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Facing the Giants

This movie is great that it brought me to tears several times and is

really interesting to watch. The first time I heard about the title of the movie I
initially thought this was some of the clich movies pertaining to the bible
story of David and the Giant. Well it was indeed about that story but
contradicting to what I presume to be a boring movie, it is a movie full of
wisdom about God and the teaching to never give up.
I remember when coach Taylor made Brock the most influential man on
the team to do the death crawl with a 160 pound man on his back it was one
of the most touching part in the movie. As Brock continue to crawl
blindfolded to his target of 50 yards but made it to the whole football field
with the pushing of his coach it brought the whole team to amazement as
well as I am for the scene. Another is when one of his players said sorry to
his father and the one who witness this said that he would cut off his right
arm for his son to do the same. Lastly, when the new junior student David
kicked their goal to win the state championship. David at first is doubtful of
himself if he could do the 51 yard kick despite of being only a 39 yard kicker.
At the same time his father stood to show his son that nothing is impossible.
These scenes were the most touching in the movie and where i was moved
to tears.
The movie shows that with God nothing is impossible. That if you only
admit your defeat, then that's all you're going to get as said by Davids
father. It teaches you to hope, to dream, to have faith, to have courage and
to believe in God.
When the team thought they have already lose the season, they still
praise God. It is like in our life, there are times when we experience
hardships and fail to do accomplish our dream but still we should not lose
hope as another door will open for us to another path. Take the lessons and
feeling you had for that failure and make it a motivation for achieving
Life is not of a smooth and straight road, it is of rough and crossing
roads that all depends on how you will pass and which road youll take. But
no matter what happens though shall always believe in God, remember that
He will never abandon us and shall always bear courage in our hearts to face
whatever life offers us.

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