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70s Quorum Records Roll Book of 17th Quorum of 70 - Organized 19 Jan 1845 by

Joseph Young
Horace B. Owen
I, son of James C. Owen, the son of Benjamin was born in Mercer Co., Pa. in the year
1819. My family moved from there to Ohio, Portage Co. in February 1831. I was
baptized into this Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and in the spring of
1832 we moved to Jackson County, Missouri and from Jackson to Clay and from Clay
to far-West, Caldwell Co. Then I removed to Adams Co., Ill. In the spring of 1839,
and in april, 1841, I was ordained into the Quorum of Seventies where I remained
until January 14th (or 19th) 1845 when I was ordained one of the Presidents of the
Seventeenth Quorum.
I now reside four miles from Nauvoo down the river.

Church Genealogical Library

Library Call Number: CHO CR 499 #58

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