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Definition of Political Law

Is the branch of public law which deals with the organization and operation of the
governmental organs of the State and defines the relations of the State w i t h
t h e i n h a b i t a n t s o f i t s t e r r i t o r y. I t e m b r a c e s c o n s t i t u t i o n a l l a w , l a w
o f public officers, law on elections, and law of public corporations.

Constitutional law is the body of law which defines the relationship of different
entities within a state, namely, the executive, the legislature, and the judiciary.
A constitution is a set of fundamental principles or established precedents
according to which a state or other organization is governed.[1] These rules together
make up, i.e. constitute, what the entity is. When these principles are written down
into a single document or set of legal documents, those documents may be said to
embody a written constitution; if they are written down in a single comprehensive
document, it is said to embody acodified constitution. Some constitutions (such as
the constitution of the United Kingdom) are uncodified, but written in numerous
fundamental Acts of a legislature, court cases or treaties.
Administrative law
the body of rules and procedures that organizes government and provides mechanismsf
or redress of grievances as a result of decisions or actions of government. For lawyers it
s main practical manifestation isseen in cases of JUDICIAL
REVIEW of administrative action.
The entire field of political law may be subdivided into:
(1) The law of public administration
-organization andmanagement of the different branches of thegovernment
(2) Constitutional law - guaranties of the constitution to individual rights and
the limitations on governmentalaction
(3) Administrative law
- exercise of executive power in themaking of rules and the decision of
questions affectingprivate rights
(4) The law of public corporations
-governmental agencies for local government or for other special purposes
Election law is a discipline falling at the juncture of constitutional law and political
science. It researches "the politics of law and the law of politics".

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