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Huynh 1

Datricky Huynh
Aaron Malchow
Reading 054
17, November 2013
Categorization #3
Tito, from A Bolt from the Blue by Diane A.S. Stuckart, uses evaluation, from Ethics
education: developing habits of mind through the use of pedagogical content knowledge by Gail
M. Jensen , Bruce Greenfield, the most. Evaluation is a critical element in the model as here the
teacher is checking for understanding and misunderstanding that includes giving feedback, and
grading. He did not pretend not to understand my words. Indeed, he had the good grace to
look ashamed, if his tone when he replied held a note of defiance. (96). Tito have made contact
with Dino after been missing during the night understand, and knows how Dino is feeling right
now after taking the job, of assisting on the flying machine. Tito was very blunt confronting Dino
about taking the job from her, and he didn't want to lie about it either. We can hide in Rebecca's
laundry baskets and let her drive us inside. (141). Tito evaluated the problem where it would be
strange that three unknown civilian are entering their castle, so he suggested to the group
consisting of Dino and Rebecca that they will hide while Rebecca will drive them into enemy
territory unnoticed.

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