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Q1. Answer any three including (b)
(a) What is ANOVA and reason for doing an ANOVA?
(b) Is multiple t-tests logical in comparison of the means of more than two independent
groups/levels? If not, why?
(c) Limitations and when to use a one and two -way ANOVA.
(d) When do multiple comparison test? Write down some important multiple comparison
Q2. Answer any three including (c)
(a) What are the difference between MLR model and MC model?
(b) Discuss how to estimate regression coefficients from the model and evaluate the multiple
regression equation.
(c) Discuss the coefficient of multiple determination (R2) including adjusted R2with example.
(d) When do multiple comparison test? Write down some important multiple comparison
Q3. Answer any three including (a)
(a) How to determine whether the overall regression is significant? If significant, what is the
(b) What is partial correlation and how can calculate partial regression coefficients for 4
variable case?
(c) What is multi-collinearity and how can you tell whether you have multicollinearity in
your data?
(d) Discuss Stepwise Regression.
Q4. Answer any three including (b)
(a) Briefly discuss the concept of logistic regression analysis.
(b) Why linear regression model makes no sense when your dependent Y variable is binary
(only takes the values of 0 or 1)?
(c) What are the difference between linear regression and logistic regression?
(d) Discuss odds and odds ratio with example.
Q5. Answer any three including (a)
(a) Briefly discuss the concept of discriminant function analysis.
(b) Discus different types of discriminant function analysis.
(c) Discuss classification based on Mahalanobis distance in discriminant analysis?
(d) Isn't discriminant analysis the same as cluster analysis? If no, why?

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