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Quizz de Ingls para o Peddy Paper

1. Qual o nome da bandeira do Reino Unido? / Whats the name of the English flag?
- Union Flag
- The Union Jack
- Stars and Stripes
2. Qual a capital do Reino Unido?

/Whats the capital of the United Kibgdom?

- Lisbon
- Paris
- London
3. As cores da bandeira Britnica so: / The colours of the British flag are:
- Red white and blue
- Red white and black
- Red black and green
4. Onde mora a rainha de Inglaterra? / Where does the English Queen live?
- White House
- Buckingham Palace
- Notre Dame
5. Qual a moeda inglesa?

/ Whats the English coin?

- Pound
- Euro
- Dollar
6. As kilts so caractersticas de que pas:

/ The kilts are from:

- Scotland
- Spain
- England
7. Qual a capital da Esccia?
- Edinburgh
- Dublin
- Cardiff

/ Whats the capital of Scotland?

8. Quais os pases que constituem o reino Unido?

/ What are the countries of the United

- England, Scotland, Wales and Cardiff
- England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland
- England, Wales and South of Ireland
9. O kangaroo est associado a que pas?

/The kangaroo is related to:

- Austria
- Australia
- England
10. De que feito o monumento Taj Mahal?

/The monument of Taj Mahal is made of:

- Marble
- Stone
- Granitic
11.No dia 14 de fevereiro comemora-se:

/ On 14th February the English people celebrate:

- Valentines Day
- Christmas Day
- Halloweens Day
12. Quais so as lnguas oficiais da Irlanda?

/What are the official languages in Ireland?

- English and French

- English and Spanish
- English and Irish
13. O Halloween comemora-se a:
- 31st December
- 31st October
- 1st November

/ Halloween is celebrated on:

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