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It is in August, I was in Malinalco with my mom.

We decided to visit someplaces in our

vacations and We choosed to meet magics towns.
The history of Malinalco is very old and back to pre-Hispanic times, Malinalco has been
populated by Teotihuacan, Toltec, and Aztec cultures. Of these two cultures, still remains
an important archaeological place, located at the top of the Hill of the Idols west of this
town. This place came the eagle to make esoteric rites for their initiation as Aztec warriors
Below the Hill of the Idols lies the town of Malinalco, it was among the first to be colonized
by the Spanish when they arrived in Mexico in the fifteenth century. Testimony of this is the
chapel of Santa Monica and the Temple of the Divine Savior, emphasizing the latter by the
beautiful performance of its adjoining convent, this place followed the traditional pattern of
this type of construction in the New Spain.
Malinalcos people celebrate the festivities on 6 August in honor of the Divine Savior, only
go on for 3 days, the first day and the third day the people put traditional dress on like
Mojigangas and Chinelos and then they danced in a procession. They parade bringing
flowers since a street called Seis calles still the church.
They do the mass and on the afternoon get down to the best atmosphere and we can
dance with live music. On the night we can look wonderful figures when the fireworks go

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