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Room 416 Ms.

Arrival: In the mornings, children should meet at door 9N. Each day an adult will pick up students after the first bell (at 8:35am).
School begins at 8:45am. If you arrive after 8:45 am you will need to enter through the front office. If it is rainy or below 15 degrees
students will come into the school and wait in the hall until 8:35 a.m. Family members should say good-bye to their children outside
before school. After the first few weeks, parents are welcome to visit.
Bathrooms: We have 1 bathroom in the classroom, available for boys and girls. Please talk with your child to encourage the following
polite bathroom manners: knocking before entering, closing the door, lifting/lowering the seat, flushing, and washing hands.
Birthdays: Children are welcome to bring a birthday treat to school on their birthday or half-birthday. We have 21 students. It is district
policy to send birthday invitations through the US mail. In order to prevent hurt feelings of those not invited, invitations cannot be
distributed at school unless you are able to invite the entire class.
Backpacks: Having a backpack is a big responsibility in kindergarten. Please work with your child to teach them how to pack and
unpack their backpacks independently. Practice putting papers into the folder. Practice zipping the backpack. Practice putting the
backpack by the front door the night before. Help your child remember the important things that should be in the backpack (folder,
planner, library book, reading bag, lunch money, etc). They will be responsible for getting all of these materials to the appropriate spot
at school each morning and packed away before going home. I cannot go through backpacks looking for materials that have been sent.
Book Orders: Scholastic book order forms will come home once a month in the Thursday folder. Please have your order and check
turned in by the following Friday.
Constructivism: I teach using the principles of constructivism, a philosophy of learning that understands that learners construct
knowledge for themselves. Children do not simply absorb anything I tell them. Our learning experiences will take unexpected turns as
the children are given the autonomy to direct their own explorations. For more information see
Clothes: At the beginning of the year it is very common for kindergartners to have accidents. It is important for them to have dry clothes
to change into (especially underwear) so please add a change of clothes to keep in your childs backpack for the 1st day. If you have extra
pants, underwear or socks that you can donate to Nurse Gina it would be greatly appreciated.

Dismissal procedure: School dismisses at 3:35. For the first few days of school we will dismiss at 3:25 to ensure that everyone is
dismissed to the correct place. If your child rides a bus they will be taken by a student helper to load onto their bus. They will have a
badge with their name and bus number attached to their backpack. If you will be picking your child up or if they go with a day care
provider they will come out with me at 3:30 to door 9N. Please let me know in the morning if someone else will be picking up your child
or if your dismissal plans change.
Discipline: Sticker charts, prizes, time-outs and punishments are rarely used in our room. Instead we will focus on helping children
develop empathy and self-regulation. For more information go to
Early dismissal: School dismisses at 2:35 every Wednesday. Please follow regular dismissal procedures.
E-mail: The best way to reach me is through e-mail. My address is
Folders: Important notes will come home every Thursday. Please be sure to remove them from the Thursday folder and read them. Any
notes that need to be returned should be sent back with the folder on Friday.
Facebook: The class Facebook page is awesome!!! Please sign up to stay informed.
Field Trips: A permission slip will be sent home before each trip. Students are allowed to go on a field trip only if the permission slip
has been returned.
Garvin: Mrs. Garvin is our other kindergarten teacher and your child will have many opportunities to participate in activities with her.

Homework: Homework should be done EVERY night. Your homework is to read with your child for 15-20 minutes and practice letters,
sounds, and sight words. Reading homework should be recorded in the planner for each month (beginning on page 5). Additional math
assignments will come home, but are just for practice and dont need to be returned.

I-messages: We work on a daily basis to solve conflicts fairly and peacefully in Room 416. Your child will be taught to use his/her
words to resolve problems using I-messages, such as I feel(feeling word) when you(problem). Next time, please. If those
words do not work children will be given assistance to solve the problem. Punishments and rewards are avoided as much as possible.
Journals: Almost every day your child will be free-writing in their journal (at their current ability). These entries will be dated for
assessment purposes and the journals will be sent home when they are filled. Your child will be using invented spelling (I lik pesa for I
like pizza), scaffolded writing (helper lines) and writing prompts (I like tothey fill in the blank).

Kindergarten: Kindergarten is a very busy, exciting, and challenging year. Your children will work hard! Over the year they will learn a
tremendous amount to help prepare them to become readers, writers, and lifelong learners.
Library Procedure: Kindergarteners in room 416 will be allowed to check out on Tues and Thurs. They will be encouraged to check out
books at their level. Occasionally they will be allowed to check out 1 fiction and 1 non-fiction book. Students are not required to trade in
books each day but may be keep them until they have been thoroughly enjoyed. Remember to set aside at least 15 minutes each night to
read with your child.
Lunch Procedure: We call lunches from home Home Lunch and lunches from school School lunch (not hot or cold lunch).
Children will keep their lunchbox on their coat hook in the classroom (thats also where youll find it if theyve forgotten to bring it
home). Lunch is at 11:05. Home lunch kids go directly to the Room 416 table while school lunch kids remain in line to enter their code
or swipe their ID card. Everyone will sit together at the Room 416 table. Children need to practice opening their food packages by
themselves. There are 5-10 minutes of silent eating time near the end of lunch to ensure that children finish their lunch in the 30 mins
provided. After they have been dismissed they will walk to the playground for lunch recess.
Money: Lunch money should be taken care of online through the district website. If you must send a money to school you will need to
put it in an envelope labeled with your childs name and room number. If your account is running low, Ms Renkosik will send a note to
remind you to add money to the account. If you need to send money for any other reason you must put it in an envelope labeled with
your childs name and purpose of the money (book fair, field trip, smencil, etc). No money should be sent to school otherwise.
Naps: At the beginning of the year we will have a short rest time every afternoon. Children will be expected to rest quietly for about 15
minutes (they may look at books if they wish) but they do not have to nap. Rest time will come to an end after a month or so.
Nurse Gina: The children will be taken well care of in the hands of Nurse Gina or Health Para Ms. Deanna. Please be sure that you keep
your phone number updated with the office so that they can contact you if your child is sick. If your child returns home from school in
different clothes than he/she was sent in, please wash and return the borrowed clothes as soon as you can.
Other Objects: Please do not let your child bring gum or candy to school. Toys are not allowed at school. These can cause many
disputes and distractions and we have many materials for the children to work with here at school.
Pick-up: You may meet your child at the 9N doors at 3:30 (2:30 on Weds). If your plans change and you will be sending someone else or
will be running late please let the office know as soon as you can. If you plan to pick your child up from school early you must go
through the office and they will call him or her down to meet you.
Planners: Every student will receive a Davenport Planner for parent/teacher communication. It will be your childs responsibility to turn
their planner into me each morning. They will learn how to attach their Monday note containing important information about the

upcoming week. Please sign the planner any night there is a note so that I know you have read it. You are also welcome to communicate
with me by writing in the planner, as well. Reading homework should be recorded in the planner (pages 5-14).
Panthers: We are the Walcott Panthers. Be sure to get your spirit wear t-shirts ordered so that your child can participate in Spirit Day!
Play time: It has been said that play is childrens work. Your child will have many opportunities to work and learn at school and much of
that will be incorporated into their play time, or what we call choice time. They will have 30 mins to self-select an area where they
would like to play each afternoon (painting, building, reading, etc). Our centers will change occasionally and you will receive notes of
what you can do to help (usually by donating materials or time).
Phone number: Walcotts phone number is 445-5200. If you need to reach me in the classroom I am available from 7:30-8:30 before
school and until 4pm after school. If you need to reach me during the day e-mail is best, or you may leave a message with the secretary.
Questions? Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have a question or concern.
Recess: Recess falls around 2 pm most afternoons. There is also a 20 minute recess after lunch (combined with 1st-2nd graders). Children
will be outside in all weather except rain or cold below 15 degrees. Please dress them appropriately for the weather and remember that
flip flops are not allowed. If there is snow on the ground children will be permitted to play in it if they are wearing snow pants and snow
boots. Please practice tying shoes, buckling belts and buttoning pants with your child if they are not yet doing it by themselves.
Reading Bag: Beginning in October each child will be reading with me in a small guided reading group (at least every other day). Each
group is geared to fit the needs of the children on their own level. Each day that they read with me they will bring home a new book in
their reading bag to practice with an adult. They will keep their previously read books in the bag for additional practice. Please read each
new book and as many old books as possible each night. Children will be responsible for getting their reading bag home each night and
returned to school each morning. The bag will be emptied at school about once a month. Reading to children daily is the most important
thing that parents of successful readers do. Reading with your child every night is your homework.
Specials: Afternoon specials are from 12:20-1:00 each day and rotate on a 3 day schedule (Music, PE, and Art). Each weeks schedule
will be sent home in the planner.
Snack: We will have a small snack each afternoon (except Weds). Each student will be scheduled one day to provide a healthy snack for
the class about once a month. A snack schedule will be sent home. I encourage you to involve your child in selecting the snacks; it is a
great chance to practice math skills such as money, quantity, fair division, etc.
Show and tell: We do not have Show and Tell, however children will be invited to bring in educational items that relate to our current
unit of study.
Sanitizer: We use sanitizer many times throughout the day; let me know if your child is allergic or his/her hands show signs of irritation.

Teachers: Your child will also be learning with Mrs. Blackburn (Art), Mrs. Schrader (Music), Mr. Finn (PE), Mrs. Hale (Library/Lab).
Tests: Within the reading curriculum there will be 4 Quarterly tests that your child will complete. There will also be 12 math tests.
Additionally, your childs reading progress will be monitored at least 3 times per year, or perhaps once weekly. These tests are just one of
many assessment tools used to assess your childs progress.
Volunteering: We will need volunteers often during the school year. Any contribution of any kind is always appreciated! To volunteer,
complete and return the districts Volunteer Form found at I will be sending home notes throughout
the year of other donations (supplies needed for the room) and opportunities (field trips and projects) that you can be involved in.
Water bottles: While the weather is warm it will be especially important for children to stay hydrated. They will be allowed to keep a
water bottle with a pop-up lid in the classroom to use when needed. They will be sent home when it begins to cool off and children will
be allowed to use the drinking fountain in the room.
Website: You may access the Walcott website through the district website or by going to You can
also access some websites that we use at school at home or on your phone: Lexia (reading)
and EnVision (Math) .

marks the spot. We are in room 416.


Zinn: My name is Ms. Zinn and I am so happy to have your child in my class! I have been teaching with Davenport
Office Schools for
15 years. This is my first year teaching at Walcott. I have been married to Mr. Allen for 2 years and we are expecting our first
child in January! We have 3 fur babies and have lived near the world-famous Walcott truck stop for 5 years.

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