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Race is the idea that we humans, as a species, is simply
divided into respective groups upon the the basis of our
distinct inherited physical and behavioral differences.
A human race, in its smallest unit is a group of people
who share similar and distinct physical characteristics. As
a whole the entire human race includes each and
everyone of us who inhibit the planet.
In the past, scientists have attempted to divide the
human race into multiple groups, yet their efforts to push
their proposals were refuted by multiple organizations
because of several racial and other discrimination issues.
In connection to this issue, discrimination, particularly
racism is also another aspect in the development of the
different human races and through the years a lot of
influential people pushed their advocacies against it.
However people may perceive the aspect of our being, it
still doesn't matter what our race is as long we be the
change we want to be.~TCR|Inside Edition


Life was given to us 1.8 billion years ago. Ever since this
beginning we have scavenged the tundras of Pangea,
hunted game for food, lived in caves, used animal skin as
protection against the weather, discovered fire, learned
to cook, learned to read and write, device machines and
technologies and as of today live life as we know it.
As part of the human race, I believe you never as much
wondered such as I about 'The Origin', where did we
start? Where did we come from? Mainly society acepts
two major explanations first is the Biblical Theory and the
is the Theory of Evolution.
The Biblical Theory bases on the Bible's 'The Creation'
where everything was created by God. On the other hand,
the Theory of Evolution explains that we from the earliest
primate genus australupithecus and through the years
evelved to our present genus Homo Sapien Sapien.
Though much has been said about the two, the
perception of what is true still lies whitin us. And it starts
when we decide and be that something new. ~TCR|
Inside Edition


In a world of more, more, more, and more. Seemingly the
world always has more to offer!
In this world where diversity is our thriving beauty,
nothing else could beat our world's diversity of culture.
Basically, culture is the act of developing the intellectual
and moral faculties especially by educatong one's self. It
is done by confirming and appreciating the beliefs,
customs, art and the heritage of one's culture.
From the edm-pop-modern genre of the North Americans
and British colonies, the Latin rusticity of South America,
the ever so beautiful refinement of the Europeans, the
enduring rainforests, jungles, and plains of the African
wildbush, and the ever diverse and strange ethnic ethics
of Asia. Our world never fails to fascinate one's
perception of culture and diversity, for curiosity drives us
to perceive of whatever we wish to know and persue. Yet
also starts with one's self that curiousity should fuel the
mind and time should not be taken for granted. So start
wondering, start imagining, stsrt traveling. ~TCR|Inside


Beginning from when Charles Darwin proposed his Theory
of Evolution and enlightened the world with our
unprecedented knowledge about our genetic connection
to primates, we humans have been researching our
genetic relationship with primates ever since.
Based on recent scientific studies at The Smithsonian
Museum of Natural History in the US, compared with
other species, humans are very similar to one other.
In the case of chimpanzees genetic variation is about two
to three times more significant than in us humans. In
orangutans it is eight to ten times more significant. And
in other primates, there is an average of one to one-anda-half times more significant. This breakthrough in the
genetic structure of our similarities to primates now has
an exhibit in the Smithsonian. This brings us ever closer
to unlocking the mysteries of how we were ever related to
these amazing creatures. ~TCR|Inside Edition

Editorial Side|The Origin of Life:

Since the dawn of mankind a question stood since the
beginning. Where did we come from? Chronologically
speaking, life was given to us humans around 1.8 billion
years ago. What did we do? How did get here? To that,
society accepts two valid answers. First the scientific
theory of the evolution of man from the primate genus
Australopi-thecus to our present day human genus Homo
Sapiens Sapiens and second is the biblical theory that
everything was created by God, our father almighty, and
we are the descendants of Adam and Eve.
~A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking
Through the years, there has always been the conflict
between the two accepted theories of the origin of our
existence. Since e dawn of Christianity, most of the
beliefs people believed in were based on God and the
teachings of Jesus Christ, mainly that everything was
created by God almighty, that there is heaven and hell,
other beliefs were the world is flat and the sun revolved
around our planet. Until came the time of enlightenment
lead by the researchers of the 18th century such as
Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton other great minds of the
Through time, the idea of our existence in the perception
of society is still majorly divided into these two accepted

theories. Nowadays, as of the modern culture and

environment we move in where almost everything is
based on discoveries through science. So after much of
the concussion about these two theories, we have
decided and we went out to seek answers whether if the
21st century modern society still believes our origin
through faith together with the belief that we were
created from Gods will or the chronological evolution of
primate genera or genuses which through time evolved
into what we are today.
We had 50 respondents,
34(68%) of the respondents believe in the biblical theory.
13(26%) of the respondents believe in the theory of
And there were 3(1.5%) respondents who were
~TCR|Inside Edition
Inside Scoop: The Millennial Division
The so called Millennial Division is the division of the
point of view of people. Around the time the 2000s came
along, the new millennia, a lot of new culture and new
ideas came about with it. As time passed by during the
2000s era, there came the big issue surrounding The
Biblical Theory vs The Theory of Evolution. ~TCR|Inside

Tick-tionary: Welcome to the TCRs Tick-tionary.

Here we define for you words and discuss for you
what makes them tick. This weeks
#WordOfTheWeek is Humanity.

Humanity - : the quality or state of being human

: the quality or state of being kind to other people or to animals

: all people

: the branches of learning (asphilosophy, arts,

or languages) thatinvestigate human constructs and concernsas opposed to natural process
es (as inphysics or chemistry) and social relations(as in anthropology or economics)
: the human race : the totality of humanbeings

We appealed to his sense of humanity.

These discoveries will be of benefit to all humanity.

She was cut of from the rest of humanity.

First use: 14th century

TCR|The Editorial Team

Walter delos Reyes | Managing Editor
Jobelle Salanga | Feature Writer
Joedel Gonzales | News Writer
Zyra Obena | Scoop Writer
File photography credits |
Cover photography credits | Walter delos Reyes
The articles featured in this edition of the The Carmelian
Reference is under the management of the Editorial
For more news and information, visit
Submitted to: Mr. Sanny T. Valencia|Subject Teacher

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