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Cadge-get by begging
2. Meretricious -tawdry
3. Consummate-completely
4. Condone-forgive
5. Vilification -blackenning someone's name
6. Satiation-satisfy
7. Predilection-inclination
8. capricious-whimsical,changeable
9. Munificent -very generous
10. Atrophy-waste for lack of use
11. Erudite-knowledgeable person
12. Tortuous-indirect
13. Feint -attack verbally
14. Surreptitious -secret
15. Efface -wipeout completely
16. Attenuate -weaken
17. Complaisance-flexible
18. Opprobrious -expressing great scorn
19. Jingoistic -fanatically country love
20. Redress-put right something that was wrong
21. Satiric-ridicule,mockery
22. Sporadic-not regular,scattered
23. Glut-an excess
24. Culpable-guilty
25. Embroil-causing argument
26. Perspicacity -insight
27. Cursory28. Labile -unstable
29. Accretion -accomulated by growth
30. Gaiety-

31. Pertinent-relevant
32. Concatenate -link together
33. Sedulous-thoroughly
34. Impugned -challenged
35. Refute-refuse and give expalnation with supporing evidence
36. Belabor-bar bar bole birokto kora
37. Inveterate -long lasting
38. Defer- postpone
39. Amalgamate-link,attached
40. Pivotal -main importance,central
41. Accost42. Vociferous -loud and noicy
43. Withered44. Exacerbated-make worse
45. Encumber46. Taciturn-unspoken
47. Contrition-being sorry
48. Gratuitous -unnecessary
49. Recluse 50. Importune-beg,solicit
Onek valobasi tomak -i love u too

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