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Internship/Project Students Responsibilities

1. Students should keep all the internship/project Guideline/ Form/ instruction

paper carefully. Forms/guidelines will not be issued second time.
2. Keep in touch with your faculty supervisor on a regular basis and as per the
schedule given by your supervisor.
3. Inform your supervisor about the TOPIC of your report well ahead of time.
Submit the Project Proposal Form to UCSC as per scheduled date.
4. Do not do any cheating/plagiarism. If found doing such in your report, you
will get an F.
5. If you need to change your meeting date with your supervisor, please let
him/her know at least 02 working days ahead.
6. If there are circumstances or problems which are likely to delay your report,
bring this to your supervisor's notice earlier rather than later.
7. Keep your supervisor regularly informed of your progress or lack of your
8. Project students need to meet their supervisor at least 8 times within a term.
If any student misses more than 6 meetings with his/her supervisor, s/he will
get an F grade.
9. E-mail your Final Draft Report to your Supervisor for approval. Please keep
Prof. Milan Kumar Bhattacharjee ( and Career
Services Center ( in CC.
10.Do a SPRIAL binding of your report. DO NOT DO BOOK BINDING.
11.Students should take final printout of their report after approval from the
Supervisor. Students need to attach Supervisors Approval Form in the
report duly signed by his/her Supervisor. No photocopied signature will be
12.Students need to attach the Plagiarism Declaration Form after the Table
of Content duly signed by him/her.
13.Before printing Final report, Review the entire Intern/Project paper, checking
for the following:
a. Is the content properly located in the appropriate chapter
(Introduction/Literature Review, Methodology, Data Analysis and Findings,
Conclusions and Recommendations)?
b. Is your Introduction/Literature Review a coherent presentation of the
theory and research from which you have drawn your hypothesis?
c. Is your hypothesis clearly stated?
d. Have you divided long or complex chapters with helpful subheadings? Are
the subheadings grammatically parallel?
e. Does each chapter begin with a clear overview?
f. Is the essential information/data in the body of your paper? Have you
placed tables and charts where they will be the most helpful to your
readers? Have you assigned less essential or more detailed data or
information to appendices?
g. Is your language clear and precise throughout the project paper?
h. Is the base tense of your project paper consistent?
i. Are all sources properly documented? Did you double-check the evidence
in your report against your note cards to be sure material from the sources
you have used is accurate?
j. Is your bibliography complete and in the correct form?

k. Is the main idea in each paragraph clear? Are the relationships clear
among ideas in each paragraph?
l. Have you proofread and edited the project paper carefully, eliminating all
grammatical and mechanical errors (pronoun reference, subject/verb
agreement, spelling, punctuation)?
14.Student should submit five (5) hard copies (01 copy for Supervisor and 04
copies for UCSC) and a soft copy of their report in PDF format to UCSC
( These copies will be archived into ULAB
library for further plagiarism checking.
15.Marking of your Internship/Project:
i. Report
: 70Marks (to be marked in different criteria)
ii. Defense : 30 Marks
16.If any student fails to submit their Internship/Project report within the report
submission deadline, s/he has to take written/email approval from her/his
supervisor at ULAB for submitting the report to UCSC. Report will be accepted
subject to Internship/Project course teachers final approval.
17.Intern students need to submit the Intern Assessment Host Form duly
signed by his/her supervisor at intern organization in a sealed/ closed
envelop. Assessment form submitting in an open form will not be
18.An orientation session will be organized on Defense Presentation. This is
mandatory for all intern/project students to participate. This orientation will
briefing on:
a. How to prepare the defense presentation?
b. Template and format of the presentation (unified template & format
need to use)
c. Topics need to include into the presentation
d. Duration of the presentation
e. Marking of the presentation
19.For intern students, inform your intern organization supervisor, if you unable
to attend office due to sickness or any personal problems.
20.For any unavoidable reason if you unable to continue the Internship/Project
for the remaining term, please contact with Registrars Office for dropping the

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