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Pratik Thapa

Pre lab
October 27, 2014
Ksp for Calcium Hydroxide
Determine the solubility product for Ca(OH)2, calcium hydroxide.
Materials and equipment
Saturated Solution of Calcium
Bromothumol blue Indicator
1.1 M HCL
Plastic Transfer pipet with constricted tip
3 50 ml beaker
1. Determine the temperature of the saturated calcium hydroxide
2. Carefully transfer 40 drops of calcium hydroxide to each of 3 50
ml beakers.
3. Add 3-5 drops of bromothymol blue indicator into each beaker.
4. Discard unused calcium hydroxide solution into the sink.
5. Wash the pipet with distilled water and squeeze dry.
6. Add .1 M HCL. Acid to the first beaker dropwise, counting drops
and stirring with a toothpick until the blue color turns to green.
The approach of endpoint is not as easy to see in this direction as
when titrating from acid to base.
7. Repeat this procedure for beaker 2 and 3. Use the number
collected for the first point to see when you are approaching the
8. All three titrations should agree with in two drops of one another.
If they do not repeat the titration.

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