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My name is Paola Andrea Garca Rincn

Im bacteriologist graduate in (2004) two thounsand four at Javeriana University.

Since then, I work at the Amazonia University
I work in the quality and food microbiology topic.
I love working in the lab, for this reason, today I will present laboratory.
The microbiology lab is located in the fourth floor of the Amazonia University
The laboratory has a coordinator and several women auxiliaries and one man
The Coordinator is Marcela Paredes her carrer is Chemical and particular
microbiology aux is Argenis her carrer is Biology
Here, There are optical microscopes, there are thermostated countainers,
autoclaves, bacterial incubators, and refrigerators.
There are lab gassware, elermeyers, beakers, thermosmeters, straight needle,
Petri dishes, agars, all material the objetive is isolating microorganisms, identifying
This laboratory is for teaching, biology clases, microbiology classes, histology
classes, and provides research services.
The amazonia University have diferente reas of microbiology

Clinical microbiology area by Doris Professor

Biological microbiology rea by Tarin Professor
molecular microbiology rea by Tarin Professor
Veterinary microbiology rea by Julio Blanco Professor
Food microbiologgy rea by me, Paola Garcia
Quality control by Paola
Food biotechnology rea by Paola

I invite you to reaserch in microbiology and biotechnology field in the Amazonia


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