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Dear Parents, August 23, 2016 Welcome to 4th grade! We are thrilled to be a part of your educational experience here at ASW. Yes, in our class, 4CL, your child will have 2 teachers: Ms. Cetlinska and Ms. Laf fay. We will share more about ourselves at Back to Schoo! Night, Thursday, September Ist. But in the meantime, we want to share some information about co-teaching, the teaching structure in our classroom. Please see the next page. Teaching Assistant = Zuzanna Czerwoniak will be teaching and supporting our class all day, every day during lessons, recess, and lunch. Her positive and energetic style is an asset to our 4th grade team. Class Website ~ gswé = Please visit our class website often! This is our main way of sharing information with you about the learning in our class. The website will be updated at the end of each week. Homework = Your child is expected to read at least 25 minutes every day. = More information about homework will be explained at the Back to School Night on Thursday, September Ist. This is one way that we can get to know your child right away. We will appreciate your time in completing this survey about your child. SURVEY TH stv27's te last page of this pacer. ~ Please return the survey by Friday, September 2nd, PARENT "crert Surver: Getting to know Your cana ‘Absence / Change in Transportation Plan - Please email us if you know your child will be absent or if there is a change in the end of day transportation, = If you are contacting us about a schedule change after 8:30, please email/ call the Elementary School office. We are busy working with your child and ‘may not check email until later in the day. ‘Snack Time -Our daily snack time is every morning before recess, We are grateful for your ‘support with packing a healthy snack for you child, Birthdays = We are happy to celebrate your child's birthday in class! If you would like to bring a treat to share with all the students, please contact us. Class Room Parent(s) - If you are interested in being a class room parent (moms AND dads welcome), please contact us. We value parent involvement and are thankful for all your support. Water Bottles ~ We encourage your child to keep a water bottle at school for classroom use. PE = Tuesdays and Thursdays = Your child will have time to change clothes if necessary, though it is most convenient if your child comes to school dressed comfortably for PE. ~ Information about swimming will come later in the year. Wednesdays - Every Wednesday there is early dismissal at 2:35. Important Upcoming Dates ** Back to School Night - Thursday, Sept. 1 ** Parent-Led Conferences - Tuesday, Sept. 6 (NO school gr. 1 - 5) = Information about signing up will soon be shared with you. ** PTO, Fall BBQ - Sat., Sept. 10 We look forward tomeeting you at Back to School Night! In the meantime, if you have any questiens or information to share, please contact us in person or Via e-mail Huzzah for 4th grade! Lh Hae, I dite What is Co-Teaching? There are different types of co-teaching models. Tn the model we will use for cour classroom, tecchers share the responsibility, the planning, the instruction and the assessing of all students in one classroom.The teachers work together ‘tohelp students cevelop socially, emotionally, and academically. The teachers ‘communicate daily with each other about student success, development, and challenges. How will Co-Teaching look in our classroom? ‘The school day begins with both teachers interacting, listening and teaching students during the Community Building Time, This part of our day is especially dedicated to introducing the Primary Years Program (PYP) Learner Profile, ‘Ms, Laf fay plans end teaches reading, writing, and word study ‘Ms, Cetlinska plans and teaches math. We both plan and teach different parts of the inquiry-based science & social studies curriculum, The school day finishes with both teachers closing the day together. We have the same class rules all day. We share a positive classroom management style that encourages learning, thinking, team work, individual success, reflection, and respect for others. We communicate daily with each other about student success, development and challenges. When writing an e-mail, you are welcome to e-mail both of us or just one of us. We each teach the subjects we are most passionate about and are able to pass ‘hat enthusiasm cn to our students, Our shared mission is your child's development in 4th grade. Teamwork Grade 4— Ms. Laffay & Ms. Cetlinska ‘Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday [Thursday [Frid Ies0-4ist0 PE. Pe isos an Music | Libray | Music An 11:5012:30 Language | Enrichment | Language 1230.12:80 Recess 2s04:10 Lunch Getting to Know Your Child Student Name Dear Parents, Sitce you are your child's first and best teacher, we would like your perception of your child as a learner. Thank you for your help! 4 List five words that best describe your child's character. For example: competitive, cheerful, perfectionist 1. How does your child seem to feel about going to school? 2. What are your goals for your child this year? 3. What are your child's interests/hobbies/talents/actvities? “4, What types of activities do you like to do together as a family? 5. Do you read together regularly? Tf so, when and how often? 6. Do you usually read to your child or does your child read to you? __ 7. What types of books does your child enjoy? 8. What are some of your child's favorite books and/or authors? '9. Does your child do any drawing or writing at home? Tf so, how often cand what types? 10, What are your observations about how your child leanne? 11, Does your child have internet access at home? 12, What are some other things you would like me to know about your child? Parent signature(s)

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