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Pediatrics exam questions

1-Picture of a kid with measles

2-Picture of Giardia lamblia
3-How much would you give a 10kg kid with 10% dehydration in 24 hrs?
4-Calculate the maintenance fluid for a 16kg kid?
5-What is the most common cause of viral hepatitis?
6- What signifies an abnormal urinalysis: 1-2RBC/HPF 1-2 WBC/HPF, RBC casts, USG,
7- What is the most common cause of FTT?
8- What is the most common form of child abuse?
9- What best describes cancer treatment approach in children?
10-Which are the most accurate milestones for a 9 month old child?
11- What are the vaccinations for a 6 month old child?
12- What is the most common causative organism of bronchiolitis?
13- Prophylaxis for bronchiolitis? Palivisumab
14- A patient with limping
15- Which age best describes the onset of frontal sinusitis?
15- Which best describes a defect in the urea cycle?
16- A 2 year old kid playing in the kitchen with his sister, suddenly starts coughing (FBA).
Best modality to diagnose? Answers included: MRI, insp/edp view, single chest view, CT of
17- Which is the cause of an increased production of indirect hyperbilirubinemia? Answers
included: CN syndrome types 1, 2, isoimmune hemolysis
18- Most common perinatal virus that will cause chronic hepatitis?
19- Tips for a mother counseling her about her childs fever
20- Guidelines in the management of diabetes is to make all patients do what? Answers
included: 2 CBCs/year, measuring cholesterol,
21- What do you do with a newborn with a liver span of 5 cm, 2cm below costal margin?
22- Which of the following in a newborn will require further investigations? ( Answers
included: white discharge from vagina, hairy patch in lumbar region
23- Most likely organism in causing diaper rash? Answers included E. coli
24- What is the incidence of febrile convulsions in healthy infants?
25- How many URI or episodes ofwill a normal child experience per year?
26- What is the most common cause of congenital hydrocephalus?
27- Which of the following will most likely complicate into a sensurineural hearing loss?
Answers included: meningitis, OM, meningoencephalitis
28- Which is the most likely organism causing SSPE?
29- Which mutation best describes Downs Syndrome?
30- Which is NOT a feature of Turners syndrome?
31- A female child with wide breast nippleswhat is her karyotype?
32- A tall male with .Answer: Klinefelter syndrome
33- Which is the correct growth rate of a child between 3-10 years of age?
34- A 1 year old female child has everything normal but becomes cyanosed when she cries
and loses consciousness, what is the most likely diagnosis? Answers included: CHD, breath
35- What is the most common congenital heart defect? Answers included: TGA, TOF,
36- What age is the closest to a kid who pull herself to stand, babbles,
37- Questions about xanthems, onset of rash at day 4 with fever subsiding
38- Acetaminophen intoxication mostly affects which organ system?
39- What is the most likely sequence of events in iron poisoning?
40- What is the most common cause of iron deficiency anemia?
41- Deferoxamine binds to which type of iron?
41- Measuring what levels is the most reliable in detecting iron poisoning?
42- Which vitamin is not found in breast milk?
43- Calculating the Apgar score, pay attention to grimace reflex
44- Which first develops in a female reaching puberty- Breast bud
45- Which first develops in a male reaching puberty- Testes, Tanner score
46- A case describing the features of Wiskott Aldrich syndrome
47- What factor is prolonged in hemophilia A?
48- What is most common age group for Wilms tumor?
49- What is the inheritance of G6PD?
50- In which of the following diseases would you find Heinz bodies?
51- What describes the inheritance of Wilsons disease?
52- Which of the following are used for controlling asthma? LABA

53- A healthy child comes back with apnea after a football match. Answers included:
exercise induced asthma
54- Protecting a child with Hep B or something, Answers included giving him Hep vaccine
and IG?
55- Description of tension headache
56-Which biochemical markers will be decreased in congenital rickets?
56- Question about performing full septic work up in neonate with fever
57- Question about most common organism causing pneumonia in the mentioned age
58- Best urine sample in 6 month old child. Answers included: Needle aspiration, from
indwelling catheter
59- Human milk is higher than cow milk in which dietary component?
60- Which is the most common risk factor for UTIs. Answers included: public swimming
pool, constipation, wiping after urination from the front to the back
61- Question about the management of Kawazaki disease and gammaglobinemia
62- Major rationale behind treating Pharyngotonsillitis, Prevent RHD
63- What is the causative organism for croup?
64- Question describing a child that does not speak and has no social interest. Autism
65- Question about UTI lab tests, sensitivity and specificity of LE
66- Most common cause of short stature in children? Answers included: GH deficiency,
familial, hypothyroidism
67- Question about the highly specific findings of child abuse or SBS. Posterior rib fractures
68- You confirm a patient has orbital cellulitis if he cannot perform what movements?
69- How would your vaccination defer in a premature baby?
70- Child presenting you with billous vomiting, abdominal distention, abdominal pain, and
guarding. What is the most likely diagnosis?
71 what is the pattern of inheritance for GCPD?
72 in what disease you would find find Hienz bodies on a blood smear?
73 in Hemophelia A, what will increase? PTT, PT INR
74a febrile child with OM. Mom is concered about the fever.
My A: Systemic response
75-Most common type of maltreatment
My A: Physical
76- Most common cause of failure to thrive.
My A: Malnutriotion
77-Child with nephrotic syndrome, treated with steroids for 6 week. Presented with diffuse
abdominal pain, distension. Vital signs are normal. WBC high with neutrophils
predominance. X-ray no abnormal finding. What is the most likely diagnosis?
My answer: Gastroenteritis
I heard other students saying intussusception
78-Which of these is considered as pathologic jaundice?
My answer: jaundice in the second week of age in a full term mature newborn
Q Which of the following is true about ALL
My answer: some genetic abnormality such as ETV6-RUNX1 can be predictive of the
prognosis and response to treatment
Q What is true about UTI? Wipping back to front will cause infections?
Q cephalhematoma which layer?
Q cfibrosis recurrent infect foul smelling stool how to diagnos?
Love you all

Osce stations ;
1- Febrile convulsions- Emergency admission and its appropriate managements
-including drugs.
2- developmental Milestone: you'll be shown 2 videos, 1- baby crawling 2- baby
grasping and eating food. You'll be asked about what milestone is being tested for
each video, then they'll ask you what milestone precede the one shown and what
milestone comes after it.
3- Vaccination: they asked about a vaccination for a 6 month old child, what

vaccination should be given, when is the next vaccination visit and what
vaccination is given in that visit. Also, you'll be asked about the side effects, the
generalized, localized and the anaphlactic ones.
4- Leukemia: you'll be shown a CBC with low Hb, highly elevated WBC, low platelets
then they asked about the diagnosis and DDx, how to Dx and Tx.
5- Hx taking: they asked to take Hx from a women with a 16 days old child who is
being lethargic, feverish and refusal to be fed. u are asked to take chief complaint
and neonatal Hx -she had a GBS6- Hx presentation: present the Hx from the previous station^ and list your DDx
and Tx and how to Dx.
7-Genetic counseling: You'll be asked to give a genetic counseling for to a mother
with a child who has trisomy 21 -Down's Syndrome-. they asked about S & S,
inheritance, risk of recurrence.
8- Complete Respiratory exam: don't forget to get the growth parameter and vital
Love you all

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