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Installation instructions:

$ sudo R2016a_glnxa64/install
- Select "Use a File Installation Key"; Next; Next...
- Select "I have the File Installation Key for my license" and put: 09806-0744353955-64350-21751-41297 ; click "Next".
- Choose installation folder, e.g., /opt/matlab/R2016a ; next; next... wait som
e minutes to finish install.
- After installation finishes, execute:
$ sudo cp -av /opt/matlab/R2016a/bin/glnxa64
$ sudo /opt/matlab/R2016a/bin/matlab
- Select "Activate manually without the Internet"; next
- In "Enter the full path to your license file[...]", provide the full path to '
Matlab_R2016a_glnxa64.lic' file. Next; Finish;
Now you can open Matlab with your normal user by running:
$ matlab (if you allowed matlab installation to create shortcuts for you in /usr
$ /opt/matlab/R2016a/bin/matlab

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