
though both of them are great but for this game I want a more cartoonish look to it.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Today I worked on the full overhead view of the whole game map. The way I wanted
my game to be is a giant maze that has no light whatsoever except in the starting
point of the game which is in the center of the maze. The only way youll be able to

see is to pick up a lantern and along the way some fuel for the lantern to stay lit so
you can see.

In the center is the starting point which will be a square room with light coming in
from the roof and four locks on four doors. The pencil lines are all walls and paths
thatll take you around the map with red pen lines to show the paths that are
possible to take. The shaded blocks are all rooms that are accessible except for the
doors with locks on them which would require a key to pass through. Throughout
the game there will be some other things to collect, monsters, and things to scare

Friday, September 4, 2015

Today I worked on finishing the videogame documents and I helped out Bryce with
his game by adding a code to his game that would make his game a platformer.
This part of the code is placed into a create event in Game Maker which will create
any instances placed inside the event.
///Initialize Variables
grav = 0;
vspd = 0;
hspd = 0;
-These will set the gravity, vertical, and horizontal speed to zero when nothing has
been pressed.
This part of the code will be placed in a step event which will keep checking
throughout the game for any if statements in the code to have been met and
///Platform Physics

if !place_meeting(x,y+1,obj_wall) -If you arent colliding with the wall.

grav = .5; -Then set the gravity to 0.5
vspd += grav; -And the vertical speed will add and equal to the gravity.
else -Otherwise
grav = 0; -The gravity will be 0
vspd = 0; -And the vertical speed will be 0
if keyboard_check_pressed(vk_up) If the up arrow key is pressed
vspd = -10; -Then set the vertical speed to -10 which will cause the player to
move upward in a jumping moition.
if keyboard_check_released(vk_up) If the up arrow key is released
vspd *= .5; -Then multiply the vertical speed by 0.5 which will cause the player to
accelerate as it falls down.
if vspd > 8 If vertical speed is greater than 8
vspd = 8; -Then vertical speed is 8
repeat(abs(vspd)) Checks every pixel for a collsion
if !place_meeting(x,y+sign(vspd),obj_wall) If the player doesnt collide with the
y += sign(vspd); -Then add to the y value 1 pixel at a time, letting use check
for a collision every pixel

vspd = 0; -Stops moving vertically
hspd = (keyboard_check(vk_right)-keyboard_check(vk_left))*4; -This checks whether
we are pressing the left or right arrow keys and if so it will move the player 4 pixels
in that direction per second
repeat(abs(hspd)) Checks every pixel for a collision
if !place_meeting(x+sign(hspd),y,obj_wall) -If there is no block to our left or right
x += sign(hspd); -Add to the x value depending on which way we are going

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