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Experimental Physics

Mach-Zehnder interferometers for light modulation:
David Kelly
11th November 2015


The aim of this experiment is to investigate the use and operation of the
Mach-Zehnder Interferometer and the Electro-optic effect. It also makes use
of superposition and interference.


Interferometry is a method of superimposing electromagnetic waves in order

to better examine the waves. Interferometers uses a beam splitter to divide a wave beam and then recombine after a time. The difference in paths
travelled between the split and recombination are variable. This causes interference ranging from constructive to destructive depending on the phase
difference when the arrive at the point of recombination. The most common
interferometer is the Michelson interferometer. This particular interferometer uses mirrors on tracks to vary the distances the waves need to travel. The
Michelson interferometer was most famously used in the Michelson Morley
experiment which had the significant result of proving the speed of light in
a vacuum is constant. This also disproved the theory of the aether which
was the main theory of the time.[1]
The interferometer used in this experiment, the Mach-Zehnder interferometer, is similar to the Michelson Morley interferometer in that it is also a
double path interferometer. A partial reflection is used to divide the amplitude of the wave into separate beams. They are then recombined to create
a interference pattern. Used with the interferometer here is an electro-optic
modulator. This uses a DC to to change the refractive index of the medium
one of the two splitted paths go through. This allows the speed of the wave
to be varied rather than the distance as seen in the Michelson interferometer. This allows very accurate changes to the phase difference and hence,
the amplitude.


Figure 1: Setup.


Part 1

The laser was set to emit at 1550nm. The laser was initially connected to
the power meter (PM) via an optical fiber to test the loss across the optical
Next the laser was connected to the polarization controller (PC) and its
insertion loss was measured.
The PC was adjusted to give max power and the DC bias initially set to
zero. The power was measured as the DC bias was gradually increased.
Time was given between adjustments and measurements to allow results to
settle. The results were graphed. The wavelength of the laser was varied
and the last step was repeated to give a second graph.


Part 2

The laser was switched back to 1550nm. The system was connected to the
digital oscilloscope. The DC Bias was set to minimize the optical power.
The Amplifiers were enabled and the Oscilloscope was used to measure the
spectrum and the signal of the wave.
The DC bias was then changed to maximize the optical power and the signal
and spectrum were again recorded. This was again repeated for quadrature.


Part 1

Figure 2: Insertion loss of Optical fiber

Figure 3: Insertion loss of PC

Figure 4: Wavelength of 1550nm

Figure 5: Wavelength of 1542nm


Part 2
Minimum Power

Figure 6: Linear Spectrum

Figure 7: Logarithmic Spectrum


Maximum Power

Figure 8:


Figure 9:



Figure 10:

Figure 11:


Part 1

From figures 2 and 3 we have the loss across an optical fiber and the insertion
loss of the PC. The optical fibers give a loss of about 5% which is low enough
not to matter in this experiment but more efficient optical fibers would be
important in more sensitive applications. This loss is called attenuation.
Attenuation is caused by absorption, scattering, dispersion and bending.[2]
The only one of these that can be reduced without upgrading optical fibers
is bending. Sharp bends in the optical fiber can affect attenuation significantly so care must be taken to avoid tight, unnecessary bends.
In figure 4 and 5 it is shown how the optical power varies with the DC bias.
This is caused by the phase difference when the two divides waves recombine. The peaks are constructive interference and the trough is destructive


Part 2

From figures 6 and 8 its clear that the middle spikes at 1542.27 are the
received power. In fig6 when it is minimized there are two larger peaks
either side. These peaks appear again in fig8 when it is maximized but they
are far smaller in comparison. This indicates they are some interference that
isnt affected by the DC bias as their power doesnt change between V bias
and zero bias.



The Mach Zehnder interferometer has many uses. They are used most often
for flow visualization studies such as in wind tunnels but they are also used
in the fields of plasma physics and heat transfer. They are also being used
in quatum mechanics to investigate the phenomenon known as quantum


[1] Albert A.Michelson , Edward W.Morley On the Relative Motion of
the Earth and the Luminiferous Ether, American Journal of Science,
[2] Samruddha Parkar, Losses in Fiber Optics, Vidyalankar Institute Of
[3] M.G.A Paris Entanglement and visibility at the output of a MachZehnder interferometer, Theoretical Quantum Optics Group, Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita di Pavia, Italy, 1998


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