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Today i will try to explain to you about my experience in jambi university.

Maybe i
intoduce myself , my name indra jaya, I am fom kerinci in specific at lolo hilir ,
that is the best place i ever see in this life, i always wnt come back to my village.
Now iam in 23 year old, iam shy about my age, because all of my friends in
collage still 20th year old. Sometime when my friend uttrance my i feel angry.
I have problem in my study, mainly in literature, i dont really like that suect, you
khow that is not interesting MK but the rule said that is the importance MK in
prody. Last semester, i try to undertand that subject but, i cannot get the point
from that sbuject. May be in ur heart asking why i took that material in the first,
i just wanna what ever ur background we still in this jamaah.
Today, at the first i meet pak abu to get his signature. After that i have class
statictic at 10.30 in UPT,
In the afternoon, i will convey letter at dinas pendidikan, actually this is not

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