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Heres how to get optical flares for free:

1) Move the "Optical Flares" folder into the following;

C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe After Effects/Support Files/Plug-ins
2) Open After Effects and apply Optical Flares to something. (a layer, etc..)
3) Copy the HWID (The code that pops up) when it appears and close After Effects
4) Open the "Optical Flares Crack.exe" file and remember to run it as administra
tor or it will not work. (Does not apply to Windows XP)
5) Press "Generate License" and choose the "Optical Flares" folder that you move
d to;
C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe After Effects/Support Files/Plug-ins
6) You now have the full, licensed version of Optical Flares for free!
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