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The night sky wore a different colour.

Born to middle class Bengali parents, Engineering seemed to be

an option most viable to an obedient 18 year old boy. Did he question his parents choice? Did he know
what he actually wanted to do? The answer is a definite NO.
But all those is a thing of past. Sometimes, life gives one a chance to take control of their destiny. The
21 year old boy now received a chance to chart his own territory .The night sky definitely wore a
different colour that day as he was about to enter a whole new universe the next day.
A world, where numbers mattered at the end of the month. A world where he thought he belonged, yet
he was a complete stranger. A struggle like no other was facing him. A world, where he had to prove
himself every minute to earn respect.
This was definitely a world where he could carve an infinite learning growth curve. He was willing to
fight it out- be it the hilly terrains or the incessant rains of July or the scorching sun in the months of
June. He was almost restless to prove himself worthy in front of his superiors and his subordinates.
Waves of uncertainty hovered over him questioning his decision of foraying into an unknown territory
and marking his territory there.
Months of struggle followed comprising constant striving to make the first mark. All this accompanied
by hostile professional stress and urgency to reach a point of assurance.
Daily scores of unforeseen situations and meeting cold peers tried to make its way towards his
confidence. Unfortunate enough for them, they could not encroach upon his wall of self-belief. Rising
mistrust among superiors kept breaking the walls of belief for the tide of stress to destroy.
But nature has its own way of favouring folks. Learning the tricks of the trade took some time but when
it happened, it happened to speak for itself- thus saving his belief and attracting him to bigger
The story kept continuing the same way for months with its own natural flow of successes and defeat.
Successes kept him restless for more appreciation and earning respect. Defeats made him more
responsible for the future.
He kept realizing that slowly and steadily his life was gaining traction the way he had thought it would
Among all other characteristics, restlessness in particular seemed to dominate over others which
pushed him to make a mark in the organisations international territory.
A momentary realization of the first correct decision he ever took in his life gave him a feeling of selfrespect.
It was finally his chance to do what he wanted.
Respect- he gained. Responsibility- he learned. Restless- he was. The perfect concoction of all three
drivers has left no sense of regret in him today.

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