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2012-KPDS Sonbahar/NGLZCE TEST

Bu zmler ngilizce Hzl Test zme

Teknikleri kitab yazar B. Sami Dilman
tarafndan yazlmtr. indeki bilgilerin yayn
hakk Yediiklim Yaynevine aittir. zin alnmadan
herhangi bir amala kopyalanp baka yerde
1. - 7. sorularda, cmlede bo braklan yerlere
uygun den szck ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
1. The basic unit of currency of the Ottoman
Empire was the silver ake in which all the
revenues and ---- of the state were calculated.
A) precautions B) conventions C) expenditures
D) placements D) establishments
1. Bir devletin gelirleri (revenues) yannda giderleri
de olur. Eylemin yn kuralna gre darya doru
bir eylem olan harcama, ngilizcede expenditure
ile anlatlyor. Bunu ex- n eki salyor. Exit, explain,
exclude, eylemleri hep dar doru yaplr.
Cevap: C
2. A new historical record offers ---- evidence
that Africans and their descendants contributed
enormously to the formation of Mexican culture.
A) frustrating
B) inferior
C) redundant
D) devastating E) compelling
2. Burada bir sfat sorulmu. O zaman nasl sorusu
soracaz. Yeni tarihi kaytlar nasl kantlar salar?
Bol veya ok anlamnda bir cevap bu sorunun
uygun yant olur. ok etkili ve gl anlamna
gelebilecek iki kelime var; devastating and
compelling. SYM hocalar zgn metindeki 2.sini
doru olarak yazmlar, mecburen.
3. Scientists have developed a new blood test
for Alzheimers disease that can ---- identify 93%
of people who have the condition.
A) severely
B) accurately
C) separately
D) abusively
E) incidentally
3. Bir kan testi %93 orannda bir hastal tehis
ediyorsa bu test iin nasl bir test deriz? Tabii ki
doru, yani accurate kan testi deriz.
Cevap: B
4. Phobias are intense, irrational fears which
cannot be ---- even when the sufferer is aware,
as is usually the case, that there is no reason for
the fear.
A) spoilt
B) undergone
C) foreseen
D) initiated
E) overcome
4. Burada fobilerin nasl bir ey olduu anlatlyor.
Korkunun sebebi yoksa veya youn, mantksz bir
korkuysa fobiyi ne yapamayz, yenemeyiz yani
stesinden gelemeyiz. Yine eylemin yn kuralna
gre bir eyin stesinden gelmek iin onun zerine
doru bir eylem yapmamz gerekir. Over n eki
Trkede de olduu gibi gelmek come fiili ile
birleerek bize doru cevabn adresini gsteriyor.
Cevap: E

5. Companies must utilize key capabilities

wherever they exist, including direct investment
to ---- operations in locations where rare
opportunities can be developed.
A) set up
B) leave off
C) get through
D) hand in
E) take over
5. Burada irketlerden beklenen bir ey, nadir
frsatlarn gelitirilebilecei yerlerde operasyonlar
yapmak iin dorudan yatrm da dhil hangi alanda
yetenekleri varsa bunu kullanmalardr., deniyor.
Operasyon dzenlemek, set uptr. nk eylemin
yn kuralna gre bir ey oluturma, vcuda
getirmek yukar doru bir eylemdir.
Cevap: A
6. In some cases, we ---- sufficient data on old
events, not because of a lack of imagination but
because the appropriate technology ---available at the time.
A) would not have / is not
B) should not have / had not been
C) did not have / has not been
D) do not have / was not
E) could not have / will not be
6. lk 14 soru ile cmle tamamlama sorularnn ortak
bir zellii var: Bu sorular genellikle metinlerdeki
paragraflarn ilk cmlelerinden alndklar iin giri
cmlelerine zg a/anli kelime, some, any, many,
much, most, several gibi belirsiz zamirler ierirler.
Genellikle genel-geer durumlardan sz ettikleri iin
fiilleri geni zaman (V1) olur.
Cevap: D
7. New York City ---- the first US ban on largesize sodas and other sugary drinks ---- in
A) is approving / having been sold
B) approved / to be sold
C) was approving / having sold
D) approves / to have been sold
E) has approved / being sold
7. Yine bir giri cmlesi. New York, ABDde
restoranlarda byk boy soda ve ekerli ieceklerin
satlmas konusunda ilk yasa onaylam.
eylemin ne zaman yapld belli deil ama sonucu
u an etkiliyor. Ayrca have+V3, belli bir olayn
anlatld paragraflarn giri cmlesinin fiili oluyor.
Cevap: E
8. - 14. sorularda, cmlede bo braklan yerlere
uygun den szck ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
8. Losing weight is not only ---- anticipating
swimsuit season or squeezing into skinny jeans,
but it also means fighting a serious illness ---the obese.
A) by / against B) in / within
C) about / for
D) beyond / upon E) at / towards
8. Vingten nce by kullanlr, diye rettiimizi
duymu olacaklar ki SYM hocalar onu eldirici
olarak Aya koymular. Kilo vermek, obezlere kar
bir hastalkla mcadele anlamna gelmeyeceine
gre ikinci bolua against gelemez. Obezler iin

(for) ciddi bir rahatszlkla mcadele anlamna

gelebilir. O nedenle ikinci bolua iin=for geliyor.
lk boluktaki about kilo verme giriimlerinin mayo
giyme veya dar kot pantolonlara girmek hakknda
olmadn anlatmak iin Trkeye pek uymasa da
anlamsz da deil.
Cevap: C
9. ---- the 47th anniversary of Winston
Churchills death, historians are reassessing the
complex figure who carried Britain ---- its
darkest times.
A) From / with B) At / of C)To / for D) On / through
E) About / in
9. Churcillin 47. lm yldnmnde tarihiler
ngiltereyi en (zorlu ve) karanlk gnlerinden
(baaryla) geiren bu karmak kiiyi tekrar
deerlendiriyorlarm. Yl dnm bir gndr.
Gnlerde on Sunday, on Monday gibi on
kullanld iin doru kkn D olduunu
bulamayanlar, eylemin yn kuralna gre birilerini
bir yerden geirmenin though ile anlatlacan
tahmin etmilerdir. Bu ilge, Mays 2012 KPDSde
de sorunun cevab olmutu.
Cevap: D

10. ---- philosophers had started to put received

wisdom to the test of rational examination,
another fundamental question rapidly became
obvious: How can we know?
A) Once
B) Only if
C) Unless
D) In case
E) While
10. ki tarafnda olumlu bilgi olan bu birleik cmleyi
C ve Ddeki balalar balayamazd. nk bunlar
genellikle biri olumlu dieri olumsuz bilgi veren iki
cmleyi balarlar. rnein, in case balac
olumsuz bir durum olur diye alnan nlemi anlatr.
Sorudaki had V3 nc tip if cmlelerinde
kullanlr ama burada ikinci fiil would have V3
deil, V2 (became). While ise whereas gibi
zneleri benzeyen ve onlar ortak bir zellikleri
asndan karlatran iki cmleyi balar. Geriye
had+V3-V2 fiilleri ile kullanlan ve as soon as
anlamna gelen once zaman cmlesi balac
doru oluyor.
Cevap: A

11. A symphony is like a castle with its own

grand structure, ---- a short song will have a
different and less complex form more like a
A) before
B) if
C) although
D) whether
E) whereas
11. Onuncu soruda while iin sylediklerimiz
hemen burada dorulanyor. Bu soruda senfoni ile
ksa ark, yaplar asndan karlatrlyor ve
benzetmeler yaplyor. Senfoni yap itibaryla atoya
benzerken ksa ark ise kulbeye benziyormu. O
nedenle whilen e anlamls whereas doru
bala oluyor.
Cevap: E

12. ---- the news is out about tomatoes being

found for their cancer-fighting properties, the
question is how to get sufficient amounts every
A) Much as
B) While
C) Now that
D) Just as
E) Even if
12. A ile E ztlk balacdr ve e anlaml olduklar
iin elenirler. While, zneleri benzeyen iki cmlenin
arasnda veya ilkinin banda olur. Just as, tam o
srada anlamna gelir ama burada ilk cmlede bir
eylem yok. Onu gibi anlamnda kullansak isden
sonra sfat yok. O nedenle C tek k olarak kalyor.
Cevap: C
13. On a sunny day, some patches of ground
warm up more quickly than others ---- the
differences in topography.
A) similar to
B) on behalf of C) as well as
D) because of
E) apart from
13. A, C ve Edeki balalarn doru olabilmesi iin
boluktan nce ikinci bir faktr olmas gerekirdi. On
behalf of, .nn adna anlamna geldii iin kii
veya kurum ismiyle devam etmesi beklenir. Arazide
engebe farklarnn olmas ve baz yerlerin ge
snmas iki olumsuz durum. Bu snavlarda sebep
balalar sk sk byle olumsuz bilgi ieren iki
cmleyi balamaktadr.
Cevap: D

14. One of the challenging decisions that

hospitals are to make when purchasing a
technology-based system is ---- they want to
focus more on the doctor ---- the patient.
A) neither / nor B) whether / or C) rather / than
D) as well / as
E) both / and
14. Bu soruda ilk boluktan nce fiil var. 11. sorunun
zmnde whether iin bir fiilden sonra kullanlr,
demitik. Devamnda da or olduunu sylemitik.
Buna gre yapsal olarak B kk bu cmledeki
boluklar eksizsiz tamamlar.
Cevap: B
15. - 19. sorularda, aadaki parada
numaralanm yerlere uygun den szck ya
da ifadeyi bulunuz.
Dogs are thought to be easier to train than cats, but
this may be because they evolved to hunt in packs,
cooperate with other dogs and be obedient (15) ---a leader. Their memory requires constant reinforcement, (16) ---- they quickly forget. Nonetheless, they
are often (17) ---- simply by giving them the attention
they need. On the contrary, cats evolved to hunt
solo and are much more devious. In some cases,
they (18) ---- but do not have the dogs desire to
please. There is some evidence that cats remember
specific events longer than dogs do, but (19) ---their excellent memory for people and spaces, both
species are able to build complex mental maps of
their surroundings and find their way home.
A) to

B) by

C) with D) about

E) over

15. Kpekler sr halinde yaayp avlandklar iin

bir liderE itaat etmeyi bilirlermi. Burada eylemin
yn kuralna gre to doru ilge oluyor.
ngilizcede OkulA, iE, evE gidiyorum derken to
kullandmz gibi burada da to uygun oluyor.
Cevap: A

A) so

B) but

C) instead D) otherwise E) hence

16. Kpeklerin hafzalarnn srekli takviye edilmesi

gerekiyormu. Yoksa abuk unuturlarm. Doru
bala otherwise, yani Ddir. A ve E e anlamldr.
O nedenle elenirler. But biri olumlu dieri olumsuz
iki cmleyi balar, burada ise cmlenin iki tarafnda
olumsuz bilgi var. Instead cmle sonunda olur.
Cevap: D
A) substituted
D) concealed

based network is indispensible (22) ---- the health of

millions of Africans. But do not mention it to the
Ghana Food & Drugs Board. They are (23) ---- not
interested. They did not even bother to answer why
they are not involved in the new anti-counterfeit
campaign, (24) ---- this network has committed itself
to tackling the issue of fake medicines by
empowering consumers to get involved in
authenticating pharmaceutical products before use.
A) regardless of B) in place of
D) as a result of E) in spite of

C) in terms of

20. Bu parada Afrikadaki sahte tberkloz ilalar

konu ediliyor. Burada her yl 700.000 kiinin bu
sahte ilalar kulland iin, kullanmas sonucu
ld syleniyor.
Cevap: D

17. Kedi veya kpeklere srekli dl veririz.

Cevap: C

A) was to be defeated
B) may be defeated
C) would be defeated
D) can be defeated
E) has to be defeated

A) used to be trained
B) can be trained
C) might have been trained
D) must be trained
E) should have been trained

21. Menace ile urgently szcklerinin anlamn

bilmeyenler iin is fiiline bakarak zaman
uyumusuzluundan A ve Cyi elemek mmkndr.
May ve can de e anlamldr. Geriye doru k E
Cevap: E

18. 6. sorudaki in some cases ifadesi burada da

var. Orada some ve benzeri belirsiz zamirlerin
olduu cmlelerin fiilleri genellikle V1 olur demitik.
Ayrca burada but balacndan sonraki do not
have fiili de ilk fiilin V1 olacan gsteriyor. Buna
gre B veya D doru cevap olabilir. klar teke
indirmenin yolu
but-may/can ilikisinden
gemektedir. Buna gre B dorudur.
Cevap: B

A) towards B) for C) into D) with E) upon

A) in comparison with
C) despite
E) thanks to

19. Burada her iki havyan iin de olumlu bir ey

syleniyor. O nedenle Adaki bala yanl nk
son cmlede iki hayvan karlatrlmyor. Benzer
zellikleri sylendii iin ztlk artran B, C ve
Ddeki balalar da yanl. Paralellik anlatan thanks
to doru cevaptr.
Cevap: E

23. Ama bu giriimden Gana Gda ve la Kuruluna

hi sz etmeyin. Yznze bile bakmazlar/sizle hi
ilgilenmezler. Bunu anlatmak iin tercihen ve
memnuniyetle anlamlarnda gelen C ve Ddeki
szckler ile lml olarak anlamna gelen E
kkndaki kelimeler olumlu bilgi verdikleri iin
kullanlmazlar. Kazara veya yanllkla anlamna
gelen accidentally de uygun deil. Aka, yani
burada utanmadan sklmadan, anlamna gelen
plainly tek doru szck olarak kalmaktadr. Bu
nedenle zor bir soruydu
Cevap: A

20. - 24. sorularda, aadaki parada

numaralanm yerlere uygun den szck ya
da ifadeyi bulunuz.

A) as if
D) so that

Across Africa, experts estimate that more than 30%

of malaria and tuberculosis medicines are fake. So
over 700,000 people die every year (20) ---- taking
those counterfeit drugs. It is a menace that (21) ---urgently, and it is why an initiative by a Ghana-

24. Burada Virglden sonra boluk varsa but veya

which gelir, kuralmz yardma kouyor. Bu kurul
kendini sahte ila konusuna adamsa da imdi bu
konudaki sorulara cevap vermeye tenezzl bile

B) perplexed
C) rewarded
E) implemented

B) instead of
D) rather than

22. Milyonlarca Afrikalnn sal iin (for) Gana

merkezli bir giriimde bulunmak zorunludur.
Cevap: B
A) plainly
D) delightfully

B) accidentally
E) moderately

B) when
E) because

C) favourably

C) even though

Cevap: C

25. - 34. sorularda, verilen cmleyi uygun ekilde

tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
Bu blm sorularn zmek iin kullandmz tam
10 tane tekniimiz var. Bunlar nem srasna gre;
1- Sorunun znesi ile onu tamamlayacak
cmlenin znesi arasnda Ahmet-He
ilikisi olur,
2- Sorunun fiili ile onun tamamlamas
beklenen cmlenin fiili arasnda zaman
uyumu ile olumluluk/olumsuzluk uyumu
3- However vb. ztlk balalar dndaki tm
balalar iki olumlu veya iki olumsuz
cmleyi balar. Ayrca soruda olumsuz bilgi
varsa doru k yine olumsuz bir bilgi veren
ve because, since veya as ile balayan k
4- simle
Who/Which/Where/whenle balayan bir
cmle gelir,
5- Fiille biten cmleden sonra that veya whli balala balayan cmle gelir,
6- Virglle biten cmleden sonra but veya
which (ya da e anlamllar) ile balayan
cmle gelir,
7- Soruda most, many, a lot of gibi okluk
bildiren szck varsa klarda nerde
okluk orda ztlk, ilkesine gre ztlk
balac aranr,
8- Soruda but vb. ztlk balac varsa hem
soruda hem de doru kta ztlk-olaslk
ilkesine gre may veya can olabilir,
9- Soruda although varsa doru kta still
10- Doru olabilecek kta a/anli szck,
some, most, many, several ve any gibi
belirsiz zamirlerin olduu cmleler doru
k olabilmektedir.
Bu yapsal balar yardmyla soru ve onu
doru olarak tamamlama ihtimali olan
klar arasnda nce
yapsal ba kurulur. Sonra soruyla yapsal ba olan
bu 1-2 kka anlam testi uygulanr. Bu yntem,
klar Adan balayarak teker teker okuyup anlam
test yapmaktan ok daha aklc bir soru zme
25. ----, while in sailing ships the wind has been
an essential source of power for even longer.
A) Windmills have been used for at least 3,000
years, mainly for grinding grain or pumping water
B) In Germany, scientists have constructed a new
wind turbine that generates a great amount of
C) Wind power has come to fall into disuse with the
advent of cheap fossil-fuelled engines
D) There is now a reappraisal of wind energy
because of the dramatic increases in crude oil

E) Lately, there has been widespread interest in

using wind energy for remote dwellings
25. While iin 10 ve 11. sorularn zmnde
sylediklerimize gre dier ztlk balalarndan
farkl olarak bu balalar fiilleri ayn zamanda olan
iki cmleyi balayabilirler. Bu adan da A kk
tamacndaki ilevi, Ada ise buday tmek ve su
pompalamaktaki ilevlerinden sz ediliyor. Bu ilevi
ilkinden daha yeniymi.
Cevap: A
26. In addition to the normal problems of
working out a satisfactory marital relationship,
A) the expansion of a family could happen in a
variety of ways, including having a child and the
moving in of a relative
B) people now seem to prefer getting married at a
later age when compared to the past
C) most relationships are exchanges of valued
resources and involve an analysis of costs and
D) couples from different cultures may have to cope
with social discrimination and isolation
E) more needs to be done for parents who are
unable to meet the educational needs of their
26. In addition to, ilaveten anlamna geldii iin ve
soruda olumsuz bir bilgi verildii iin klarda da
evlilik hakknda olumsuz bir bilgi veren bir cmle
doru olacak. Byle bilgiler D ve E klarnda var.
Edeki olumsuz bilgi asl fiilde deil, who sfat
cmlesinin fiilinde. Dde ise olumsuzluk ana fiilde,
yani have to cope with social discrimination and
isolation ifadesinde verilmi.
Cevap: D
27. As the population of Asias wild tigers has
declined over the years, ----.
A) the improved health of Thailands forests
suggests that the tiger population could continue to
B) it is known that global alarm for the species first
sounded in 1969 following a peak in the tiger skin
C) they are also regarded as powerful swimmers
and can supplement their diets with marine life
D) these legendary animals have become a thing of
the fable as much as reality
E) they are not picky about their food and
environment like pandas
27. This/These/such+isim forml paragrafta eksik
cmleyi bulma sorular ile paragrafta anlam
btnln bozan cmleyi bulma sorularnda ka
iimize yarayan bir formldr. D kkndaki These
legendary animals ifadesindeki animal sorudaki
Asia Tigers kastettii iin D kk ile soru arasnda
bir eit Ahmet-he ilikisi salyor.
Cevap: D
28. Though a stronger global recovery would
ease some of the pain in recruitment, ----.

A) some governments will introduce extensive

programs focusing on young people
B) labour experts believe the problem of youth
unemployment demands special attention
C) the gap between the skilled and unskilled
workforce has been filled with in-service training
D) those who graduate from universities have now
more difficulty in finding a job than in the past
E) the employment of young people is said to
overcome recession in developed nations
28. Though balac ile beraber olumlu bir bilgi
ieren sorudaki cmleyi olumluz bilgi ieren bir
cmel tamamlar. Adaki bilgi olumlu. Bde istihdam
uzmanlar gen isiz sorunun zel bir ilgi
gerektirdiine inanyor, deniyor. zel ilgi, ayrcalk
dorudan olmasa da dolayl bir olumsuzluk
Cevap: B
29. ----, because it is driven uniquely by its
financial returns.
A) Conventional tourism management lacks
adequate market assessment
B) Tourism is, after all, a social activity that many
people enjoy
C) A tourism development plan is important for a city
to manage visitors
D) The implementation stage in tourism
development includes plan objectives and public
E) Tourism planning usually fails to take
environmental and social impacts into account
29. u ana kadar 3 sorunun zmnde yardm
olan because balacndan hareket edelim. Sebep
balalar iin daha nce olumsuz iki cmleyi
balarlar demitik. Soruda olumsuz sebep olarak
ad geen eyin yalnzca (uniquely) para iin
yaplmas gsteriliyor. O zaman klarda olumsuz
bilgi veren bir cmle bulalm. Adaki lack=eksiklik
ve Edeki fail=baaramamak olumsuz kavramlar.
Ada geleneksel turizm ynetiminin yeterli pazar
aratrmas yapmadndan sz ediliyor. Ede ise
turizm planlamasnn genellikle turizmin sosyal ve
evresel etkilerini hesaba katmadndan bahsediliyor. Yani sadece para kazanmay hedefliyormu.
O nedenle anlaml cmle Edekidir.
Cevap: E
30. ----, why dont we all have serious trouble
with our body image?
A) Provided that a deficit plays the leading role in
the development of anorexia
B) If various biological and environmental factors
come together to create a problem in the body
C) Given that each of us is extensively exposed to
images of presumably perfect bodies
D) When our body image and functioning go hand in
hand in a healthy manner
E) Now that a sportswoman can become overly
concerned with her deformed body shape
30. Bu defa Ahmet-he ilikisi iimize yaryor.
Sorudaki sorunun znesi we olduuna gre bunun
C kkndaki us ile veya D kkndaki our ile
balants olabilir. When balac ile balayan Dde

Vcut grnmz ve ilevi salkl bir ekilde

uyumlu olduunda deniyor. Soruda ise olumsuz bir
bilgi soruluyor. O nedenle normal koullarda iki
olumlu veya iki olumsuz cmleyi balayan when
balac buraya uygun deil. Unutmayalm,
balalarla ilgili aklnzda kalmas gereken en
nemli bilgi; ztlk balalar dndaki tm balalar
genellikle iki olumlu veya iki olumsuz cmleyi balar.
Cevap: C
31.You can still make it your own and increase
your chances of achieving it ----.
A) even if your goal has stemmed from an external
B) in case forming a new habit requires choosing
between the pleasant and familiar
C) once you have found the reason for giving up an
unsatisfying job
D) unless you look for an activity that will help you
tackle challenges more enthusiastically
E) after you stop trying to make an important
change in your lifestyle
31. Burada da kolay bir soru var gibi grnyor.
nk sorudaki still bize bala blmnde
szn ettiimiz although-still ilikisinin burada da
olabileceini gsteriyor. O zaman ilk i olarak
klarda ztlk balac ile balayan olup olmadna
bakalm. Yalnzca Ada even if var. Anlam testine
balamadan nce ikinci bir yapsal ipucu olup
olmadn kontrol edelim. Burada ztlk-olaslk
ilikisi yani but-may/can de var. Sorudaki you
znesi, Adaki your goal ile Ahmet-he ilikisi de
Cevap: A
32. ----, they are often exposed to indoor
A) Because people can be affected to a great extent
by a citys infrastructure
B) Though the majority of factories use fuel
especially for the production process
C) If facilities for health care are a concern in all
countries across the world
D) When cars are used more frequently than public
E) Since poor households are more dependent on
solid fuel for heating and cooking
32. Yine yapsal ipularmz sayesinde kolaylkla
yaplabilen bir soru var burada. Sorudaki indoor ev
ii demektir. Burada ev iindeki (hava) kirliliine
maruz kalan birilerinden sz ediliyor. O nedenle
Ahmet-he ilikisine gre klarda insanlar iin
kullanlan oul bir zne ile balayan v ekirlilikle ilgili
bir cmle arayacaz. Bu Ede var. Adaki people
da they ile ilgili ama orada kirlilikten sz edilmiyor.
Cevap: E
33. Statements made in the media can plant
distortions in the minds of millions, ----.
A) while the news often has an implicit bias that may
portray opinions in misleading ways
B) although people attribute some misconceptions
to a predetermined campaign of certain authorities
C) instead they are most likely the result of common
types of reasoning errors

D) but learning to recognize commonly used

fallacies will help you separate fact from fiction
E) and TV shows should be supplied with both
educational and entertaining characteristics
33. Medyadaki ifadeler milyonlarca insann kafasn
kartrabilir, diyen bu soruyu bizim yapsal ipularmzla yapmak yine ok kolay. Virglle biten
cmleden sonra but gelir ilkesi, hele bir de soruda
can varsa, ztlk-olaslk ilikisine gre yani butmay/can ilikisine gre klarda but aranr. Dahas
soruda buradaki gibi okluk bildiren millions
szc gibi okluk bildiren szckler olduunda
nerde okluk orda ztlk ilkesi de klarda olumsuz
bilgi veren ve ztlk balac ile balayan bir kkn
doru olacan gsterir. Bu zellie sahip olan
klar B veya D seenekleridir. B doru olamaz
nk burada da misconceptions ifadesi ile
olumsuz bir ey syleniyor. Dde ise yaygn olarak
kullanlan hileleri tanmay renmek, gerei
hayalden ayrmanza yardm edecektir, deniyor. O
zaman bu olumlu bilgi, soruyu anlaml olarak
Cevap: D
34. Colours, sounds and smells are always
present in the material world but are
meaningless to us ----.
A) although separate analyses of art and mind lead
to a misunderstanding of each
B) yet the things we cannot perceive with our five
senses are called abstract notions
C) so we have specific knowledge of the brain as
reflected by neurological principles
D) whether we are just beginning to understand
these natural processes
E) unless they first activate our senses and are then
represented as cognitive events
34. Sorudaki fiil area bakarak znesinin oul
olduunu kolayca anlyoruz. klarda o zaman
Ahmet-he ilikisine gre they arayabiliriz. Bu
yalnzca Ede var.
Cevap: E
35. - 38. sorular aadaki paraya gre
For hundreds of thousands of years, human
civilizations tended to barter for goods, trading
shells and precious stones for food and other
important commodities. For the first evidence of
money as currency, we need to go back 5,000 years
to where modern-day Iraq now sits, to find the
shekel. Though this was the first form of currency, it
was not money as we know and understand it
today. It actually represented a certain weight of
barley, a kind of plant, equivalent to gold or silver.
Eventually, the shekel became a coin currency in its
own right. In much the same way, Britains currency
is called the pound, because it was originally
equivalent to a pound of silver. The ancient Greeks
and Romans used gold and silver coins as currency,
with the Latin denarius ultimately giving birth to
dinar in various countries including Jordan and
Algeria, and providing the d that served as an
abbreviation for the British penny before

decimalization in 1971. It also gives us the word for

money in Spanish and Portuguese dinero and
dinhero. The first ever banknotes were issued in
7th-century China, though it took another 1,000
years before the idea of paper money was adopted
in Europe, by Swedens Stockholms Banco in 1661.
35. According to the passage, the earliest form
of exchanging goods ----.
A) did not involve any form of currency
B) was confined to trading precious shells and
C) led to the development of commodities
D) first appeared in some parts of the Middle East
E) paved the way for people to become civilized
35. Burada en eski al-veri arac hakknda bir soru
soruluyor. Altn izdiimiz ikinci cmledeki koyu
harflerle yazdmz kavramlara baklrsa A kk
dorudur. Normal olarak olumsuz cmleler
barndran klar zerinde durulmaz ama burada
olduu gibi sorunun alnd cmlede byle bir
olumsuzluk olduunda bu durum dikkate alnmaz.
Bdeki confine snrlamak anlamna geldii iin
only gibi elenir. Ddeki first te iddial ifadedir.
Cevap: A
36. As it is clearly stated in the passage, the
shekel ----.
A) was transformed into Britains contemporary
B) was equivalent to the idea of money as we
accept it today
C) was invented 5,000 years ago in what is now Iraq
D) first came to be used in place of silver coins
E) precedes the use of shells and stones for
36. Parada aka ifade edildii gibi, diyorsa
anlayn ki hi te yle aka ifade edilen bir ey
sorulmuyordur. karm yoluyla ulalan bir bilgi
soruluyordur. Soru Sekel hakknda. Ayn eyi bir
daha sormular, cevab da ayn yerden yani 2.
cmleden. O cmlenin ilk ksmndaki bilgi gibi Cde
Sekelin ne zaman ortaya ktn sylyor. Az
nceki soruyu zmemize yarayan bilgi burada B
kknn yanl olduunu kantlyor. Ddeki first
iddial ifadedir. Sekel, Ede sz edilen takas
aralarndan ok daha yeni bir ara. Adaki bilgi
yanl olduu en ak ekilde anlalan bilgidir.
Cevap: C
37. According to the passage, the introduction
of banknotes ----.
A) immediately stopped the use of gold as currency
B) in China was welcomed by Europeans
C) came long before the circulation of gold and
silver coins
D) into Europe took about a thousand years
E) gave rise to the development of the banking
system in Europe
37. Bu soru da ne istedii ok aka belli olan bir
soru. Eskilerin deyimiyle banknot, yani kt
paralarn k ile ilgili bir ey soruluyor. Cevab da
ok aka belirtilmi. D kkndaki bilgi parann

son cmlesinde de gemiti. Adaki immediately

iddial ifadedir. Avrupallarn kt parann inde
ortaya kmasndan haberleri olsa, kt para
karmak iin 1000 sene beklemezlerdi. O nedenle
B de yanl. Kt para altn ve gm sikkelerden
ok sonralar kt iin D, parada kt para
Avrupada bankaclk sistemini gelitirdi diye bilgi
olmad iin E kk elenir.
Cevap: D
38. One can understand from the passage that ---.
A) the amount of time needed to develop currencies
was a lot longer than anticipated
B) the development of currency as a means of
exchanging goods and services owes a lot to many
nations of the world
C) were it not for the European countries, todays
exchange methods could not have developed
D) the Iraqi and Chinese contribution to the currency
development is relatively less important
E) every nation today conceptualizes currency
matters differently and thus uses different terms to
name currency
38. Understand fiili ile balayan sorularda da
paradan dolayl olarak karlan bir bilgi
sorulmaktadr. Bu bilginin iinde iddial ifadelere
benzer szckler de olabilmektedir. Adaki longer,
more gibi iddial ifadedir. Bde parann geliimini
dnyadaki pek ok lkedeki uygulamalara borlu
olduumuz syleniyor. Hem parada ad geen
lkelerin tm dnyaya hem de para ile ilgili
uygulamalarnn ok geni bir zaman dilimine
yaylm olmas bu bilgiyi doruluyor. Cde olumsuz
bir cmle var. Ddeki less ve Edeki every
szckleri iddial ifadeler olduu iin bu bilgiler de
doru deildir.
Cevap: B
39. - 42. sorular aadaki paraya gre
British scientists have begun studying a rare
meteorite to reveal more about the history of Mars.
The rock, named Tissint after the Moroccan area
where it crashed in July 2011, was recovered from
the ground just five months later not enough time
to be too contaminated (1). The Tissint sample is
probably the most important meteorite to have
landed on the Earth in the last 100 years, says Dr.
Caroline Smith, curator of meteorites at the Natural
History Museum in London (2). An analysis of the
rock revealed its Martian origin. It would have been
removed from Mars when an asteroid struck the
planet, staying in space as debris before being
attracted by the Earths gravity. Of the 41,000
officially recognized meteorites, 61 come from Mars
and the Tissint rock is only the fifth that was
witnessed falling (3). Dr. Tony Irving of Washington
University, who performed some initial analysis on
the sample, does not think there is much chance
of finding fossilized life within it. But the British team
could reveal whether minerals have been affected
by water or contain elements such as carbon (4).
Smith says Were not looking for microbes, but

were looking for the chemical and environmental

signatures to indicate whether Mars, at some point
in its past, may have provided a suitable
environment for life to exist.(5)
39. It is understood from the passage that the
meteorite found in Morocco----.
A) was part of a larger meteorite that crashed into
the Earth
B) is the first meteorite from Mars to be seen on the
C) was recovered after remaining buried for almost
100 years
D) was too contaminated to be of any real use to
E) is a very rare kind, which can be valuable to
39. Burada Fasta bulunan meteor ile ilgili, dolayl bir
bilgi soruluyor. klar srasyla okuyalm. Adaki
larger, more gibi iddial ifadedir. Ayn ekilde
Bdeki first ve Ddeki too ve any iddial
ifadelerdir. Cdeki almost 100 years ta ar bilgi
veren bir ifade. Ede ise 2. cmledeki bilgi var.
Orada bu meteor iin ok nemli denmiti, Ede de
ok nadir olduu ve bilim adamlar iin deerli
olduu syleniyor. O zaman bu bilgi dorudur.
Cevap: E
40. It is pointed out in the passage that ----.
A) Tissint was one of the meteorites that were
actually seen while falling
B) the Natural History Museum took possession of
the meteorite as soon as it landed on the Earth
C) other meteorites that preceded Tissint were quite
similar to it in size
D) there is some doubt as to where the meteorite
came from
E) the meteorite is one of the 41,000 that originated
from Mars
40. Bu ekilde balayan sorularda da dolayl bir bilgi
sorulur. Mecburen klar srayla okuyoruz. Parada
gemeyen iddial ifadelerle olumsuz kavramlar olan
klar zerinde ok durmuyoruz. A kknda nc
cmleden rendiimiz bilgi var. Pek te dolayl deil
ama ne yapalm doru bilgi olsun da nasl olursa
olsun, diyerek dier klara bakmaya gerek
grmyoruz. Byle doru cevaptan emin olduumuz
halde dayanamayp dier klar okumak demek,
elikiye dme ihtimalimizi arttrmak demektir.
Gereksiz zihinsel yorgunluu da cabas.
Cevap: A

41. According to the passage, scientists ----.

A) believe there may well be fossils in the rock
B) are examining the meteorite to reveal whether
microbes could survive in it
C) are investigating the rock to find out whether
Mars was once able to support life
D) claim that Tissint gives clues about the
meteorites expected to hit the Earth
E) have unfortunately failed to identify the origin of
41. Burada bilim adamlarnn ta ile ilgili
sylediklerinden biri soruluyor. klar yine srayla

okuyalm. Drdnc cmlenin ilk ksmnda kayada

fosil bulmay beklemedikleri sylenmiti. O nedenle
A yanltr. Kayann iinde ancak ok eskiden
mikrop yaayp yaamad incelebilir, bundan
sonra yaayp yaayamayaca deil. O yzden B
de doru olamaz. Cdeki bilgiyi beinci cmlede de
grmtk. O zaman doru k budur. Dnyaya
dm olan meteor bundan sonra decekler
hakknda bilgi veremeyecei iin D, unfortunately
ve fail olumsuz kavramlar olduu iin E de
Cevap: C
42. For scientists to come up with accurate
findings, a meteorite ----.
A) is to be one of the 41,000 known meteorites
B) has to be made sure that it come from a specific
C) should contain plenty of living organisms
D) needs to remain intact for a sufficient amount of
E) is required to have basic minerals in its internal
42. Burada bilim adamlarnn meteordan doru
bilgiler elde edebilmesi iin gerekli bir ey soruluyor.
Giri cmlesindeki bilgiye gre byle bir tan
kirlenmemesi gerekiyormu. Tissint dnyaya
dtkten 5 ay sonra bulunduunda hala
incelenebilecek kadar dnya kaynakl kirleticilerden
etkilenmemi durumdayd. Hemen tm klarda
gereklilik bildiren fiiller var ama en doru bilgi D
kknda. Buradaki intact sfat el dememi
anlamna gelir.
Cevap: D
43. - 46. sorular aadaki paraya gre
While playing computer games is sometimes seen
as a solitary pursuit, a study at Brigham Young
University shows that it actually enhances social
connections (1). Studying the effect of multiplayer
online games on marriages, researchers found that
in the 76% of the cases where the couple played
together, games actually aided the relationship (2).
In other words, couples that gamed together stayed
together. Games may have other effects on us too.
The famous psychologist, Philip Zimbardo, recently
spoke out on the subject. In his 1971 Stanford
Prison Experiment, in which volunteers were
randomly assigned the roles of prisoner or guard, he
showed that human behaviour is heavily influenced
by environmental and social pressures (3). More
recently, Zimbardo even suggested that exposing
children to morally ambiguous situations in games
could be useful in helping them develop their own
moral compass (4). One possibility is to explore
virtual worlds through computer games that could
enable people to experience and understand
concepts that they would otherwise find difficult to
imagine. Games about society, populated by real
people and open to all, could help test how different
cultural backgrounds could be brought together in
peace (5).

43. The authors attitude towards computer

games is ----.
A) satirizing
B) disrespectful C) favouring
D) pessimistic
E) tolerant
43. Deiik bir para sorusu. Yazarn bilgisayar
oyunlarna kar tutumunu soruyor. Verdii bilgilere
baklrsa dncesi olumludur. Tersi olsayd bunu
gsteren aratrmalardan rnekler verirdi. Bu
nedenle klardaki szck olumsuz olduklar iin
elenir. Satirizing, yerici, disrespectful saygsz,
pessimistic ise ktmser demektir. Parada
bilgisayar oyunlarna kar kanlarn fikirlerine yer
younlasayd, tolerant doru cevap olabilirdi.
Ancak parann tamamnda giriteki bazlar sava
oyunu olarak dnse de ifadesinin dnda
olumsuz bir eyden sz edilmiyor. Ho o da pek
olumsuz saylmaz. O nedenle doru cevap
beenen anlamna gelen favouringtir.
Cevap: C
44. It is stated in the passage that computer
games ----.
A) enhance the feeling of loneliness if they involve
more than one player all the time
B) provide opportunities for people to meet
unaccustomed ideas and worlds
C) lead to role conflicts among those who come
from different cultural backgrounds
D) contributes little to strengthening the
relationships of married couples
E) may include harmful features that trigger
aggressive behaviour among children
44. Burada, parada bilgisayar oyunlar hakknda
verilmi bir bilgi soruluyor. klar srayla
inceleyelim. Adaki more ve all, Ddeki little=ok
az iddial ifadelerdir. Ddeki conflict ile Edeki
harmful olumsuz kavramlar olduu iin bu
cmlelerde anlatlanlar, olumlu bilgiler veren
parada anlatlanlara uymaz. Bde ise son cmlede
verilen bilgi farkl kelimelerle anlatlm. Oyunlar
sayesinde farkl kltrlerden insanlar tanmak
Cevap: B
45. According to the passage, Zimbardo believes
that ----.
A) computer games may actually help young people
make more conscious decisions on moral issues
B) his experiment refutes the findings of the study
conducted at Brigham Young University
C) having children face ambiguous situations in
computer games can cause psychological problems
D) computer games populated by real people may
not present the actual state of a society
E) environmental pressures are greater on those
who play computer games
45. Zimbardonun bu konudaki dncelerine ve
drdnc cmlelerde yer verilmiti. klarda onlar
arayalm. Adaki bilgi drdnc cmlede olan
bilgidir. ocuklar bilgisayar oyunlar sayesinde kendi
ahlak deerlerini gelitiriyormu. B, C ve Ddeki
cmlelerde srasyla refute= bir fikri rtmek,

psychological problems ve may not present

ifadeleri yardmyla olumsuz bilgiler veriliyor. Ede
ise greater szc more gibi idial ifadedir.
Cevap: A
46. One can infer from the passage that ----.
A) computer games are destructive to the
relationships of younger people
B) the risks associated with playing computer
games outweigh the benefits
C) we have reached the limits of what can be
achieved with computer games
D) computer games are capable of bringing in
several unexpected benefits
E) social pressures force people to avoid playing
computer games
46. Burada paradan karlabilecek bir bilgi
soruluyor. lk iki kta yine destructive ve risks
kelimeleri ile son kta da avoid=kanmak
olumsuz kavramlar kullanlarak yanl k retilmi.
Cde de aslnda dolayl da olsa olumsuz ve
kstlayc bir durum anlatlyor. Bilgisayar oyunlar
ile yapabileceimizin st snrna gelmisiz, yani
bundan sonras yok, deniyor. Bu olumsuz bir bilgidir.
O zaman doru olabilecek tek k olarak Dyi
inceleyip paradan okuduklarmzla dorulayabileceimiz bir bilgi olup olmadna bakalm.
Burada bilgisayar oyunlar iin beklenmedik pek ok
yarar olabilir deniyor. Parada bunlara rnekler
verilmiti zaten. O zaman D kesin dorudur.
Cevap: D
47. - 50. sorular aadaki paraya gre
Although many community newspapers are
justifiably proud of their hard-hitting local editorials,
perhaps half of all community papers carry no
editorials at all (1). Publishers who refuse to
editorialize often claim that editorial harassing is
resented in small communities. Others are fearful of
alienating readers and advertisers. Still others say
they do not have enough time to develop polished,
well-researched editorials on a regular basis (2).
Many publishers are leaders in the commercial and
political lives of their towns, and are so much a part
of the local power structure that their editorials
would not be persuasive anyway (3). Those who
editorialize assert that editorials and opinion
columns give identity to their newspapers and
leadership to their communities (4). Indeed, some of
the most inspired writing the US has produced the
Crisis essays of Tom Paine, the Federalist Papers
explaining and defending the Constitution, the
stirring commentary of William Allen White of
Kansas first saw the light of day as editorial or
column material in a community newspaper.
Courageous hometown editors regularly win Pulitzer
Prizes and other professional honours for crusading
editorials on local issues (5).

47. It is stated in the passage that some

community newspapers prefer not to have
editorials because ----.

A) they think that they can increase their prices

without editorials
B) publishers are afraid they could lose readers and
C) they believe that the communities are too large to
be affected by editorials
D) editorials increase the cost of publishing the
E) it is difficult for publishers to find people who can
write polished, well-researched editorials
47. Burada baz yerel gazetelerin ba makale
yaynlamamasnn sebeplerinden biri soruluyor.
Bunlardan ikinci ve nc cmlelerde sz edilmiti.
Sorunun sorulduu yer byle belli olduunda klara
gemeden nce o satrlar bir kez daha okumak
yararldr. kinci cmlede anlatlanlara gre B kk
dorudur. Parada gazetelerin maliyetinden sz
edilmedii iin A ve D klarndaki bilgiler doru
deildir. Cdeki too large ididal ifadedir.
Yaynclarn ba makale yazacak birini bulmada
zorluk ekmeleri diye bir eyden sz edilmedii iin
E kk da doru deildir.
Cevap: B
48. According to the passage, by having
editorials in their community newspapers,
publishers ----.
A) wish to reach larger numbers of readers
B) attempt to gain greater prestige in their
C) try to draw the attention of political figures in the
local community
D) tend to spread their political views through their
E) aim to give a particular quality to their
48. Burada ise ba makale yaynlayan gazetelerle
ilgili bir bilgi soruluyor. O nedenle klara gemeden
4 ve 5. cmlelere gz atmakta yarar var. A ve Bdeki
larger ve greater more gibi iddial ifadelerdir. Bu
gazeteler yerel siyasetilere dikkat ekmeye
almadklar iin C, siyasi dncelerini gazeteleri
yardmyla yayma niyetleri olmad iin D elenir.
Ede ise drdnc cmlede verilen bilgi var;
gazetelerine kimlik kazandrmak.
Cevap: E
49. The author of the passage ----.
A) inclines not to agree with certain publishers
B) is himself an editor of a community newspaper
C) believes politics should play little role in editorials
D) provides a balanced view on the inclusion of
E) underestimates the advantages of editorials
49. Yazarn bu metni yazma amac soruluyor. A, C
ve E olumsuz bilgi ve kavramlar ierdii iin yazarn
amacna ters dmektedir. Metnin ilk yarsnda bu
konudaki olumsuz dncelere, ikinci yarsnda da
olumlu dncelere yer verdii iin D kknda da
sylendii gibi yazar dengeli bir dnce sunuyor.
Cevap: D

50. It can be inferred from the passage that ----.

A) there could be times when supposedly
unimportant editorial could have widespread
influence over a nation
B) some famous essays were in fact distorted forms
of the editorials published in the community
C) there is ample evidence that community
newspapers were much more influential in the past
D) publishers have felt all along the political
pressure to include editorials to promote community
E) abusing editorials to promote advertising in
community newspapers backfired
50. Burada da bir nceki sorunun son cmlesinde
olduu gibi paradan karabilecek bir bilgi
sorulmu. klar srasyla okuyoruz. A kknda
parann son iki cmlesinde anlatlanlar zetlenmi.
Yerel gazete ke yazarlar ulusal boyutta etkileyici
yazlaryla Pulitzer dlleri kazanmlar. Bdeki
distorted ile Edeki abusing olumsuz kavramlar.
Cdeki much more ile Ddeki all iddial ifadeler
olduu iin bu cmlelerdeki bilgiler doru deildir.
Cevap: A
51. - 54. sorular aadaki paraya gre
Innovation is not a synonym for invention an
invention has to be taken to the market to be
regarded as innovation. Innovation must change
the way people do something (1). In an essay on
creativity, Teresa Amabile and others describe
innovation as the successful implementation of
creative ideas within an organization. Creativity,
which includes invention, is only the starting point
for innovation, which is a necessary but not
sufficient condition for it (2). As Amabile implies, the
business of innovation needs to be managed all the
way from the creative inspiration through to a
launchable product or service (3). Innovation is not
restricted to products and services. It might be
internal to the business, in the form of new and
more effective organizational structures or
processes. It could be a new way of marketing or
distribution, like online grocery deliveries. By todays
thinking, innovation can also be in the form of a
significant improvement to an existing commodity
(4). When you build a better product, not necessarily
a revolutionary one, the whole world will want to buy
it. A lot of small types of innovation like this are
more akin to continuous improvement, which makes
up 85-90% of the average corporate development
portfolio (5).
51. It is clearly stated in the passage that for
Amabile, ----.
A) for a company to be managed successfully, it
requires new ways of organizing the workforce and
B) innovation has to be carefully monitored from the
starting point to the end product for a company to be

C) the scope of innovation is so broad that its

application can involve a wide range of goods and
D) placing restrictions on the range of the uses of
innovation for certain products and services may
damage the inventive spirit
E) a creative inspiration that is adequately turned
into a marketable product or service is a sign of the
companys future prospects
51. Bu soruda Amabilein bu konudaki grlerinden
biri soruluyor. Bu bilgiler parann 3 ve 4.
cmlelerinde gemiti. O cmleleri bir daha
okuyarak klara bakarsak Bdeki bilginin 3. cmlede
Cdeki bilginin ise 4. cmlede olduunu grrz.
Bdeki bir rnn bir irket iin karl olabilmesi
bilgisi 3. cmlede yok. 4. cmlede ise yeniliin snr
olmad anlatlyor. O zaman bu bilgi dorudur.
Parada workforce=i gcnden sz edilmedii
iin A yanltr. Ddeki damage=zarar olumsuz
kavramdr. Edeki bilgi, paradan dolayl olarak
karlabilir ama parann son cmlesinde bunun
Amabilein fikri olup olmad belli deildir. Burada
yazar daha ok kendi fikrini syler.
Cevap: C
52. According to the passage, ----.
A) small innovations fail to account for a great
portion of a companys turnover
B) corporate development portfolios owe their
improvement to creating only revolutionary products
C) a new marketing or distribution strategy like
online shopping can hardly be an example of
D) an innovation can both be an improvement in a
product and a completely new product
E) the survival of a business is closely tied to its
flexibility to adjust to online marketing
52. Ne istedii belli olmayan bu soru iin dorudan
klar okumaya balamamz gerekiyor. Adaki fail
olumsuz kavaramdr, Bdeki only ile Cdeki hardly
iddial ifadedir. Ddeki bilgi drdnc cmlede aynen
gemiti. Yenilik var olan bir rn gelitirerek te
yep yeni bir rn yaratarak ta salanabilir. Edeki
closely szc iddial ifadedir.
Cevap: D
53. It can be understood from the passage that
the author ----.
A) informs the reader of the consequences when a
corporate suffers from a lack of activity, invention
and innovation
B) sets out to clear up the misunderstanding
between some terms and to point out the
importance of small advances
organizations have to come to a correct
interpretation of manufacturing terminology
D) warns that if the current state of production
processes prevails, the desire to innovate may be
E) criticizes the existing management practices,
which will eventually disregard lots of small

53. Yine bir karm sorusu sorulmu. Tek bilinen

ey yazarla ilgili olmasdr. klara yle bir gz
gezdirirsek, warn ve criticize fiilleri ile balayan D
ve E klarnn bu olumsuz kavramlar yznden
okunmasna gerek olmadn anlarz. A kkndaki
suffer-ac ekmek ve lack-eksiklik duymak
szckleri de olumsuz kavramlardr. B kknda
yazarn giri cmlesinde Innovation is not a
synonym for invention ifadesi ve sonu
cmlesindeki A lot of small types of innovation
ifadesiyle yapt eyler anlatlm. Doru cevap
budur. Cde ise ne innovation ne de invention ile
ilgili bir ey sylenmiyor.
Cevap: B
54. One can conclude from the passage that ----.
A) terms like invention, innovation and creativity
need to be clearly defined and described before
they can be applied productively
B) so long as companies and inventors interpret the
concept of innovation rightly, they would eventually
make huge profits
C) innovation not only eases the practical difficulties
of life but also comprises a considerable amount of
D) the idea of innovation is so complex that it can
hardly be applied to simple procedures like online
E) for many a person, for a new product to be
innovative, it does not have to involve a creative
54. Burada da paradan karlabilecek bir sonu
soruluyor. A kkndaki need to ve clearly Bdeki
huge=devasa, Ddeki so complex that ve Edeki
many iddial ifadeler olduu iin, E ayrca olumsuz
bir cmle olduu iin bu klar elenir. Cde ise sonu
cmlesindeki bilgi var. st olduka kapal olsa da
dier klar gibi iddial veya olumsuz bilgiler
iermedii iin de bu k doru kabul edilebilir.
Burada Yenilik yalnzca hayatn zorluklarn
kolaylatrmaz ayn zaman da nemli miktar gelir de
salar., deniyor. Bu nemli miktar son cmlede
%85-90 saysal bilgisine karlk geliyor.
Cevap: C
55. - 58. sorularda, karlkl konumann bo
braklan ksmn tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi
Ouz: What a relief, Ive finally submitted my
PhD thesis! I can officially have the Dr. title
Arda: Great! Will that grant you any advantages
in your workplace?
Ouz: ---------------.
Arda: That shouldnt be a cause of concern for
you, as you can always get around that social
A) Im so exhausted, and I dont want to hear
anything related to academic works.
B) My chances of getting a promotion there are slim
to none; why have I wasted so much time!
C) The title itself wont do much, but Ill definitely feel
more motivated.

D) Since Ive achieved what Ive wanted, I shouldnt

be concerned about any of that paperwork.
E) Plenty, but Im worried about the jealousy my
colleagues will have.
55. Sorunun sorulduu yardmc fiil will esas alarak
klarda onu arayabilirdik. Bu yolla seenekleri ikiye
indirebilirdik; C ve E. C olumlu ekilde bittii iin
devamndaki olumsuz cevaba uygun olmazd.
Geriye yine E kalrd.
Cevap: E
Bahar: Instead of simply looking at the posters
of astronauts, children are now playing with toy
models of the International Space Station.
Erdem: So what? Isnt that obvious?
Bahar: ----------------.
Erdem: What difference does it make, anyway?
Bahar: You can interact with them, and get
familiar with space concepts.
A) Toy models of space stations are recently made
of plastic material.
B) Unfortunately, space expeditions have slowed
down in recent years.
C) Interestingly, children nowadays tend to be more
D) Our childhood was much simpler and we were
E) Well, we could only dream of such educational
toys when we were young.
56. Bu soruda da eksik cmleden nce sorulan bir
soru var. Bahar burada Eee ne olmu? Bu belirgin
deil mi?,diyor. Wolkswagen tekniimize gre
birinci w, what soru kelimesini, ikinci w ise E
kkndaki well i temsil ediyor. Edeki cmlede
bulunan such educational toys ifadesi, bu
cmlenin 27. sorunun zmnde akladmz
This/These/ Such+isim formlne gre de doru
cevap olduunu gsteriyor. nk bu ifade Baharn
ilk ifadesindeki oyuncaklara gnderme yapyor. Bir
eit Ahmet-he ilikisi yani. Burada Bahar Biz
ocukken byle oyuncaklarn ancak hayalini
kurabiliyorduk., diyor.
Cevap: E
Lecturer: As the division of labour has become
more specialized, it is no longer possible for
skills to be passed down within the family.
Student: What could be the consequences of
such a thing in modern life?
Lecturer: For one thing, it has increased the
importance of education in all societies to a
great extent.
Lecturer: Absolutely!
A) Then, youre implying that this should signal the
end of centuries of adopting parents professions.
B) That explains why some social norms had to be
internalized in society along with a number of other
C) In line with that, individualism gained popularity
over collectivism, and self-centrism was promoted
by the media.

D) But, we should be dealing with the equality of

opportunity that the current educational system
E) As a matter of fact, the distinction between the
educated and uneducated is far greater than was
57. retmen ilk ifadesinde i alanlarnda
uzmanlama artt iin artk mesleklerin aileden
ocuklara gemediini, bunu modern yaamdaki
sonularnn ne olacan soran rencisine verdii
cevapta ise bu durumun eitimin neminin tm
toplumlarda arttrm olduunu sylyor. rencinin
bu ifadeden kard sonuca Tamamen yle
diyerek katlyor. nk rencinin eksik cmle
yerindeki ifadesi retmenin son syledii eye
benziyor. Bu nedenle rencinin retmenin
ifadesinden karaca ey A kkndaki cmledir.
Yani sizi doru anladysam, o zaman bu durum
mesleklerin kuaktan kuaa aktarlmasnda ailenin
eiticilik rolnn kalmadn sylyorsunuz, diyor.
Cevap: A
pek: What do you think about the Human Brain
Handan: --------------.
pek: Youre right. Scientists want to build a
completely simulated human brain, but what
about the obligations to the mind that has been
Handan: Yes, imagine a scenario where a brain
has been created that has memories and is
really humanlike, but then the scientists decide
to switch it off.
A) I agree that its a unique opportunity for us to
learn how the brain really works.
B) I think it has taken scientists far too long to come
up with this idea.
C) I dont really know enough about it. But Im sure
there must be some serious ethical considerations.
D) Im not very certain, as I havent read much about
it. Whats your opinion?
E) Id really like to know more about it before I say
anything about the morality of the issue.
58. Bu konumada pek Handana nsan Beyni
Projesi hakknda ne dndn soruyor. Bu tr
wh-li soru kelimesi ile sorulan sorulara, genellikle
well ile balayan ve 2-3 satr tutan bir aklama ile
cevap verilir. Buna az nce de sylediimiz gibi
Wolkswagen teknii diyoruz. Buradaki en uzun k
Cde well yok ama ierii doru gibi geliyor.
Handan bu ifade ile O proje hakknda ok ey
bilmiyorum ama eminim bu konuda baz ciddi etik
kayglar vardr., diyor. pekin bu ifadeye Youre
right ifadesi ile olumlu ekilde katlmas da bu
kkn doruluunu kantlyor. Sorudaki proje
kelimesi ile bu ktaki it arasnda bulunan Ahmethe ilikisi de bu kkn doruluunu gsteren ikinci
bir yapsal ba oluyor.
Cevap: C
59. - 62. sorularda, verilen cmleye anlamca en
yakn cmleyi bulunuz.

59. Disparities in wealth are less visible in

Americans everyday lives today than they were
a century ago.
A) A hundred years ago, it was not easy to see the
differences between the wealthy and the poor in
America in terms of their daily lives.
B) Everyday life in America is very different today
from what it was a century ago, because people are
much wealthier now.
C) The differences in the way that wealthy American
people lived a hundred years ago were more
obvious than the current ones.
D) In American daily life today, you cant see such
big differences in the distribution of wealth as you
could a hundred years ago.
E) The everyday lives of most Americans show
disparities in wealth which were not seen a century
59. Bu blm sorularnda soruda geen sfat, zarf
ve balalarn e anlamllarn klardan en
uzunundan balayarak seenekler iinde aryoruz.
Burada ABDde refah farklarn gnlk yaamda 100
yl nce olduundan daha az grrsnz, diyor. En
uzun k Ada bugnden sz edilmiyor. Ondan sonra
gelen uzun k Cde ise yalnzca zengin
Amerikallarn yaam fark anlatlyor. Sonraki uzun
k Dde ise sorudaki Disparities in wealth
ifadesinin karl differences in the distribution of
wealth ifadesi ile anlatlyor. Sorudaki century
burada hundred years olmu. O zaman doru k
Cevap: D

60. Most of us think we elect our leaders

regarding their politics, but new research shows
that it might actually be the candidates faces
that matter most.
A) Most of our feelings about our leaders come from
judgements based on their faces, but current
research suggests that it is their political views that
usually affect us.
B) Many will agree about the fact that we consider
our political views while electing them; however,
new research reveals that their faces have a strong
impact on our decisions.
C) Whereas recent research states that we can
make assessments with respect to our leaders
faces, most people are of the opinion that leaders
should be elected just based on their political views.
D) According to the latest research, some people
elect their leaders with reference to their politics,
while others do the same with regard to what
feelings their faces may evoke.
E) Contrary to what most recent research suggests,
people tend to elect their leaders according to their
political views rather than what they think about their
60. Bu soru olduka uzun. Tamamn okuyup
anlamas ve klarda hangi szcklerinin e
anlamlsn arayacamz tespit etmek zor olabilir.
Ancak but balacn esas alarak C, D ve E klarn
eleyebiliriz. nk bu klarda onunla e anlaml
ztlk balac yok. Whereas ve while daha ok
birbirine benzeyen iki varl, ortak bir zellikleri

asndan karlatrmaya yarar. Soruda but tan

sonra verilen bilgiye gre biz siyasilerin daha ok
yzlerinden etkilenerek onlara oy veriyormuuz.
Ada ise son aratrmalar onlarn siyasi
grlerinden etkilendiimizi gsteriyor, deniyor. O
nedenle bu cmle farkl bir bilgi veriyor. Doru bilgi
Bdeki however balacndan sonra anlatlyor. Bu
k orijinal sorularn olduu pdf dosyada ayn
zamanda en uzun k olan Cden sonra geliyor.
Cevap: B
61. The major drawbacks for the Indian economy
had mainly been due to the lack of electricity,
but these problems are now being solved.
A) The problems related to the Indian economy
have now been solved thanks to the increased
supply of electricity.
B) The development of the Indian economy had
focused principally on providing electricity, but this is
no longer the case.
C) In the past, it was mainly a shortage of electricity
that hindered the Indian economy, but this is now
being addressed.
D) Previously, the Indian economy had suffered
because of the high cost of electricity, yet this has
been solved.
E) There was a need to improve the Indian
economy by reducing its dependence on the
provision of electricity, a problem not yet solved.
61. Yine but balac yardmyla yapabildiimiz bir
soru var. Uzunluk bakmndan klar birbirine ok
yakn olduu iin bu bilgi ok iimize yarayacak. Bu
defa da but balac iki kta var yalnzca; B ve C.
Soruda Hindistan ekonomisindeki skntlarn
eskiden elektrik skntsndan kaynaklanm olduu
ama artk bu sorunun giderildii syleniyor. Bde
buttan nce Hindistan ekonomisinde yaanan
herhangi bir skntdan sz edilmiyor. Bu C kknda
yaplm. Buradaki but balacndan sonra soruda
olduu gibi sorunun artk giderildii syleniyor.
Cevap: C
62. In 2005, the European Council adopted a
directive aimed at facilitating the obtaining of a
scientific visa, which would encourage foreign
researchers into Europe.
A) Europe opened up to foreign research in 2005
when a new law was introduced to help people get a
visa more quickly.
B) 2005 was the year that the European Council
obtained a number of scientific visas to allow foreign
researchers to work in Europe.
C) Foreign researchers who wanted to come to
Europe were finally given visas in 2005 by the
European Council.
D) The directive that was passed by the European
Council in 2005 allowed scientists to work in Europe
without getting a visa.
E) The European Council wanted to attract foreign
researchers to Europe, and so in 2005, it made it
easier for people to get a scientific visa.
62. Avrupa Konseyinin 2005 ylnda bilim pasaportu
almay kolaylatran bir direktifi kabul etmesi
yabanc aratrmaclarn Avrupaya gelmesini
cesaretlendirebilir, eklinde evirebileceimiz bu

cmlede klarda e anlamllarn arayabileceimiz

ne sfat, ne zarf ne de bala var. O zaman bu
bilgiyi en uzun ktan balayarak klarda arayalm.
En uzun k Ede Avrupa Konseyi yabanc
aratrmaclar Avrupaya ekmek istedi bu yzden
2005te bilimsel vize almay kolaylatrd, deniyor. O
zaman doru k budur. Facilitatein made it easier
ile karlanmas dnda e anlaml kelime pek
olmasa da sorudaki bilgi burada farkl bir cmle
yaps ile anlatlm.
Cevap: E
63. - 66. sorularda, verilen durumda sylenmi
olabilecek sz bulunuz.
63. After several months of seeking a position as
a computer engineer, youve recently been
accepted by a big international company. In your
second week at work, you start thinking that it
doesnt live up to its reputation. When asked by
a relative whether you would consider working
there for a long time, you say: ---A) Im open to new opportunities, as I couldnt find
what I was looking for in this company.
B) Well, its very easy for me to find a job as a
computer engineer, so I just dont let it bother me.
C) Were talking about one of the worlds biggest
companies, why would I want to leave such a
D) Ive heard some rumours about this company,
but I think they are all lies.
E) The promotion possibilities in the company might
be poor, yet Im determined to work my way up.
63. Burada, Bilgisayar mhendisi olarak birka ay i
aradktan sonra uluslar aras bir irkette ie
balamsnz. Daha ikinci haftanzca beklediinizi
bulmamsnz. Orada ok almay dnyor
musun? diye soran bir akrabanza ne dersiniz?,
diyen bir soru var. Her halde olumlu bir ey
sylemezsiniz. Bu nedenle Bu irkette aradm
bulamadm. O nedenle yeni frsatlara am.,
diyen A kk doru cevap oluyor.
Cevap: A

64. Your child comes home disappointed with

the result of an important exam. Upon noticing,
you comfort her and say in a supporting tone:---A) You know you should have prepared better for
such an important exam.
B) No need to be discouraged! Youll make up for it
next time.
C) Youre going to have to follow a much stricter
study plan from now on.
D) I see how frustrated you are for the following
E) In fact, my hopes were very high from a student
like you.
64. ocuunuz eve nemli bir snavdan kt not
ald iin morali bozuk olarak gelmi. Onu
rahatlatmak iin ne dersiniz? Bunu en iyi Moralini
bozmana gerek yok. Bir dahaki sefere telafi
edersin., diyen B kkndaki doru ifadeyle
yaparsnz. Daha iyi hazrlanman gerekirdi diyen A
kk, Bundan sonra daha sk bir programa girmek

zorunda kalacaksn., diyen C kk ve Aslnda

senin gibi bir ocuktan daha fazlasn beklerdim
diyen E kk cesaret krc ifadeler olduu iin doru
cevap olamyorlar.
Cevap: B

65.You are looking for a history book in a store,

but when you approach the shelves related to
history, you see some books on psychology.
Realizing that books have been misplaced, you
turn to the salesperson and say sarcastically:---A) Itd be better if you placed the history books in
the identified shelf.
B) You might like to know that some of your
customers have left psychology books in the history
C) Could you please direct me to the shelves where
history books are placed?
D) The staff should be paid extra, because you
seem to have spent lots of time classifying the
E) Ive been trying to find books on history for half
an hour, but all I can find are books on psychological issues.
65. Tarih kitab almak iin bir kitapya gidiyorsunuz.
Ancak tarih kitaplarnn olmas gereken raflarda
psikoloji ile ilgili kitaplar olduunu gryorsunuz.
Grevliye gidip bu durumu alayvari bir slupla dile
getireceksiniz. En uzun k Ede byle bir slup yok.
Durumu net bir ekilde anlatyor. kinci uzun k
saylabilecek Bde ise Kitaplar raflara yerletirmek
iin ok uramsnz. Personele bu yzden fazla
cret denmeli., diyorsunuz. Bu ifadede bir kinaye
veya alay var. O zaman doru sz budur.
Cevap: D
66. Your new classmate promises to visit you at
the weekend, but she doesnt turn up. Next time
you see her at school, you want to let her know
about your feelings without offending her: ---A) Youd better come up with a reasonable excuse
for not coming to visit me.
B) Dont tell me that you forgot your appointment
with me.
C) I waited for you at home all weekend, and it was
so rude of you to let me down.
D) To tell you the truth, I wasnt expecting you to
keep your promise.
E) I wish youd called me before to say you couldnt
come; I was a bit upset.
66. Snf arkadanz sizi hafta sonunda ziyaret
edecekmi ama gelmemi. Daha sonra okulda
karlatnzda bu olaydan dolay yaadnz
duygular onu incitmeden syleyeceksiniz. Uzun k
olarak yine birka seeneimiz var; A, C ve E.
Cdeki ok sert bir ifade. Ada ise duygularnz
anlatan ifade yok. Ede Keke gelemeyeceiniz
bildirmek iin arasaydnz. ok zldm., deniyor.
O zaman en uygun ifade budur.
Cevap: E
67. - 70. sorularda, bo braklan yere, parada
anlam btnln salamak iin getirilebilecek
cmleyi bulunuz.

67. No independent African state has a chance

to follow an independent course of economic
development. -----------. This situation will not
change unless they have a unified policy
working at the continental level. The first step
towards a cohesive economy would be a unified
monetary zone, with an agreed common parity
for all African countries.
A) The common defence system in the African
Union ensures stability and security throughout the
B) They can begin to ascertain whether in reality
they are the richest.
C) The hour of history that brought Africans to this
assembly is a revolutionary hour.
D) Many of the countries that have tried this have
been almost ruined.
E) Communities and families trade with and support
one another successfully across the boundaries.
67. Bu paragrafn giri cmlesinde Hibir Afrika
devleti bugne dein bamsz
bir ekonomi
politikas izleme yoluna gidememitir., deniyor.
Eksik cmlede de benzer bir ey sylenmi olmal ki
ondan sonra gelen cmlede Bu durum
deimeyecek diyor. This/These/Such+isim formlne gre klarda bu olumsuz situation anlatan bir
ifade bulalm. D kk hari dierlerinde hep olumlu
bilgiler verilmi. Buradaki this te ilk cmlede
anlatlan bamsz bir yol izleme giriimine
gnderme yapyor. Burada buna kalkan pek ok
lke harabeye dnd, deniyor.
Cevap: D

68. Home entertainment spending, which

includes DVD sales and film rentals, has been
falling since hitting a peak in 2004, but it
remains an important part of a films revenue.
According to some information services, the
death of that market is somewhat overblown.
The DVD market peaked much earlier than
studios would have liked, but the overall viewing
of the video at home continues at the same rate
as ever. It is a much more mixed market between
DVD, video streaming and rental services. ----------. For example, DVD sales of the movie Avatar
totalled $600 million, and another $57 million
was spent on renting the movie.
A) A studio will typically take 40% of DVD sales and
rentals, and that can generate some healthy sums.
B) A big name actor can expect an up-front
payment, so $10-$20 million would not be unusual.
C) Popping a DVD into the TV set at home is no
substitute for seeing a film in a cinema.
D) What makes movies popular in a short time is the
cast they have rather than DVDs that are available
soon after release.
E) A producer can be thought of as the chief
executive of the film who shepherds it from the
script page to the premiere.
68. Bu paragrafta DVD ve Video filmi kiralama
iindeki durgunlua ramen bu i kolunun hala film
gelirlerinin nemli bir ksmn oluturmasndan sz
ediliyor. Son cmlede de buna rnek veriyor.

Buradaki saysal bilgilere bakarak eksik cmlenin A

veya B olabileceini tahmin edebiliriz. A kkndaki
some healthy sums ifadesi, son cmledeki 57
milyon Dolar anlatyor. 600 milyon Dolara ekilen
Avatar filminin DVDlerinin kiralanma ii, filmin
yapmclarna maliyetlerinin neredeyse %10nu
karlamalarn salam.
Cevap: A
69. In our modern world, celebrities may serve
an important social function. In a highly mobile,
industrial society, celebrities may be the only
friends we have in common with our new
neighbours and co-workers. They provide a
common interest and topic of conversation
between people who otherwise might not have
much to say to one another, and they facilitate
the types of informal interaction that help people
become comfortable in new surroundings. -----------.
A) Teenagers in particular seem to be prone to
learning how to dress, manage relationships, and be
socially successful by tuning into popular culture.
B) Research published in 2007 reveals that young
people even look to celebrities for learning life
strategies to help them cope with difficulties.
C) Hence, keeping up with the lives of actors,
politicians and athletes can make a person more
socially adept during interactions with strangers.
D) On the contrary, the intense familiarity with
celebrities provided by the media initiates the same
gossip mechanisms for in-group members.
E) Adopting the role of the self-righteous soul who
refuses to participate in gossip at work or in other
areas of your social life will be self-defeating.
69. C ve D klarnda virgll balala balayan
cmleler var. pragrafn ilk cmlesi olumlu bir bilgi
verdiine gre D kknn bandaki on the
contrary balac uygun deildir. Bu cmlede ayrca
6. sorunun zmnde anlattmz giri cmlesi
eleri de var. Bu cmleler a/anli kelime, some,
any, many, much, most, several gibi belirsiz zamirler
ierirler. lk cmle ile son cmle anlam olarak olduu
gibi byle yapsal olarak ta benzerlik gsterebilirler.
lk cmlede anli Cde ise ali bir kelime var. Bu
zellikler dier hibir kta bulunma-maktadr.
Cevap: C
70. For years, researchers have been trying to
figure out the best ways of making plants
produce biofuels. But there is a fundamental
problem: photosynthesis, the process by which
plants convert sunlight into stored chemical
energy, is highly inefficient. Plants turn only 13% of sunlight into carbohydrates. ----------.
However, plants have many advantages. They
absorb carbon dioxide at low concentrations
directly from the atmosphere, and each plant
cell can repair itself when damaged.
A) Biofuels are gaining increased public and
scientific attention, driven by factors such as high oil
B) That is one reason why so much land has to be
devoted to growing plants to produce biofuel.

C) In 2010, worldwide biofuel production reached

100 billion litres, and biofuels provided 3% of the
worlds fuel for road transport.
D) In the future, scientists might create a black plant
that would absorb all incoming sunlight.
E) A government project is aimed at cultivating fastgrowing grasses to produce vegetable oil for the first
time in history.
70. zm This/These/ Such+isim formlndeki
this in e anlamls That ile balayan B kkndan
balayarak yapalm. Burada Bu durum biyoyakt
retimi amacyla bu kadar ok araziye ihtiya
duyulmasnn sebeplerinden biridir., deniyor. O
zaman eksik cmle budur. Dier klar okumaya
kesinlikle gerek yoktur. Bunu yapmak bu snavlarda
ok ihtiya duyulan zaman ve beyin enerjinizi israf
Cevap: B
71. - 76. sorularda, verilen ngilizce cmleye
anlamca en yakn Trke cmleyi, Trke
cmleye anlamca en yakn ngilizce cmleyi
71. Genetics sprang up with the discovery by
Mendel that observable hereditary characteristics are determined by factors which are
invariable and transmitted from one generation
to the next.
A) Genetik biliminin ortaya kmasn salayan
etken; Mendelin, gzlemlenebilir kaltsal zelliklerin
deimeyen ve nesilden nesile aktarlan faktrler
tarafndan belirlendiini kefetmesiydi.
B) Genetik bilimi; Mendelin, gzlemlenebilir kaltsal
zelliklerin deimeyen ve nesilden nesile aktarlan
faktrler tarafndan belirlendiini kefetmesiyle
C) Genetik bilimi; Mendelin, deimeyen ve
nesilden nesile aktarlan faktrleri gzlemlenebilir
kaltsal zelliklerle aklamasyla ortaya kt.
D) Mendelin gzlemlenebilir kaltsal faktrlerin
nesilden nesile aktarldn kefetmesiyle genetik
bilimindeki deimeyen zellikler ortaya kt.
E) Mendel, gzlemlenebilir kaltsal zelliklerin
deimeyen ve nesilden nesile aktarlan faktrler
tarafndan belirlendiini kefetti ve bylelikle genetik
bilimi filizlendi.
71. eviri sorularnda sorunun ilk szcklerinin
karln klarn ilk szcklerinde aramak en hzl
soru zme tekniidir. Bu sz veya szcklerin
birden fazla kta bulunmas durumunda fiiller
kontrol edilerek klar teke indirmek mmkndr.
Burada zne Genetik bilimi B ve C klarnda var.
Bu klardaki fiillerin hangisinin sorudaki sprang up
karladn bilemeyebiliriz. Ancak B kk varken
4 tam satr tutan sorunun evirisinin Cdeki satr
bile tutmayan cmle ile karlanamayaca da
Ayrca spring up deyim-fiilinin eylemin yn
kuralna gre filizlenmek eylemini karladn da
tahmin edebilirdik. Filizlenme yukar doru
gerekleen bir eylem olduu iin bu deyimdeki up

Cevap: B

72. The weather was cold and wet, but it could

not deter thousands of people from gathering by
the River Thames to watch the 1,000-boat parade
designed to celebrate Queen Elizabeths 60th
year on the throne.
A) Hava souk ve yalyd ancak bu, Kralie
Elizabethin tahttaki 60. yln kutlamak iin
dzenlenen 1000 botluk geit trenini izlemek zere
binlerce kiiyi Thames Nehrinin kysnda
toplanmaktan caydramad.
B) Hava, souk ve yal olmasna ramen Kralie
Elizabethin tahttaki 60. yln kutlamak iin
dzenlenen 1000 botluk geit trenini izlemek
isteyen binlerce kiiyi Thames Nehrinin kysnda
toplanmaktan vazgeiremedi.
C) Hava souk ve yalyd fakat Thames Nehrinin
kysnda toplanan binlerce kii buna aldr
etmeden Kralie Elizabethin tahttaki 60. yln
kutlamak iin dzenlenen 1000 botluk geit trenini
izlemeye devam etti.
D) Hava souk ve yalyd ancak Kralie
Elizabethin tahttaki 60. yln kutlamak iin
dzenlenen 1000 botluk geit trenini izlemeye
gelen binlerce kiiyi Thames Nehrinin kysnda
toplanmaktan vazgeirecek kadar caydrc deildi.
E) Hava souk ve yalyd ama yine de Kralie
Elizabethin tahttaki 60. yln kutlamak iin
dzenlenen 1000 botluk geit trenini izlemek zere
binlerce kiiyi Thames Nehrinin kysnda
toplanmaktan alkoyamad.
72. lk satrda virgle kadar olan ifadenin evirisi 4
kta birden var. Ancak sonraki but it could not
deter ifadesindeki ancak bu durum, yani havann
souk ve yal olmas durumu, yalnzca A kknda
Cevap: A
73. Perhaps the major reason why people do not
exercise is that they generally associate it with
sweat-soaked clothes and physical exhaustion.
A) nsanlarn egzersiz yapmaktan kanmalarnn
balca sebebi, egzersizi genellikle tere bulanm
kyafetler ve fiziksel yorgunluk olarak alglamalardr.
B) nsanlarn egzersiz yapamamalarnn balca
sebebi belki de egzersizi, tere bulanm kyafetler ve
fiziksel yorgunlukla badatrmalardr.
C) Belki de insanlarn egzersiz yapmamalarnn en
nemli nedeni, egzersizi ounlukla tere bulanm
kyafetler ve fiziksel yorgunluk olarak grmeleridir.
D) Belki de insanlarn egzersiz yapmamalarnn
ardndaki neden, egzersizin genelde tere bulanm
kyafetler ve fiziksel yorgunlukla ilikilendirilmesidir.
E) Belki de insanlarn egzersiz yapmamalarnn
balca nedeni, egzersizi genellikle tere bulanm
kyafetler ve fiziksel yorgunlukla ilikilendirmeleridir.
73. Yine ilk kelimenin kta, yani C, D ve E de
olduu bir cmle var. O zaman bunlar iinde
znenin fiil is e kadar olan ksmnn evirisini
arayalm. Bu Ede var. nk major reasonn
karl olan balca sebep ifadesi yalnzca orada
Cevap: E

74. Uzmanlar; 100 yl ierisinde su kaynaklarnn

ktlaacan, iklim deiikliinin gezegeni geri
dn olmayan bir ekilde deitireceini ve
yaam alanlarnn sonsuza dek kaybolacan
tahmin ediyorlar.
A) What experts predict is that within 100 years,
climate change will affect the planet in such a way
that it will be impossible to save water resources
and habitats, and they will be gone forever.
B) According to the predictions made by experts,
water resources will become scarce, climate change
will alter our planet in an irreversible way, and
habitats will be lost for good in 100 years.
C) It has been predicted by experts for 100 years
that water reserves are likely to be lost along with
habitats if climate change alters the planet
D) Experts predict that within 100 years, water
resources will become scarce, climate change will
irreversibly alter the planet, and habitats will be lost
E) Experts predict that water resources have been
scarce for about 100 years, and climate change will
make the situation irreversible, destroying habitats.
74. Uzmanlar znesi bu defa yalnzca iki kta var;
D ve E. Fiil tahmin ediyorlar-predict her ikisinde de
var. Bu durumda nc bir kelime aramaktansa 71.
soruda izlediimiz yolu izleyelim. Buna gre drt
satrdan fazla tutan sorudaki cmlenin ngilizce
karl Eden daha ok D kk tarafndan
karlanr. Soruda zneden sonra gelen yz yl
bulunmaktadr. Uzunluk her zaman bu kadar net
ekilde ie yaramayabilir. O nedenle son are olarak
kullanmanz tavsiye ederiz.
Cevap: D
75. inizde ne kadar iyi olursanz olun, ar i
yknden dolay baz hatalar yapmanz
A) Simply because of heavy workload, you are
going to make some errors in a job you are good at.
B) Irrespective of what you do at work, you will
probably make some errors due to heavy workload.
C) It does not matter how well you do your job, you
will possibly be forced to make some errors as a
result of heavy workload.
D) In spite of the fact that you do your job
satisfactorily, making some errors because of heavy
workload is inevitable.
E) No matter how good you are at your job, it is
likely that you are going to make some errors
because of heavy workload.
75. lk satrdaki yapnn ngilizcedeki karl No
matter how yalnzca E kknda buluyor. B
kknda benzeri yazlmaya allm ancak kalplar
yle kolayca deitirilemez.
Cevap: E
76. zellikle ekonominin 2010da % 9,3lk bir
byme kaydetmesinden bu yana, Filistindeki
yabanc yatrm ciddi art gstermektedir.

A) Especially after the economy recorded a

substantial growth rate of 9,3% in 2010, serious
foreign investment has grown in Palestine.
B) With the Palestinian economy recording a growth
rate of 9,3% in 2010, the direct foreign investment
has grown substantially.
C) Foreign investment in Palestine has been
growing substantially, especially since the economy
recorded a growth rate of 9,3% in 2010.
D) As of 2010 when the economy recorded a
substantial growth rate of 9,3%, foreign investment
in Palestine has seriously grown.
E) Especially following a record growth rate of 9,3%
in 2010, foreign investment in Palestine has seen
substantial increases.
76. Bu soruda ncekilerden farkl bir eviri yaplm.
Anahtar szcmz zellikle.. den bu yana
ifadesinin karl olan especially since ifadesi
yalnzca C kknda bulunuyor. zne Filistindeki
yabanc yatrm, yalnzca bu kta cmle banda.
Cevap: C
77. - 80. sorularda, cmleler srasyla
okunduunda parann anlam btnln
bozan cmleyi bulunuz.
77. (I) Do sinking ships suck nearby objects down
with them? (II) In the early 20th century, this was
held to be the case, and the advice for lifeboats
launched from a sinking ship was to row hard away
to avoid being pulled down with it. (III) This may
have contributed to the loss of life on the Titanic, as
only 13 survivors were pulled from the water. (IV)
However, some survivors report struggling against a
powerful suction, while others claim to have been
able to step off the sinking ship without their head
even going under. (V) Two surveying ships with the
help of the US Navy made the discovery of the
wreck, which required a huge amount of equipment.
A) I




E) V

77. Bu blm sorularnn zmnde de paragrafta

eksik cmleyi bulma sorularnda kullanlan Ahmethe, This/These/Such+isim, Virgll bala, zaman
paralellii, tarihsel sralama ve ilk cmle ile son
cmle ayn eyi syler ilkesi, teknikleri kullanlmaktadr. rnein bu soruda bizi doru cevaba bu son
teknik gtrmektedir. Giri cmlesi ve sonraki
cmle batan bir geminin etrafndaki kayk, kurtarma
botu vs. de beraberinde suyun altna ekmesi
anlatlyorken beinci cmlede iki aratrma
gemisinin ABD Donanmasnn yardmyla ve ok
miktarda ekipmanla gemi batnn yerini tespit
etmesi anlatlyor. Farkl cmle budur.
Cevap: E
78. (I) Perhaps more than any profession, science
places a premium on being correct, but mistakes
can push scientific understanding forward. (II)
Acknowledging mistakes in scientific studies may
not often be key to advancement. (III) Historians
have unearthed many instances in which an
incorrect idea proved far more potent than
thousands of others that were widely accepted. (IV)
Moreover, errors that touch on deep features of the

world can be more valuable in the long run than

narrowly correct ideas. (V) Niels Bohr, for example,
created a model of the atom that was wrong in
nearly every way, but it inspired the quantummechanical revolution.
A) I




E) V

78. Bu paragrafn giri cmlesinde bilimsel

almalarda yaplan hatalarn da bazen bilimsel
almay ileriye gtrebilecei syleniyor. kinci
cmlede ise bu defa may yardmyla tam tersi
savunuluyor. Yap itibaryla her ikisi de giri cmlesi
olabilir. nk ikisi de genel-geer bir durumu
anlatyorlar. Bu durumda nc cmleye
bakacaz. Burada tarihilerin yanl bilginin bilimsel
gelimeye katk yapabileceine dair pek ok rnek
olay ortaya kardndan sz ediliyor. O zaman
farkl cmle ikinci cmledir, diyebiliriz.
Cevap: B
79. (I) Las Vegas enjoys an average of more than
300 days of sunshine each year, which makes it
quite appealing to visitors. (II) One of Americas
most modern cities, Las Vegas did not exist before
the 20th century. (III) Initially a simple resting area
for desert travellers, many people say it was only
after Bugsy Siegel built the Flamingo Hotel in 1946
that the town shed its frontier image in favour of
ultra-modern neon. (IV) Since then, Las Vegass
growth has centred around its image as the worlds
busiest tourist destination. (V) More than 40 million
people come to Las Vegas each year, lured by its
attractions such as extravagant stage productions
and massive casinos.
A) I




E) V

79. Burada ilgin bir durum var. Her kuraln %10da

olsa bir yanlma pay vardr. O da burada karmza
km. Sanki benim yukardaki aklamalarm
nceden okuyup ona gre nlem alnarak
hazrlanm bir soru var, burada. Tm cmleler Las
Vegas ile ilgili. Yine iki tane giri cmlesi var. Adaki
an avarage, Bdeki most szckleri bunu
gsteriyor. nc cmledeki it, Ahmet-he
ilikisine gre hem birinci hem de ikinci cmlenin
znesi Las Vegasa balanabilir. Bu durumda
nc cmlenin anlamna bakmaktan baka are
yok, nk ilk ve son cmleler burada ayn eyi yani
Las Vegasn bir turizm kenti olduunu sylyor.
nc cmle initially-balangta ifadesiyle
balayp nceleri nasl bir yer olduu anlatld iin
Las Vegas 20.yydan nce yoktu, diyen ikinci
cmlenin devam olduu anlalyor. Las Vegasn
gemiinden deil, bugnnden sz eden ilk cmle
bu nedenle eleniyor. Las Vegas Nevada lne
yakndr ve ABDnin batsndaki ok dalk
blgedeki bir kenttir.
Cevap: A
80. (I) The London Games were a barrier breaker
for female athletes. (II) London distinguished itself
as the first Olympics in which all countries sent
teams of both genders. (III) Of course, there were
breathtaking events during the Games, but the
failure of the well-known American female

swimmers was a bit of a fiasco. (IV) Even countries

such as Qatar, Brunei and Saudi Arabia, which have
long abstained from sending female athletes,
competed in sports from swimming to judo. (V) At
the opening ceremony, the International Olympic
Committee president noted that For the first time in
Olympic history, all the participating teams will have
female athletes.
A) I




E) V

80. Bu paragraf Londra Olimpiyatlar bayan

atletlerin nlerindeki engellerin ald olimpiyatlard ve Bu olimpiyatlar katlmc tm lkelerin hem
kadn hem de erkek sporcu gnderdii ilk
olimpiyatt., eklinde kadn atletler iin olumlu iki
olayla balyor. Bu yzden Amerikal kadn yzclerin bana gelen bir fiyaskodan sz ederek
olumsuz bir bilgi veren nc cmle anlam btnln bozuyor. nk devamndaki cmlelerde de
ilk iki cmle gibi olumlu bilgiler var. Drdnc
cmlede Arap lkelerinden kadn sporcularn
yzmeden judoya kadar eitli yarmalara katld,
son cmlede ise al konumasnda ilk kez tm
lkelerden kadn katlmclarn olmasna deinildii
Cevap: C
1. C 21. E 41. C 61. C
2. E 22. B 42. D 62. E
3. B 23. A 43. C 63. A
4. E 24. C 44. B 64. B
5. A 25. A 45. A 65. D
6. D 26. D 46. D 66. E
7. E 27. D 47. B 67. D
8. C 28. B 48. E 68. A
9. D 29. E 49. D 69. C
10. A 30. C 50. A 70. B
11. E 31. A 51. C 71. B
12. C 32. E 52. D 72. A
13. D 33. D 53. B 73. E
14. B 34. E 54. C 74. D
15. A 35. A 55. E 75. E
16. D 36. C 56. E 76. C
17. C 37. D 57. A 77. E
18. B 38. B 58. C 78. B
19. E 39. E 59. D 79. A
20. D 40. A 60. B 80. C

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