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Horace Burr Owens Obituary

Born in Pennsylvania in 1819, and baptized in 1831,Horace Burr Owens helped build
both the Kirtland and Nauvoo temples, was a member of Zions Camp, served often
as a guard to protect his co=religionists from mob violence and was in the exodus
from Nauvoo in 1846 in Brigham Youngs company. He was detained at Mt. Pisgah,
Iowa by illness and therefore could not come to Utah with the original band of
pioneers. The date of his arrival was September 1852. In territorial military affairs,
he was in the Echo Canyon and early Indian wars. After making his home in
Fillmore, he was called to work as a stonecutter and mason on the Salt Lake temple.
Later, he moved to St George to work in the same capacity on the temple there.
About 1877, he was called to help in the building of the Manti temple and moved his
family there. Thus, having then been employed upon every temple built by the
Latter-day Saints except the one in Logan. In 1882, he moved to Woodruff, Ariz.
Where he labored on the dam from which the settlers drew their water supply. And
at that place he died in June, 1897, respected wherever known for his usefulness,
industry, and integrity.

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