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The gypsy girl

Aunt to niece. We are all gypsies in this land. I will teach you all about the gypsy
ways. Gypsies are fiercely independent. We tend to have free access to the
world. All the world understands that. Gypsies originally were from Roman land
but can now be found in many places in the world. Since we travel, a lot of
learning is outside the schools. We are free spirited. You must learn to move
freely and safely in the world. I will teach you first aid, and the art of healing and
how to handle fire safely. Also, how to cook, and know when food is safe to eat.
How to travel well, and pack for journeys. Look for cost effective travel. Travel is
an art. Not everyone can do it. We dont marry. As modern day gypsies our
wealth is distributed across the world. Become a gypsy king.
How do I do that Oh! Finally I am allowed to travel?
Aunt Yes, You have the nicest coloured eyes. They will change colour with the
lighting and brightness of the place. I will also teach you about medication made
from herbs and medicinal plants that do so. Train for the contest. Here is what
you do, handling her a thumbnail drive.
and here is your new laptop. Its very light weight. All the best gypsies in the
world come for the contest. If you are worthy enough of being King, you are
given land and plenty of cash. Your uncle and mom will teach you self defence
and how to camp.
Gypsy girl Berri I was once badly beaten on the way to school. Will that happen
No dear, that wont happen again. We will move in fairly safe worlds. Your
cousin is an accomplished doctor. He will be travelling with you.I will teach you to
travel well. We take care of the worlds children. Any child can be ours for those
few moments in time. You must understand and embrace aloneness. Conquer the
feeling of love. Learn detachment and attachment. I will train you in moving
among men and women, and even in dangerous situations. Never take a child
away from its family. Become part of the family and visit on invitation only. Never
impose. Your cousin will travel with you wherever you go for the next 20 years.
We are always interested in exploring new worlds. You job is to discover new
worlds and find a suitable place. Then we can all move there. Access to the
world is already available. As gypsies we train ourselves for travel. Our interests
give us valid visa to these places. As a family we can live anywhere in the world,
for any length of time.
Aunt, we have found a new world. Not many people here. It is called Amosze for
Amber (world) of splendid zeal and energy. Everyone here understands our
philosophy of life. They all have to travel a lot because the land is huge. I am
thinking of making this my permanent home base. So is my cousin. It will take us
a month to get citizenship of this place. I am applying for you, uncle dad and
mom. Fill in the forms asap (as soon as possible) and send them back to me. I
will train for the gypsy King here. It is a very interesting world. I plan to live

alone. Cousin has found a job in the city of Herion. We have moved to Herion.
Once I become a citizen, I will be taught the ways of this world. We dont have to
give up our countrys citizenship. My winning the Kings contest is a given. I am
living on the beach at the moment. It has a shower and restroom area and is
attached to a park where stags roam free. Beautiful birds have made this part
home. The weather is pleasant throughout the year and though it gets cold here,
it is warm at the river front. There is a catering service I can use just across the
park. I am enjoying my life here. There was a meeting of all gypsies on this land
this week. Wonderful, I saw all the people I wanted to see. The local gypsies are
helping me settle in. I am looking to buy land near the river here and run a
caravan park business for travellers. Plenty of international travellers come here.
My knowledge of languages will come useful. We will be travelling to nearby
towns. Some of them are very small. The weather is a big asset but better to
carry warm clothing as we cant afford fancy cars. I am only 16. 2 gypsy kids will
teach me local language and stay and travel with me. About 100 families want to
become gypsies. Some of them want to visit our world. You can train them here. I
plan to look for pearls. I am planning to buy a ship-liner and travel. It will be
more comfortable for moderate distances. How I love the waters and outdoors. I
have started improving my swimming skills.
Dont go to the Tavern. They are not like our Taverns.
Uncle Glad you like the place. We will be arriving there some time first week of
next month. Find a farm for us, close to a pond and with modern amenities. Your
aunt and I are not total gypsies like you. We are from another land.
---------------------------------------------------------------------Hey you cousin, is that your name ?
No of course not, it is Ashby
You will get citizenship but you will have to show commitment, by one of you
marrying into a family from this land.
I am a gypsy. We dont marry.
Hm...well then you cant get citizenship.
How about we negotiate. I will take on a girl and a child and they can be my
family. She will however have to learn to be a gypsy.
Let me put it to the panel.
A few minutes later Find such a girl, Here use this agency. They will help you
Ashby to his cousin the gypsy girl Berri, I am meeting a girl. Want to come with

They hire a cab to take them to the hotel nearby for a rendezvous.
Hi, I am Marnis dad. I have already met your family. We are prepared to
consider you but she comes with 3 kids, her siblings.
More the better. Great! No problem.
She has one condition though. She will think of you as her mate, so you must
like her a lot.
Ok. I already do. They told me about her at the agency and I like her profile and
saw her on video. I understand her dad and mom are also prepared to be gypsies
and willing to travel with us.
Then shall we finalise the agreement papers?
Let me see the kids first.
Here they are, there is Marni in that corner.
Already seen her.
Berri to Marni, Are these the kids? They are lovely. What do you think Ashby?
I will sign the papers now and Marni will come and live with us, with the kids.
Her family can live with Aunt and Uncle on the farm.I will call her Marli. It is much
easier on the tongue.
It wont be easy Marli, says Ashby. I will be taking on more kids and I travel a lot.
You will have to travel with me.
No its ok. I can handle it.
And so the agreement was signed and Ashby given citizenship.
Berri is also given Citizenship as she has won the contest as a King and applied
under the business category.
Aunt and Uncle and mom and dad have got in under the family category. They
have shown themselves to be Berris business partners and family.
Things sure do move fast here.
Yes they do.
Marlis dad explains the customs of Amosze land to Berris family.
---------Ashby to Marli

I will be visiting Iran next week. If I get the job, my family will help take care of
the kids and their schooling. All of you travel with me. The contract is for 5
But I dont know the local language.
We will engage a tutor.
Hm.., It should be interesting. I have always wanted to learn belly dancing.
Persian women are said to be beautiful. I understand they still have Kings.
The Americans also do. The President is seen as King and has to win the King
contest as a pre requisite to be President. We will be living witha Parsi family.
They are gypsies. I plan to move to India from there. I am planning to start a bus.
What colour eyes should I get? Wonder how the Persians dress?
Ask Berri. She is an expert at makeup and the worlds customs.
I would like to go to school too. Become a Doctor
That will be expensive.
I have some money stashed away. It will pay.
I wouldnt dream of taking your money.
No its ok. It is our Amosze way to pay for ourselves as much as possible. Just
pay for my ticket.
We are Amoszes. We excel at handling crook money. Let us handle your
earnings for you.
Asby laughs Ok, we are great at converting it to white money.
What is white money? Everyone should have some crook money.
Legal currency. Na! It will all be legal currency. I wouldnt have it any other
"We need integrity in the world for what I have in mind."
Berri to Marni Which India are you planning to go to? There are several Indias in the world.
Hm... yes I know, We have 5 years to decide. I must learn about the Indian world in Iran.
Ashby Pack and be ready for travel. If I get the job, I will book your tickets and you fly out in a week.
Berri and Marni We are always packed and ready to go. Some of our belongings can come by ship. Much cheaper.
--------Marni We have men here with breasts and women with lings here in Amosze land. They are called gals.
Cross dressers?
Berri Hm.. Interesting

You are being polite

Marni No one is classified, as male or female when they are born. We let natural inclinations take over.
You will have to have a registration of relationship and a simple ceremony to celebrate the fact.
Berri, What about you ? Found a fellow?
I am not looking. I am not interested at the moment.
Fair enough
Lets have a ceremony at the river front park and spend the evening at the beach there, before you go.
Soon after the ceremony, Ashby leaves for Iran.
Asby has emailed them.
We will be living in a place of 15 to 16 houses. The people who live there are International. My colleague lives 4 houses
away. He is Indian and has teenage kids. You can improve your Indian language with them. Learn to speak English in an Indian
accent. It sounds very American. They are a strange mix of East and West. Very progressive and yet very traditional in their
ways. They are from Bangalore. Our Parsi family lives next door. Our other neighbours are Persian with a British wife. They
have plenty of mango trees in their backyard and they warned me not to be surprised if I see snakes. They wont harm you but
dont go near them. There is a local village a few kilometres from there, in a fort. Its not easy to gain entry into the village. We
will have to go to the town 5 kilometres from here for veggies and groceries. I can arrange for them to be delivered once a
week and fresh milk will be delivered to our door every day. Its a lovely house. Huge with 3 large rooms, a huge hall and all
come with en suite bathrooms. Plenty of kids of all ages here. One of the houses has a swing. The kids will be delighted,
everyone uses the swings. The school bus will pick up and drop them off everyday.
A month later. The entire family has settled down in Iran.
Found a fellow Asby, while travelling Says Berri. I like him. He is an American gypsy.. His name is Allen. He is here for 3
years. Lives in a very Indian town in the USA. Everyone in that town is Indian in some way. Maybe we can visit the place and I
can move there with Uncle and mom. Dad and you can follow us later. Marni will have to pass the Doctors exams there to work
there. Here are the books for that.
Ashby So you have made up your mind.
Yes, I have more or less decided to go. The world is a very safe place and I know a lot about the world. I can learn American
ways from Allen. Big business opportunities there.
-Marnis dad It wont be easy. Find out what jobs one can get and get family to train for them. We dont have enough money
right now for the business category visa. A job is the most likely but not the best way to gain entry.
Berri I am going to revive my fine arts skill and that will help me with business opportunities. Provide a catering service to
medium sized firms, interior decoration, a call centre offering simple advice on any topic under the sun, among others. It being
the Indian part, good quality services will be in demand by all age groups.
Lets get to know the families in this neighbourhood. Proceed with caution. They are from different countries. Think of our
Parsi family as our friends for now.
Marni I am busy with my Doctors studies. Berri can.
Berri and her mom visit their neighbours
Hi! Come in. As Salaam Alaikum

I am Amira and this is my husband Abadan

Maman , make some tea for us please
Sure dear. Wont be a minute
Berris mom disappears into the kitchen.
Berri after a while, asks about the neighbours.
Amira I can fill you up on the local gossip, what do you want to know?
More about the neighbours and how you gain entry into the village.
There is only way to first enter the village. You climb up the hill to the temple on top. From there you take the steps to the
village. The main door to the fort is always locked. It is opened once in the morning and evening to allow vehicles to pass in
and out. Once you get a pass, there is a side entrance you can use. I will take you with me next week.
What are the neighbours like ?
Very friendly. Send the kids in your family to Ashbys colleagues friends house and they will be introduced to the other kids.
School starts next month. Its the end of the summer holidays soon here. There is a Gujarati family next to ours. You will see
the lady every morning from your veranda. Dont worry. Their grown up sons and daughters will visit you soon. Curiosity will get
the better of them. Their eldest is engaged to be married to a local Gujarathi. We are all looking forward to the wedding.
I hear screaming everyday in house number 4.
Oh they are just talking loudly. Nothing to worry about. A Bahai family lives in house number 5. They know quite a few locals.
They will introduce you to them, if you have the time for social visits.
Berri decides to call up a dating agency. She has decided to settle down in the USA. But that will take 10 years. Meanwhile she
thinks, I want kids. Kids to be born in the USA as a sign of her commitment to the place. Where do I get them? I am not the
marrying kind and I have to find a like minded person. She looks up the local newspaper and comes upon a elite dating site.
Her business is now flourishing but she doesnt have to spend too much time on it anymore. Just a couple of phone calls and
emails to co-ordinate the activities.
She gives her details. Not looking for marriage. But wants 4 kids. A person willing to migrate to the United States. Not too
particular about age but must be healthy and extremely good looking and happy go lucky. In her work she has come across a
man who meets this criteria. They have gotten to know each other well and she finds him attractive enough. She specifically
asks for him. And asks the agency to find out his details.
He is Indian with an American mother. Not married and 5 years older than her. However he is very healthy and looks much
younger than his age. Not an athlete but tall enough for her. She is 5 feet 9 inches to his 6 feet height. The agency agrees to
contact him and get back to her. She insists that he be told she is a gypsy girl.
A week later the agency contacts her and says though he is good looking, their compatibility is a low 40%. They have a more
suitable candidate who is Indian and their match is something like 250%. His name Ashwin Victor Gupta. He is also 5 years
older than her. They send her a photo and tell her he is 6 foot 3 inches tall and though not handsome, she would find him
attractive on association. The dating agency is known to be very good. The gentleman is not interested in marriage and is going
places, though only moderately rich at the moment. He has suggested that they have kids using the Blue Lagoon poke me
poke you method. Berri has no problems with that and agrees to meet him. She specifies Amiras place. Both Amira and her
husband work and only Amiras Maman would be at home.
Ashwin Victor Gupta calls Berri up Before we proceed I must tell you something. . I have a kid.. I am raising him. He is
staying with my brothers family at the moment. . He is a American kid. He sees me as dad, American Dad. I am wealthy and
his family works for me. He was born through surrogacy. His mother is engaged to be married.
Why dont you marry her?
Nobody tells me what to do. Says Ashwin firmly.
I meant, why havent you?
I am not the marrying kind but I want more children. She is not interested. She will be in my life. Neither of you can be my wife.
I want 5 more children.

Berri tells him that wont be a problem. After all, Americans have all kind of families and they seem happy enough. So do
We will use the blue lagoon methods. Here is a CD. Get familiar with them. I can help us become American in 2 years time. I
will put you in as my Lady if all goes well and we proceed.
After a couple of meetings, Berri has found that she is liking him more and more as the days pass by. At some stage he says
he introduces her to his family and she takes an instant liking to them. A month later, the agency gets back to her and says he
has answered in the affirmative. However he insists the first child should be born by natural means. He says thats the advice
he has been given by his Uncle.
After all you are going to be together for eternity. You must first understand how much you like each other. Says the Uncle.
It is essential for bonding. Thats how we do it.
Berri asks Marni and her family if they will handle the business here in Iran with help from her. All it will involve is a meeting
and a couple of phone calls every month. As you gain expertise, you can handle more of the decisions yourselves. Half the
profit will go to you and pay for your student fees.
Marni and her family agree. Berri trains them on how to manage the businesses she has. Ashby has meanwhile found a
permanent job here and suggests to Marni, Why not buy out the businesses? Berri, it will free up your money. We will buy you
out in a years time.
After consideration, Berri says Fine by me.
Ashwin Victor We are having a family get together in Bangalore, India. You will get a chance to meet my kid Arvind and his
birth mom Amrita and the surrogate Leela. Amrita is American Indian. I have already shown you their photos. Amrita and her
husband live in Los Angeles and Leela is with her Uncle in San Diego. Amrita is a good friend of mine. She wanted a child and
her husband did not want any. So they worked it out. We wont be living together. We will raise the kids the Blue Lagoon way.
You will get plenty of help. We will have kids after we become American.
Berri Ok, My parents and I will live together and they will help out too. She is looking forward to visiting India. As part of her
Arts degree she is an expert at cooking, and that includes Indian. My mom and dad wont be coming to India. Can we move to
Allens town. The demographics is very American Indian. I can learn about American and Indian ways of life there.
Berri to Ashby and Marni, I dont want to sell my business right now. How about 3 years from now?
Ok, any time you wish.
"Sometimes yes. Amrita and Leela will help. I am a busy man. My career defines my life but I will make time for my son Arvind.
We won't be moving to Arvind's town. I have checked it out. We will move to Caulfield. There is a large Indian population there.
And other groups. You won't find many gyspies there. There is a University near by, so you can take courses there.
A week later, they fly out to Bangalore, India.
Ashwins friend receives them at the airport. It is 3am in the morning. The house is an hours drive from the airport at this time
of night.
Berri is pleasantly surprised to see how green the place is.
You have come after the onset of the monsoons. Hi by the way , my name is Chetan Lee. And no I am not Chinese. I am
American by birth, grew up there and I am visiting my family here.

Ashwin to Berri He is my childhood friend. His grandparents are our neighbours here.
When they arrive , the family is just waking up. Introductions are made. Some of them are visiting from other cities.
Ashwin explains We have a family get together once a year, as he shows her to her room.
The house is spacious for a city, with a courtyard and a well, with a couple of restrooms outside.
Berri is staying for 2 weeks while Ashwins plan to stay for a month before he takes up his job as a Diplomat. After Berri will fly
to the USA to San Francisco where her parents are looking for a place to stay. They suggest to Berri that she can contribute to

local magazines and find work in a Drama company with her fine Arts degree. Berri decides to improve her American English
skills and her knowledge of European languages while she travels with Ashwin.
A year later
Ashwin to Berri
I have been given this wonderful posting in Australia. I have decided against having children for the next 7 years. What do we
do now?
Berri to Ashwin Dont worry about it. Maybe you will find another lady when you are well and truly ready. Can you do me a
favour and just pay the rent and bills for this month. I will in return get you a discount in the clothing you need to buy. I can
arrange a lady to select suitable attire for you. Believe me, you will save heaps. Besides I will be travelling myself. We can keep
in touch and can still be friends.
A pity. I really liked you
Berri thinks to herself, She needs to speed up her process of finding a job but that is her problem. She has been trained to be
resourceful. It will take a few months to adjust. Staying in America is not a problem however. Dad has a job here and we are
already Americans. I have become very American in my ways.
6 months later Berri comes to a decision. As much as she liked Ashwin, a pity that it did not work out. I will have to think of it as
dating, as the Americans call it. She comes to a decision. She has found a suitable job that pays reasonably well and is long
She decides to contact Ashy and Marni and find out about the first fellow she liked. Hope he is still single. I am doing a
Stanford University course in Vedic astrology. Ashwin got me interested in that. Get his date of birth, place and time. Let me
check out our compatibility.
Ashby and Marni call back and say he is still available. However he is planning to leaving for Europe soon. We got those
photos you sent us of yourself. We will get him interested. He is European. His name you said was Terri, Terri Haynes. You
look quite fetching. Though not conventionally beautiful, you are still very pretty. Even with so little makeup.
A day later
We have shown those photos to him. Its obvious he finds you attractive but is not showing any inclination yet. Give him time to
think about it. We got his birth details. He asked about you and how you were doing.
Berri gets his chart checked out by a prominent astrologer. The astrologer says
This is wonderful. Dont hesitate. Make sure he likes you. He will go far in life and is sure to like you.
Berri contacts Ashby and asks them to proceed. She invites them over and also puts in an invitation for Terri. They can stay
with her. She asks Ashby to tell him that there are lucrative job offers in the United States. The job is his if he wants it.
Terri contacts her. I got your number from Ashby. Yes I am definitely interested. Instead of heading back to Europe I will come
to the USA instead. How have you been? I have got my Doctorate in fine Arts and Architecture. I am interested in the job the
Space Agency has to offer.
Ok There will be a telephone interview and if you get that, the job is yours. I will send your resume to the recruiting agency
A week later she gets a message that Terri Haynes has got the job and is flying out in a fortnight.
She offers him accommodation but he says No worries, the company is putting me up in a Hotel for 4 weeks. If you dont mind,
help me find a 2 bedroom 2 bath furnished apartment for starters with a years lease.
Berri to Haynes My dad will help, there are apartments a Kilometre from where we stay, Its close to town. Your workplace is a
5 minutes walk from there.
Ashwin calls her up. He says he is doing fine. His job is tough but he is enjoying it. Leela the surrogate has moved in with him.
She loves his boy Arvind and is his mother too in a way. He is thinking of committing to her.
Berri is happy for him. All has worked out as it should have.

Terri Haynes is arriving in an hour. Berri is picking him up from the airport. She cant stop thinking of him. She knows him quite
well, having worked with him. Hope he likes me. The concept of girl friend must be well known to him. After all, he is European.
He looks at her and she waves. Hi! Didnt recognise me did you ?
No I didnt. You look fabulous. I mean it.
Berri thinks He has always been very nice. As nice as he is good looking. I am not beautiful but I can be pretty with a little effort
and I have excellent skills, learnt as a gypsy.
I am from Austriana She tells him
Ah...! Ok! Can we get something to drink. This place is hot!
Berri pulls up at a service station and gets drinks and hot dogs.
She has come up with an idea. There must be an adoption agency just like a dating agency. Kids who would have their parents
but whose upbringing she would share. She would be an Aunt mom. If all works out, Terri Haynes can be her guy friend.
I have put some food in your fridge and freezer just in case you feel like snacking in the middle of the night. There is a street
directory and you can easily walk to your workplace. Location is a building in the University campus. I will drive you there
tomorrow. Its my day off.
I am taking you to my place first. It has a TV and internet so you wont be bored. Tonight I will drop you off at your Hotel. Your
Apartment will be ready to move in 3 weeks from now.
She calls up a dating agency and they give her a number to call. It is called Aunt moms
So appropriate Berri thinks. Since I am not the marrying kind, this would suit me better. I can have all the guy friends and
girlfriends I want. I can work and raise kids too with a full time job. Berri calls up the agency and leaves her number.
Berris dad asks after Terris family. Terri laughs. I am an only kid. Plenty of cousins though. We are a large family.
Are you married? Asks Berris mom
No, I am a confirmed bachelor Smiles Terri
He notices the Aunt Moms pamphlet
Berri tells him about her plan to help out with kids. Provide child care, tutor them, drive them around, whatever it involves. The
agency can find her suitable families.
The agency gets back to Berri. We have found you a family with 10 kids. They need your support for the next 20 years. You will
practically become one of the family. Your first aid skills will come really useful, as also your tutoring and childcare skills and
your other many talents. Will you be in this San Francisco? They happen to be gypsies from Austriana.
I can get work in the same Drama Company that does not require much travel. Who are they?

They are called The Leonards

Berris mom They are our distant relatives. Wonderful! Its a small world. All of us can visit them Thursday.
Ashby calls Berri Guess where Amosze land is ! Its in the USA. Amosze has officially been part of America for centuries.
Wonderful isnt it.
Yes it is. Why dont you move here.
No I am happy with my job.
Berri Why dont you send Marnis siblings here. They will get a fine education here. Marnis parents can move here now.
Yes, they are considering that
Wonderful. I do miss them.
Terri Haynes tells her he is moving to Los Angeles, better opportunities there for Artists. He asks if she would like to be his girl
friend and move with him.
Berri But you have been here only for a month?
True but the job will lead to better opportunities.
I can get a transfer. No problem
So you will be my girl friend?
If its a long term commitment, yes I will.
Yes it is. We have known each other long enough and I wanted to ask you out when I visited you, but you were dating Ashwin
Victor at that time.
The dating agency suggested Ashwin over you. But you were my first preference. Anyway we need to make up for lost time.
What do we do about the Leonards?
You can visit them and stay in touch with social media.
True, after all its a 20 year commitment.
Berris dad and mom decide to stay back in San Francisco.
We will visit you They promise. You will be too busy to miss us.
No Dad I wont be. Its the same job in a different place. I am so happy. Terri is a very nice guy.
Berris mom Yes he is. Have kids of your own some day. After all we are now American gypsies.
Yes mom


More travel. Oh... I love it.

Cant wait to see Los Angeles.
Terris job has plenty of opportunities for international travel.
Berri and Terri settle down to life in Los Angeles. Berris job hours are flexible and she uses the free time to explore the city. She
can do a lot of the work from home or anywhere in the world. She writes scripts for dramas.
Terri has a job in a drama firm as a consultant. Their opportunity for travel comes up. They will be travelling to Europe. A month
long visit. Berri is excited. Terri has family there and they offer to take her around.
Terri says I have seen it all before. Besides I will be busy. Take up my familys offer. I have family in different parts of Europe.
You can stay with them.
Oh! I am so happy she thinks. She is currently collecting material for a book she has in mind that requires knowledge of
Terri says Lets get married.
We gypsies dont marry. We have what is called a common law wedding. We dont register our relationships.
Its the same. I have no problem with that.
A year later. Terri to Berri I have this lucrative job offer from a Theatre company doing what I love doing. It will involve my
moving away and I cant take you with me. What do you suggest I do?
Take up the offer. I will move back to San Francisco and live with my family.
I wont be able to visit you very often and calling you will be a problem. I will only be able to talk for a few minutes.
I know! Its ok I will send you email and I will read up on you in the news. I do love you and I can call and we can talk.
Its been 4 years since. Terri has come for a visit and they are having a day out at the beach.
Nothing has changed Berri thinks. He still loves me and I love him more than ever.


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