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Nome: Dbora Aparecida Marques de Assis

Resumo do texto: Forever Young

According to a large-scale study conducted since the end of 1970
(nineteen seventy), it has taken longer for each successive generation to finish
school, establish financial independence, marriage and children.
In the age of twenty-five years from today, compared with the
generation of their parents are twice as likely to still be students, only half of
being married and fifty percent are receiving financial assistance from their
Prolonged adolescence is a good thing, because it promotes novelty
seeking and acquiring new skills.
Studies show that in adolescence the brain is influenced by
experience. As we leave adolescence, a series of neurochemical changes the
brain becomes less plastic and less sensitive to environmental influences.
Those who can prolong adolescence actually have an advantage, as
log as their environment gives them continued stimulation and increasing
challenges. One example is higher education, which has been shown to
stimulate brain development and to the brain to increase its ability to profit from
further enriching experience.

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