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Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase its
exploration and/or the development of space beyond the Earths mesosphere.
What is it? A stock issue that requires the Aff to fall within the topic base.
Definition, Violation, Standard, Voting Issue.
Definition- Show how the opposing team isnt within the topic. Usually one word.
Violation- You have to explain to the judge how they violate that definition
Standard- Poorest section, why your definition is credible, why theirs isnt
Voters- The reason why the judge should vote for you.
Dont meet counter interpretation.
Be able to give cases that fall under definition.

How to Answer TMake up an explanation to meet the definition, even if you dont. We meet this
definition because
Provide a counter definition.
Explain how you meet the counter definition
Counter Standards, and have standards for counter definition (why yours is better.)
Attack definition, explain why it is bad
Attack standards, explain how they dont support the definition.
Explain why it isnt a voting issue.
What topics fall under your definition.

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