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Executive Summary

Veterans of Foreign Wars

Veterans of Foreign wars is a nonprofit service organization for US military veterans.

As the number of disabled veterans seems to increase every, day we are here to try
to make life better for them as a thank you for their sacrifice. We would like to
propose a plan to the City of Sullivan to adapt a new city wide ordinance for
disabled veteran parking at all businesses located in the city of Sullivan. We have
issued a survey to the local are to see if the results would be useful.
Our goal and objective with our survey that we issued to the community was to see
if there was a need for the parking. Our outcomes had a wide array of results but we
feel with these results that we would definitely benefit from this action going forth
and trying to get this accomplished.
Results of the survey are as follows:
When asked how easy is it to find parking at local businesses in our community? Not
one local resident answered extremely easy but 45.83% answered with somewhat
easy and a staggering 29.17% didnt find it easy at all.
When asked how easy is it for people with a disability to get around these parking
lots? 41.67% of residents that took the survey stated it was not easy.
When asked are you a disabled veteran? These answered were almost a dead heat
with 41.66% being a disabled veteran, and 58.33% not being a disabled veteran.
When asked would you utilize disabled parking at local businesses in our
community? 37.50% said yes they would, 41.67% said they would not, and 20.83%
said they was unsure at the time of the survey.
When asked how often do you visit businesses in your community? They answered
with 83.33 % very often and 12.50% not very often.
When asked are you male of female? They answered 50.00% male and 50.00%

We see these results as a possible need to move forth on our plan to try to achieve
our goal of disabled veteran parking in our community. With the number of disabled
veterans increasing in our community to as close as almost 50%, it is time that we
start showing them some support for keeping us safe at home. We can then attempt
to make life a little more manageable for them when they do have to be out in our
community doing business at our local businesses. We see this as a very achievable
goal that could more than likely be a growing trend in other communities. So lets
set the bar high and make our little community shine.

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