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Funeral Paragraph

The poem, Funeral, written by Len Gasparini, tells the story of a

nephew, witnessing his/her uncles funeral, in the perspective of the
nephew (narrator). Gasparini seems to use similes throughout the entire poem, to in capture

the feelings experienced by the narrator of the poem. The flowers stand at attention, Arranged
like a choir for the occasion (2-3). Gasparinis use of similes, allow us; the reader, to connect
what the narrator is feeling, to something we know and see in our everyday lives. This way, we
too can feel what the narrator feels. The use of the word choir gives us a feeling of something
grand; since choirs are generally big, and perform at big events, yet glum at the same time, due
to the current situation. In his graveclothes, he looks immaculate as chalk (13). This example
of a simile, describes the late uncle, as plain, white, and lifeless, similar to that of a chalk. By
Gasparini choosing to compare the uncle to chalk, emphasizes how lifeless, emotionless, and
plain his/her uncle appears to be. Since Gasparini choose to focus on similes throughout his
poem, not only can we relate to the situation, but we can also imagine the scenario. Like when he
compared the uncle to a chalk, I can imagine a white, pure, plain, face of a deceased family
member, sitting in a casket, surrounded by bouquet of flowers. As a result, Gasparinis choice of
the use of similes throughout the poem, Funeral, allows us the reader, to be put into the shoes
of the narrator, but alongside the similes, Gasparinis use of diction, allows us the reader, to
connect to the narrator, and at the same time, imagine the whole scenario.


Funeral Paragraph....................................................................................... 1
Hiiiiii........................................................................................................................ 1
Sdlfk;slfk............................................................................................................... 1
Byeeeee............................................................................................................ 3
the................................................................................................................. 3


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