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Questions and answers for a possible interview Preguntas y respuestas para una

posible entrevista

1. What is your name?

>Im Andres Galeano
2. Tell me about yourself.
>Mmm, I'm 24, I was born here in Bogota, currently I live with my mom, my step
father and my younger sister, but I'm planning on moving to my own place. I studied
multimedia design at SENA and I'm currently developing my productive project so I
can build my own company, but in the meantime I need to save money.
3. Do you have call center experienced?
> Yes, I worked at international marketing center as a representative in customer
support. But I worked there only for 8 days because the contract wasn't clear and they
would pay me only for the amount of products I could sell.
4. Tell me about your work experience, and Why did you leave your last position?
> I`ve worked since I was 15 years old, I enjoy pushing myself forward and learning
about different things, my first job was as a junior administrator in a restaurant, ever
since then Ive worked in many different areas like events planning, design, education
and sales. My last job was as in the colombian army as a sub office, I was building a
great career there but unfortunately I got shot and got retired.
5. Have you ever had conflict with your team leader or manager?
> No, my work ethic is strong, so theres been no reason for conflict. However, in very
rare occasions I have had disagreements on how to resolve a particular problem for a
customer, but I have always been able to talk it out and find a solution that my team
leader has supported.
6. How would you handle an angry call from a customer?
> Well, first I will listen carefully to what the customer is saying, then I will apologize
and empathize with their situation, then I will confirm if I had understood their
concern, after that I will assure my commitment to resolve the issue and I will offer a
solution. And off course I will remain calm throughout the whole process.
7. How would you handle a high pressure environment?
> Well, I am highly organized, and I like to prioritize my workload so that everything
gets done on time and with high quality. But in general I am really good at working in
this type of environments.
8. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

> I have the ability to talk effectively and persuade people. I am a good listener, and
that helps me identify customer needs so I can sell more effectively. My one weakness
is that I sometimes get too involved with customers, so I find myself worrying too
much or talking about other problems, but I'm working on it.
10. Why do you want to work here?
> Well, I want to work with .. because Ive heard it has a great working environment,
a lot of possibilities to grow and to develop a career. Also, because here Ill be able to
improve my English and learn a lot.
11. What is the biggest challenge you have faced in one of your previous jobs?
>Mm, I would have to say that probably the biggest challenge Ive faced is to get
promoted, because there is always a lot of competition and it can be really stressful.
But other than that, it's amazing to fight for your dreams.
13. Why do you want this job?
>I want this job, because this opportunity will help me to grow and to make my
dreams come true.
15. Within the interview process you may be required to perform a role-play. A popular
example of this is being asked to role-play an escalated call with an unhappy
A= thank you for calling AT&T, my name is Andres, how can I help you?,
C= Im tired of your service, you are the worst company ever, I want my money back,
I was supposed to receive a 1000 minutes plan but instead I got a lower plan, Im
furious, Im going to sue you for lying
A= Mr. Jones first let me apologize for any inconvenience this might have caused, but I
m here to help you, and Im sure we are going to find what happend, and issue those
minutes that are left. Can I please have your first and last name?

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