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Putting It All Together Lesson

This is the final lesson of the unit. Teachers should leave with a lesson plan
for their math block that includes differentiated instruction to show their
level of understanding. The focus of differentiation should be on content and
students readiness. However, teachers can incorporate any other elements
of differentiation into this lesson as well.
Learning Targets:

Create a differentiated math lesson based on the readiness level of the

current students in your class.

Pre-assessment given to class to check readiness level of students
Laptop or computers
Any materials from unit that may assist in lesson creation
Time needed: 30 minutes
1. Teachers can work in grade level teams to help offer support to each
other. Although, the needs of their class may be different from their
peers, there may be similarities that allow some collaborative planning.
2. Teachers will use the learning contract to guide them in their lesson
3. This is a planning time for teachers and trainer should walk around to
answer any questions or offer assistance as needed.
4. Teachers will turn in a copy of their lesson plan to get feedback.
5. Before teachers leave, they will sign up for a coaching session that will
include an observation of the differentiated lesson they have created
Lesson 10 Putting It All Together

and a post observation conference to discuss their feelings about the

lesson and any support they may still need.

Example Lesson Template

Lesson 10 Putting It All Together

Grade Level Standard:

Vertical Alignment (connecting


Prior Knowledge Connection:

Essential Question:

What key Knowledge and skills will students acquire as a results

of this unit?
What do students
What do students
What should they be
need to know?
need to be able to
able to do?

Lesson 10 Putting It All Together

How will you differentiate content, process, or product with

respect to readiness, interest, or profile?

Possible Misconceptions we want to address:

Lesson 10 Putting It All Together

Post Observation Coaching Form


Overall, what are your thoughts about the lesson and how did it
support the needs of your students?


What are some challenges you faced with this lesson?


As you think about moving forward with differentiation, what

support do you still need?

Lesson 10 Putting It All Together

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