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Lanier Middle School

2600 Woodhead * Houston, TX 77098 * 713 942-1900

An International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme School

Individuals and Societies- World Cultural Studies Syllabus

Courtney Berger
Room 339
School Phone Ext. 254
Twitter: @bergerhistory
Homework Hotline: 832-PEMDAS0 (832-736-3270)
Email is the best way for parents to contact me

Welcome to World Cultures 6M! During the year we will
explore different regions of the world through the "lens" of
ESPN; Economic systems, Social systems, Political systems &
the eNvironment.
Unit 1 ESPN
Unit 2 Middle East
Unit 3 Sub-Saharan Africa
Unit 4 Asia
Unit 5 Europe
Unit 6 the Americas

The Lanier operating principles are: I am responsible, I am respectful, I am safe, I am prepared. If you choose not to follow these
guidelines, Ms. Berger reserves the right to take punitive action including (but not limited to) lunch detention and/or afterschool
detention. Parents will receive email notification of assigned detentions.
The Lanier Middle School grading policy can be found on pages 17-18 of the student planner. It is your responsibility to check
GradeSpeed for your class grades and average.
Classroom Policies and Procedures
Lanier students are expected to arrive on-time to class. After a second instance of unexcused tardiness, detention will be assigned
(see student planner page 15.) Once inside the classroom, beginning of class procedures include writing your homework in your
planner and completing the daily warm-up question. The warm-up question is to be copied from the board into your notebook and
answered. Warm-ups are checked on notebook check days. During the first 10 minutes, the class is expected to be seated and
working quietly while I take attendance. There will be plenty of opportunities to share thoughts and ideas during class time;
classroom participation in discussions is encouraged AND we will also present many ideas to the class through individual and group
presentations. The class is dismissed by the teacher, not the bell.
No food or drinks in the classroom
No cell phones, PDAs, electronic games, laptops, iPods, mp3 players, or other electronic devices (except on BYOD days.)
Ms. Berger does not allow students to use the restroom or visit the water fountain during class time. (Once youre in, youre
in!) Make sure to take care of your personal needs during the passing period.
Late and Make Up Work Policy (Also see: pages 17-18 of the student planner)
If you are absent, you have missed important notes, activities, and homework. It is YOUR responsibility to collect the notes and
complete the work. You cannot receive an A on an unexcused late assignment.
- If you know that you will be absent in advance, pick up your work in advance.
- Email me the day that you are absent if possible.
- When you return, stop by my room during a passing period; I will sign your planner so you can catch up during Study Lab.
Supply List
Required Due Thursday 8/25 (red) or Friday 8/26 (purple)
Optional classroom donations
2 marble composition notebooks
1 ream of white or colored copy paper
Two rolls of tape (to be left in room 339)
Hand Sanitizer
Black pens
Loose leaf paper
Colored pencils
Expo Markers
Glue stick (replace often )
Paper towels
World Cultures divider (in cluster binder)
USB drive
Tablet/laptop/smartphone occasionally requested (Bring your own device/BYOD days only)

International Baccalaureate
Lanier Middle School is an International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme School. You may be used to hearing the term
social studies to refer to courses related to the humanities and/or social sciences, but as an IB school we refer to this content
area as Individuals and Societies. We will use IB Approaches to Learning in order to develop and refine skills in the areas of
communication, collaboration, knowledge-acquisition, problem-solving, and reflection.
Students will be evaluated on Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) using a traditional grading system as well as the IB
Individuals and Societies Subject Area Criteria: A. Knowing and Understanding B. Investigating C. Communicating D. Thinking
Critically. You will see these criterion on project rubrics and entered into the non-weighted IB category in GradeSpeed.
Extra Credit
Students are responsible for keeping up with assignments as they are issued. Every single assignment will be issues a point value,
and students often have opportunities to earn extra points beyond that score. However, I rarely offer extra credit assignments. I do
not believe in hail mary passes; I believe that students need to learn how to take care of business on a consistent basis.

STUDENT: I have read and I understand the course syllabus for World Cultures. I agree to abide by the classroom
expectations and policies as stated in the syllabus, I hold myself accountable to these standards, and I agree to work
hard to succeed in Ms. Bergers classroom.
Student Name Printed
Student Signature


PARENT/GUARDIAN: I have read and I understand the course syllabus for World Cultures. I agree to hold my child
accountable to these standards, and encourage him or her to work hard in Ms. Bergers classroom.
Parent/Guardian Name Printed
Parent/Guardian Signature


PARENTS: As verification that you have read this syllabus and to facilitate communication by
providing me with your contact information, please complete the following survey:
Please have the survey completed and the classroom contract signed and returned by Thursday, August 25
(red day) or Friday, August 26 (purple day.) This is your first homework assignment grade (10 points.) Do
not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
I cant wait to get to know each of you. We are going to have a fantastic school year!

Ms. Courtney Berger

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