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Chapter 2

Animal cell


Cell membrane

Animal cell:
Cell wall: give shape to cell / support/ maitains shape
Nucleus: controls cell activities and has genetic informtion
Chloroplats: has green pigment called chrophyll to trap sunlight for
Cytoplasm: provides water and nutrition for chemical reaction
Cell membrane: controls subtances moving in and out of cell
Vacuole : contains cell sap which stores water, mineral salts andd nutrition( some
animal cells have it)


Eye piece: to observe and magnify speciment

Light souce/mirror: to reflect light toward obj lens
Base: support microscope
Arm: hold microscope
Coarse focus knob/fine focus knob: to raise / lower body tube when low or high
power obj lens is being used
Stage : to support glass slide
Dighphargm: controls amount of light entering obj lens
Condenser: focus light on speciment
Body tube : holds obj lens

Use of microscope

Hold microscope by armand base place on flat surface

Use coarse focus knob to raise body tube
Adjust to low power obj lense so directly above hole on stage
Adjust mirror and diphragm until white bright cicle is seen
Place slide use clip to hold
Turn coarse focus knob clockwise to lower bdy tube obj lense almost
touches slide 0.1 cm gap
7. Turn fine focus knob anti clock wise till sharp image is formed
8. Change to high power obj lense turn fine focus clockwise till speciment
seen clearly
9. Remove slide from stage

How to ready speiment:

Animal cell
1 use tooothpick
2:place is on glass silde
3: drop a drop of methyle blue solution on glass slide so cell can se clearly
4: use cover slip to avioid air bubbles
5. fliter apaper wipe excesiive
Animal cell:
1.Take leaf by using razor blade
2. epidermal layer placed on glass slide, iodin is added

3. cover slip is placed to prevent air bubbles

4.fliter paper is used to clear excesive iodine

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