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1.Photo: Dark discolouration on the side of the nose.After excision

report shows it as a Nodular malignant malanoma.WOF is next Mx(Antho-397 picture on the Sole)
b.Do nothing
c. Wider local excision
d. Radiotherapy
e. Excision
2.Photo:A child with rash on the buttocks and legs .Both ankles
swollen and tender, also abdominal pain,but no fever. No neck
stiffness.WOF is most common major complication- (Dx:HS
purpura ;AMC-286)
3.Photo: One X-ray and one Mammogram of Breast (Anthology104).Dx:
a.Breast Cyst
4.Photo:Lipoma on the neck of a man.H/O soft swelling present for
last 3 yrs, never had any trouble for that swelling.But now he came to
you for your opinion.WOF you will doa.Reassure, nothing need to do ( Anthology-399)
b.Refer for specialist opinion
5.Photo:X-ray chest of a 8 months old infant with opacity in Rt lower
zone and pneumatoceles(Staph. Pneumonia).Rx- (AMC: Fig-119)
I/V Flucloxacillin
6.Photo: Psoriasis in the forearm ( Anthology Book-buttock).WOF is
your Rxa.Topical steroids (Antho-410)
c.Intralesional Steroids
7.Photo:Eye and dilated pupil.Man came to you with h/o pain in the
eye, also has headache and vomiting.Mxa.Tropical Acetazolamide
b.Patch the eye to look for FB
cAtropine eye drops
d. Topical Pilocarpine
8.Photo: A growth in the palm;developed over 2 weeks in a manual
labour.DxPyogenic granuloma (Anthology-398)
9.Photo: A man came with a soft swelling in groin for last 2 years.It is
soft, slowly growing over inguinal ligament & lateral to pubic
tubercle.WOF is your Dxa. Lipoma
b. Inguinal Hernia (May-2005)

c. Femoral Hernia
10.Photo: X-ray chest of a 9 months old infant as shown in AMC
book(page-119). What is the Dx? Staph. Pneumonia( But most
common in this age group is Streptococcus pneumonia)
11.Photo: CT Scan. A lady complains that she feels her left side of
body she feels heavy. She also has paralysis & weakness of left side.
WOF is your Dxa. Cerebral Tumour
b. Cerebral Haemorrhage
c. Cerebral Infarction
d. SAH
12.ECG: Wide QRS complex and tall T wavea.Hyperkalaemia
13.ECG : Inferior Infarction
14.ECG: Ventricular Fibrillation
15.ECG:Vetricular Ectopic
16.ECG: WPW Syndrome.What is the Rxa.Surgical ablation of the extra circuit
b. Radiofrequency ablation of the abnormal tract
17.A pt. present with ptosis of left eye, left side sensory loss of face.
Left side gag reflex was absent, Rt. Sided hemiparesis and
incoordination of Rt. Upper and lower limb.Where is the lesion?
a.Middle Cerebral Artery
b.Internal Carotid Artery
c. Vertebral Artery
d. Multiple Sclerosis
e.Post. Cerebral Artery
18.A baby has jaundice just after delivery. Mother is Rh ve, baby
also Rh ve. Coombs Test is ve.What may be the Dx?
a.Autoimmune condition
b.ABO incompatibility
c.Rh incompatibility
19.Apparent shortening due to severe osteoarthritis of the hip is due
a.Fixed adduction
b.Fixed flexion
c.Degeneration of head of femur
20.Median nerve injury above the wrist.WOF is trueparalysis of abductor pollicis brevis with inability to abduct the thumb
21.In pt. with pancreatitis for purpose of statistical studies ,AOF are
useful EXCEPT-

a.Case control
c.Case report/case study(one study)
d.Double blind study
e.Systemic review
22. What a 3 yrs. Old can do?
a.Draw a man with 6 parts
b.Hop on one foot
c.Climb stairs
d.Name four colours
23.AOF are used in BISHOP Score , Excepta.Cervical length
b.Cervical dilatation
c.Position relation to ischial spine
d.Moulding of the head
e.Cervical effacement
24.WOF is X linked Recessive?
Haemophilia .
25.WOF is a feature of Parkinsonisma..Loss of postural reflex
d Wide based gait.
26.WOF is not a feature of Lacunar Infarct?
c.Face weakness(sensory loss of face)
d.Difficulty in walking
e.Increase Reflexes
27.A patient who was previously well comes to you with complains of
weakness for last 2 weeks, his reflexes in lower limbs are absent
though in upper limbs are normal.What will be the CSF findingsa.Elevated protein, elevated glucose, elevated leucocytes
b.Elevated protein, normal glucose,leucocytes< 5ml
c.Normal protein,normal glucose, leucocytes>5ml
d.No ignificant abnormality
28.Child with her mother in a Supermarket picked a packet of
Baloon.His mum snatched it & kept in place.The child started crying
and at one stage he became unconscious but regain consciousness
within 45 seconds.WOF may be the causea.Petitmal epilepsy
b.Infantile spasm
c. Breath holding attack
d.Complex partial seizure
e.Grand mal seizure
29. All of the following are feature of ROSS RIVER, Excepta.Chest pain

b.Muscle pain Davidson-107

30.A man came to a country hospital in East Timor because of sudden
onset of vomiting and headache after a Motor Vehicle
Accident(MVA).He was conscious at the time of admission.There was
no visuable major injury,so he was sent home after observation.But 3
days later he became unconscious and O/E there was unilateral fixed
dilated pupil,BP-increased, Pulse-decreased.He was taken to a tertiary
hospital in Dili.Which will be the immediate Mxa.X-ray of the skull
b.Immediate Bur hole of the Skull (Rx of Extra Dural Haematoma)
c.Anti oedema measures [Investigation: CT Scan]
d.Carotid angiogram
31.Tennis elbow,cause isOverstretch of the common extensor tendons origin at elbow
32.A pt. complains of severe pain on pressing on nail of thumb.WOF is
most likely the causea.Fibrosarcoma
c.Glomus tumour
33.WOF is compatible with severe illness:
a.Increased cortisol, increased THS Dav-552
b.Both cortisone and THs decreased- (Sehan synd.)
c.Increased cortisol, decreased THS(Cushing Synd.+Hyperthyroidismworst combination )
d.Decreased cortisol, increased THS
e.Normal cortisol, increased THS
34.WOF drugs have strongest negative ionotropic action:
35. Six month old infant was brought by his parents.Had funnyturns,
sudden flexion of upper and lower limbs for one week.Previously had
coryzal illness.Now child not responding like previously.DxInfantile spasm
36.On 10th day after appendectomy apatient presents with diarrhoea
with fever and difficulty in passing urine, what is the most likely
Pelvic abscess
37.In Haemochromatosis, WOF will suggest diagnosis?
a.Serum Fe
b.Serum Ferritin
c.Iron daturation
d.Serum transferrin
38.Mother came with her 3 month old baby,she told you that her baby
cries a lot at evening time.Mother wants to know does the baby cry
when he becomes hungry or any other cause, and what she needs to
do when her baby cries.

Reassure the mother

39. After screening with faecal blood test WOF is the correct
percentage of detection of Duke A1 colonic carcinoma: Scott-323
b.15% ( Duke A-tumour confined to bowel wall-survival 90%)
40.WOF is a feature of Thyrotoxicosis?
a.Fine tremor
b. Distal myopathy
c.Small muscle weakness.
41.You are called to solve a problem between a nurse and a
psychiatric patient. On your arrival the pt. told you that he should be
allowed to remove his I/V line as he has private insurance & you being
a doctor would understand this, because you would also have private
insurance,and as a doctor you would not like these nurses those who
has no private insurance.What is the appropriate Dx of this case?
(Compare Q.17/Oct.,04 & Q.9/May2000)
42.A 56 yrs old man has h/o melanoma.He is suffering from
depression and now he behaves very percusly.He doesnt believe he
has any depression or needs any treatment.What is your Dx?
a.Relapse of depression
b. Psychotic depression
c.Effects of melanoma.
43.A 3 yrs old child came with her mother.The child has been
suffering an attack usually once in a month.The attack lasts for 2-3
minutes and during the attack she is seen in spinning.She does not
loose conscious during that, but feels frightened & runs to her
mothers lap for comfort.WOF is your Dx:
a.Minor form of epilepsy
b. Benign positional vertigo
c.partial complexe seizure
44. A 40 yrs old man comes with short history of malaise and
cachaxia when he was on a short trip to Bangkok.His wife thinks he is
suffering from jaundice.Now he presents with fever and chills.Blood
tests shows: S. Bilirubin- increased, Alk Phos- Much increased, ASTSlightly increased, ALT- Slightly increased.What is the Dx?
a.Viral Hepatitis
45.A lady comes to you with low BP(100/65), Pulse 120/minute.She
complains of pigmentation specially around her breasts.WOF is your
b. Addisons disease

c. Hyperaldosteronism
(In Oct.05 : Pt. presents with lathergy, mucous membrane
pigmentation and K+ : increased, Na+:123 mmol/L(decreased)BPlow and low glucose)
46.A 54 yr old man has CRF, his MCV is 80-90.It falls even more after
treatment with Erythropoietin;when the therapy was stopped he
becomes anaemic within two months.His condition is due toa.Fe def. Anaemia
b. Vit B12 def.
c.Folic acid def.
d.Bone marrow fibrosis
e.Red Cell atypia
47. An old man suffering from cancer.Surgeon says that the man has
no chance to survive whether gone for a operation or not.Surgeons
opinion is to send him home for rest of his life to live with his
family.But you feel that the pt. deserves every chance to be
operated.Your duty to explain the situation to the daughter of the
patient.What will you do?
a.You should say that though the surgeon does nt want to go for a
operation ,but you feel operation should be done.
b. Family should make an independent decision.
c.Request them to get him operated.
d.Put on your view aside and tell her the Surgeons opinion
48.WOF is not a feature of ischaemic ulcer?
a. Ulcer on the medial side
b.Ulcer on the great toe
49. WOF is not a feature of Bulimia Nervosa?
a. Amenorohea
b. Dental decay
c. Swollen tonsils
d. Hirsutism
50.A 62 yr old man presents with tiredness ,weight loss,anemia and
fatigability. What is the Ix you will do first?
a.Barium meal Oct.92
d.Fecal occult blood test
51.A patient has hammered his nail and came to you with Subungual
haematoma under his nail.WOF is your Mxa.Oral Trebinafine
b.Oral Griseoflvin OHCS-738
c.Remove the nail
d.Expressing the blood through a hole trephined in the nail
52. A 11 yr old boy has difficulty climbing stairs and walking &
running.O/E there is weakness of both legs and loss of reflexes.All
other exminations are normal.WOF investigations will confirm the Dx?
a.CSF analysis
b.Forced vital capacity
d.Nerve conduction study
53. An infant presents with a typical crowing noise on inspiration.The

noise is more noticeable on crying.There is no cough.WOF is the Dxa.Croup

b. Laryngomalacia ( Forrest-596 OHCS-558)
54. A 43 yr old man came to your surgery as he is worried about his
chances of getting of colon cancer.He told you that his father and
elder brother had died of colon cancer. What you will advice him?
55. Q. on repeated abortion.A female with H/O 2 abortion.
56.At what level OCP works?
b. Hypothalamus
57.Anti D immunisation.WOF is truea. Not required in B-ve baby
b. To be useful must be given within 24 hours of delivery of the baby
c. If given during second trimester can reduce the risk of
d. Is not required if there is associated ABO incompatibility
e. Is an active immunization
58.You are called to see a psychotic patient.On your arrival you see a
tall built strong man threatening with a riffle to shoot anyone who
approaches him.You shoulda.Command him to surrender
b.Subdue the pt. and snap the riffle
c.Call the Police informing the situation
59.A 5 yr old boy brought by his parents who is suffering from
delayed development of speech after a period of normal
development.O/E he avoids eye contact.Parents give h/o his unusual
love for a toy Turtle.WOF is most probable Dxa.Autism
60. Parents of a 6 yr old boy complain that their son is overactive, not
cooperative enough with other children at kindergarten, also of
destructive behaviour.But when kept alone, was found to be playing
happily with toys and other children.WOF is correcta.It is a normal variant
d.Poor parenting
61.WOF is true about ADHDa.Children has reading disability
b.The child responds to cognitive therapy
c.They responds very well to behavioural therapy
d.Commonly seen in pre-school age (5-7 yrs)
62. WOF is associated with ASDa.Diastolic murmur
b.Wide fixed split S2
63. A 34 yr old lady complains of weight loss.She says that she has
lost interest in day to day activities, and she feels hot.Her husband
says that her wife has become moody & irritable.Her conditions most
probably due to-

64.Supra condylar fracture of Humerus:structure most likely to be
damageda.Radial nerve
b.Brachial artery
c.Median nerve
65.A 33 yr old man came in ER with H/O 3 days vomiting followed by
mid abdominal pain.O/E abdomen is rigid, distended absent bowel
sound on auscultation.Plain X-ray shows multiple air fluid level.WOF is
the appropriate fluid therapy for the patient:
a.2000ml of dextrose in 4.5% NaCl preoperatively
b.2000 ml of Hartmanns solution preoperatively
c.2000ml of Hartmanns solution during the operation
66.What is true about SCOLIOSIS ?
Congenital and more common among girls than boys .
67.A 22 yr old football player during a game fell down in awkward
position, and developed pain and rapidly increasing swelling of the
knee. Anterior, posterior and lateral X-rays are normal.WOF injuries
you expect to finda.Tear of Medial Meniscus
b.Rupture of Anterior Cruciate Ligament
68.Leg ulcer due to peripheral neuropathy commonly located ina.Medial malleolus
b.Sole of the foot
70.Treatment of Alcohol withdrawl hallucinationa.Diazepam
71. Keratoacanthoma,WOF is trueFast growing tumour with spontaneous resolution
72. Ecstasy is very popular in Australia, commonly used by youngs;
its properties are similar toa.Cocaine
73.A patient came with weakness in extension of hand and of
pronation.O/E there is no wasting of hand muscles. Flexion normal,
Biceps and Triceps reflexes also normal,No Brachioradialis jerk.Where
is the lesion?
a.Median nerve July-2005
b.Radial nerve
c.Ulner nerve
d.Nerve to Postrior Interoseus
e.Nerve to Anterior Interoseus
74. What is the priority in a Motor Vehicle Accident(MVA):
a.Stop bleeding
b. Clear the airway @ A-B-C
c.Shine a torch in the pupils
75. The time of ovulation is accurately diagnosed by WOF?
a.Serial LH surge

b.Urinary LH
c.Regular basal body temp.
d.Estimation of progesteronein mid luteal phase
76.Treatment of Trigeminal NeuralgiaCarbamezepine
77.Function of Adductor Pollicis is lost.Which nerve is affected?
a. Median nerve
b. Radial nerve
c. Ulner nerve
78. Feature of Temporal Arteritis: Patient with loss of vision which
lasted for few minutes.WOF is correct?
a.Temporal arteritis
b.Lacuner infarct
c. Carotid artery stenosis
79.A 38 yr old lady with dull contineous headache, could not do her
daily work.Most appropriate Ixa.ESR
c.CT Scan
80. A 35 yr old lady came to ED with twitching of
fingers.Investigations done;CT normal.Reassuranca given.But after
few days she came back again with twitching in hand again.Another
CT & USG.Management:
Give calcium because this is hypoglycaemia
81. Patient with ileal resection causing increased INR.WOF is correcta.Non absorption of Vit. K (Normal INR 0.9-1.2)
b.Bleeding disorder
82.A patient with INR 2.1: An old man is on Warfarin and now he is
discovered with a resectable colon cancer.Management:
Stop Warfarin and start low dose Heparin; operate when INR is
83. A 29 yr old woman developed severe paroxysm of pain in check
and lip lasting for about 15-20 minutes.There is loss of sensation in
trigeminal nerve area.Most likely Dxa.Tic dorulex
b. Trigeminal neuralgia
c.Multiple sclerosis
d.Migraine without aura
84.A 18 yr old girl comes to you for your advice regarding
Contraceptives as she is going to start her sexual relationship.WOF
you will prescribe:
a. OCP
d. Low dose progesterone
85.WOF doesnt produce keratotic scale?
a. Basal cell carcinoma
b.Squamous cell carcinoma
c.Pityriasis versicolor

86.Hutchisons Melanotic Freckle,WOF is not correct?
a.Mainly occurs in the covered parts of body
b.Irregular border
d.Mostly occurs in the elderly
87. Q. on Submandibular Gland:Still to be recalled
88.A mother complains of her 10 months old baby who wakes up
during night many times.The baby is otherwise healthy and gaining
weight properly.The mother is worried about this.what is the Mxa.Urine culture
b.Give sedative to the baby
c.Tell the mother to cuddle the baby when he cries 89. A 45 year old
man has fainted.His BP is 90/50 and Pulse 110/min.Serum Na115(low), urine Osmolality-655.Most likely diagnosis is:
90. A man presents with sudden onset of Horners syndrome, 9 & 10
nerves palsy and loss of touch and temperarure sensation on the
opposite side of the body.Where is the site of lesion?
a.Vertebrobasilar artery
b.Basilar artery
c.middle cerebral artery
d.Vertebral artery
e.Carotid artery
91. A lady undergone surgery for gallstones.She developed fever and
tachycardia after 6 hrs.Oral Cholangiogram was done; findindings
were normal.Dxa.Atelectesis
b.Wound infection
c.Allergy to dye
92.A 63 yr old man presents with 3 days vomiting and has lost 3
kilos.Five years ago he was treated with cimetidine.Over the last two
months he has epigastric pain and has been treated with
aspirin.Vomitus is clear in colour with identifiable food paticles.The Dx
a.Drug induced gastritis
b.Chronic duodenal ulcer
c.Cancer of duodenum
d.Pyloric stenosis
e.Cancer of cardia
93. A 45 yr old lady complains of irregular menstrual bleeding.She
has been treated for CIN-II previously and a Pap smear done 6
months ago was fond normal.WOF is the most appropriate
investigation for her?
a.Colposcopy Repeat: March06
b.USG to detect endometrial thickness
c.Cone biopsy (see the difference: Q-40/oct04)
d.Endometrial curettage
e.Repeat Papsmear

94. A labourer who is a heavy smoker find difficult to perform his

duties and worried about his physical conditions.On examination there
is ankle oedema, raised JVP, huge hepato-splenomegaly and
ascitisWOF is likely- (May05)
b.Costrictive pericarditis due to previous tuberculosis
c.SVC obstruction
d.Budd Chiari Syndrome
95. A foot ball player while playing got injury in his Rt.Knee.The knee
is locked.Dx: [Outline of fractures-224:Locking is common &
Tear of Medial Meniscus feature of torn medial meniscus.Knee
suddenly gives way]
96.Two sisters are living together in a house.Elder sister thinks that
their neighbours are trying to poison them with germs,so they have
sealed their house.Younger sister believes what her sister says.But
she is normal when she is away from her elder sister.This is an
example clerabault syndrome (Oct.-2004)
b.Induced delusion
c.Capgras syndrome
d.Folieodoux syndrome
97. A 29 yr old lady comes to you with obesity, irregular cycles and
hirsutism.What will help you to Dx her conditiona.Increased FSH : increased LH
b.Incrased LH: increased FSH (Dx-Polycystic Ovarian Synd.)
c.Increased Prolactine level
98A 32 yr old primi in her 33 weeks of gestation informs you that her
babys movement suddenly become decrease for the last 28
hrs.Before that her pregnancy was going normal without any
problem.WOF would be your management to combat the concern:
a.USG [October03]
b. Do Cardiotopography(CTG)
c.Fetal Scalp pH
d.Immediate delivery of the baby
99. A 38 yr old primi of 39 weeks pregnancy admitted in Labour Unit
with the onset of regular uterine contraction,her cervix is 8 cm
dilated, fully effaced,station +1, initially fetal hear rate was 155 but
after a while on the progress of labour fetal heart beats suddenly falls
from 155 to 80 per minute; otherwise normal in respect of mothers
general condition.What would be your next step of Mx:
a.Fetal scalp pH
b.Cardiotopography (Oct.2003)
c.Vaginal examination to exclude any cord prolapse
d.Emergency delivery by C/S
e.Percutaneous umbilical sampling
100.A 57 yr old lady develops sudden onset of left sided weakness
and right eye blindness.This is most likely due toa.Vertebro-basilar insufficy
b.Pituitary tumour
c.Carotid artery stenosis
d.Cerebellar lesion
e.Retinal detachment
101.A girl lost her father 6 months ago.She can not get over it.She

lost weight 10 kg.Most important thing you need to enquire about

a.Eating pattern (May05)
b.Suicidal ideas
c.Menstrual regularity
102. Pleural Effusion: Typical presention.Stony dull on
percussions,bronchial breath sound above the area, restricted
movements on the affected side.
103.A patient presents with impaired sensation on medial aspect of
the hand, 4th and 5th fingers of the hand are flexed.Where is the
Ulner nerve at elbow
104.A pt. was on warfarin, he developed haematemesis and
melena.His INR is 10 times normal.WOF should be the management?
a.Fresh plasma infusion
b.I/V Fluids
c. Oral Vit-K
d.Transfuse blood
e.Intra muscular Vit-K
105.What is the best medication to give as Postcoital Contraception ?
b.Levonogestrol within 72 hrs,and second dose 12 hrs after the first
106.A lady recently married comes to you with vaginal
infection(cystitis).This is 3rd episode.Most appropriate Ixa.Vaginal swab
b.Husbands urethral swab
107.A female comes to you for infertility.Her LH increased, FSH
increased, Oestradiol decreased.Rx:
a.Clomiphen citrate
b.Give her Oestrogen daily
108.A young obese 24 yr old female with hirsutism, oligomenorrhoea
and irregular periods, was found to have endometrial
hyperplasia(benign)on curettage.AOF are appropriate
treatments,Excepta.Progesterone from 14 to 21 day of each cycle
c.Clomiphene citrate
e.Oestrogen alone
109.Pain in epigastrium which does not releifs by eating or any
effort.Has no relation with food.DxHiatus hernia
110.Question on Basal cell carcinoma
111.Rx of ADHD: Dexa amphetamine
112.Management of Supracodyler # of Humerus(Anthology book)
113.A boxer comes to the ED after a fight in which he was knocked
out.His left pupil is dilated, but otherwise he is normal and he feels
ok.WOF would you doa.Give Manitol

b.CT Scan of head

114.A man presents with pain over the L4 region.His X-ray shows
multiple metastatic lesions in the spine.WOF investigations is most
a. Prostate specific antigen
b. CT Scan
c. MRI
115.A young man comes to you with epigastric pain.His wife is
pregnant and he is on edge.AOF would support you inference that
he is an alcoholic,EXCEPTa.Attempt to Cut down in the past
b.Anger on enquiry CAGE- 1.cut down 2.anger 3.guilty 4.eye opener
c.Guilty about drinking
d.Eye opener (drink first thing in the morning)
d. Two bottle of light beer/day
116. A 12 yr old boy presented with painless lump in the scrotum for
the last 6 months.He is otherwise healthy grown up.What is the most
likely Dx?
c.Encysted hydrocelc of the cord
d.Saphena varix
117.A mother of a 4 yr old child noticed that there is a solid mass in
the Rt. Loin area of her child which she noticed for the first time with
occasional blood in urine.WOF is your initial Dx: OHCS-220
a.Neuroblastoma Wilms tumour:Commonest intraabdominal tumour
b.Wilms tumour childhood.Haematuria not common,but fever,flank
pain c c.Hydronephrosis abdominal mass found. USpelvicdisortion,hydronephrosis
d.Plycystic kidney disease .
118.Two months old childs mother noticed a firm lump in her baby in
the left side of upper abdomen while bathing.Child has bilateral
periorbital ecchymosis.what is the most likely cause?
a.Neuroblastoma May-2000
b.Wilms tumour
119.Mother of a 3 year old child noticed a mass in the abdomen on
the left side.AOF could be the cause,excepta.Hydronephrosis October96
c.Nephroblastoma(Wilms tumour)
d.Poly cystic kidneys(Die before 1 year of age )
e.Chr. constipation
120.In minimental examination WOF indicate severe outcome for the
a.Unable to recognize you
b.Unable to recall own identity
121. A 73 yr old woman presented with polymyalgia rheumatica.Most
likely characteristic of this disorderThere are fatigue,fever and depression

122.A baby with Downs syndrome is born to a couple who definitely

refuse to take the child home after failure to convince them.The most
appropriate course of action:
Arrange temporary foster care
123.An 8 yr old girl presents with abdominal protusion,anaemia and
tenderness.O/E there is a big irregular and mobile mass crossing the
Derived from sympathetic neuroblasts,most common solid tumour in
children<5yr.Likely to present with abdominal swelling and urinary
catecholamines (vanillylmandelic& homovanillic acids) raised in 92%
124.Hypospadias: incidence of 1:350 male birth.
125.All are autosomal recessive , Excepta.Neurofibroblastoma
d.Cystic fibrosis
e.Sickle cell anaemia
126.After his baby sister was born, a 6 yr old boy began suck his
thumb and wetting his bed, behaviour he had grown out of long
before.This is an instance ofa. Regression
127.A child has swollen joints and cries whenever the napkin is
changed, irritable, ecchymoses and hyperplastic gums. WOF is Dx ?
128.A multigravida presents at 37 weeks gestation, not in labour, with
a breech presentation and ruptured membranes.What should you do
a.Immediately C/S
b.Vaginal examination
129.A 23 yr old man limped into ED and stated that he was kicked in
the post. Aspect of the leg during a game of foot ball.He experienced
immediate sharp pain which subsided.O/E there is decreased planter
flexion.What is the DxRupture of achillis tendon
130.Peritonsilar abscess(Quinsy): Caused by Streptococcus& Trismus
131.Zygomatic bone (maxillo facial) fractures characterized bya. Involvement of infraorbital nerve
b. Subconjuctival hge. with no definitive posterior limit
c. Loss of senstion over canine & first premolars
d. Partial trismus
e. All of the above
132.In senile dementia WOF would be least likely to be lost(last to
lose) :
a.Memory for faces
b.Memory fpr neighbourhood
c.Arithmetic memory
d.Language memory(vocabulary)
e.Short term memory
133.WOF is most likely to be damaged during carotid endarterectomy:
a .Vagus nerve

b.Hypoglossal nerve NMS-132

c.Facial nerve ( 1.vagus 2.hypoglossal 3.Recurrent laryngeal
4.Marginal mandibular)
d.Laryngeal nerve

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