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C. COE SWOBE ATTORNEY AT LAW 3 Bret Harte Avenue RENO, NEVADA 89509 fi bec drug abuse follow fi ¢ Committee of ti Bar Since September ¢ Zach, eit : personally or by telephone. Ir a unter, Ph.D, and Oliver Ocskay, Ph.D. to deal with recovery issues, de e techniques and anger. He also attended weekly meetings of A s while in Las Vegas. In February of 2003, Zach moved back arents reside ontinued his weekly meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous and obtained an Alcoholics jous sponsor. In the early part of this e of alcohol and drug ts and interaction ptto live and demonstrate his recovery reased his attendance at A.A. meet er recovering alcoholics. Sino verifying attendance at over 135 A.A A.A. sponsor. I have personally every week this year. He has February 1, 2003 with hi nformed me that he has been clean and sober since Thave no reason to believe otherwise. I have discussed Zach’s recovery with other members of I profession who are members of Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers in Nevada and we concluded that Zach Coughlin is doing the Fight things o foster and build a solid program for recovery from the disease of alcohol and drug abuse. I believe, from my observation of Zach's performance and atitude over the past two years, thet iFhe continues on his present path of abstaining from alcohol and dinags, regularly attends A.A. meetings and closely associates with other recovering k members ofthe disease of alcohol and drug abuse, he will not relapse 2 EXHIBIT ae 110

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