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Topics List

1. Newtons laws (3 laws + gravitational attraction) (Ch1)

2. Vector addition and multiplication (Ch2)
a. Triangle Method
b. Parallelogram Method (Recall Law of Sines and Law of Cosines)
c. Vector and Scalar Notation of Forces (2.4)
d. Cartesian Vectors (2.5-2.6)
e. Position Vectors (2.7) and Unit Vectors (Find position vector, divide by
magnitude = Pythagorean theorem)
f. Force along a line (r, u , Fu)
g. Dot Product (2.9) (scalar, equation, what two questions does it answer)
3. Equilibrium of a Particle (Ch3)
a. Free Body Diagrams
b. Springs
c. Coplanar Force Systems
d. 3D non coplanar concurrent force systems
4. Resultant Force systems
a. Moment
i. Four equations for moment
ii. Cross product (vector, definition of r, definition of theta,
equation for cross product; determinant and determinant math)
iii. Moment as a scalar calculation and expression ; as a vector
calculation and expression
iv. Principle of Moments
v. Moment about a specified axis
vi. Moment of a Couple
vii. Force System Simplification *** MASTER THIS SECTION
1. Resultant force and moment
2. Further simplifying a force and couple moment
a. Concurrent
b. Coplanar
c. Parallel
d. Wrench
viii. Reduction of a simple distributed load (how big and where is it?)
5. Equilibrium of a Rigid Body
a. Free Body Diagrams
b. Supports in 2D and 3D
c. Equations of Equilibrium in 2D and 3D
d. Two and Three force members
e. Constraints and Statical Determinacy
6. Structural Analysis
a. Simple Trusses
b. Method of Joints (AKA Equilibrium of a Particle)
c. Zero Force members (what do you assess to find them, what are the 4
d. Method of Sections (aka Equilibrium of a Rigid Body)
e. Space Trusses (AKA Equilibrium of a Particle in 3D)
7. Internal Forces
a. Sign convention of Tension, Shear and Bending Moment

b. Shear and Moment Equations and diagrams

i. Relationship between Distributed Load, Shear and Bending
8. Dry Friction (8.1 and 8.2 only)
a. Equilibrium, impending motion, Motion

Not on the exam

Frames and Machines

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