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Fiddler on the Roof resume

Fiddler on the roof:

This play was about life in a Russian town named Anatevka where lived the
protagonist a member of the Jewish community Tevye (a milkman), his wife
Golde and his 5 daughters.
The story began when Tevye knew Perchick a student from Kiev and Tevye
invited him to pass the Sabbath with him and his family and also Perchick was
going to teach Tevye daughters for food.
The older daughter Tzeitel was in love with a poor tailor named Motel but
another Jewish man named Lazer Wolf wanted to marry her, he asked it to
Tevye and he accepted but later he noticed that the tailor and his daughter
wanted to be married but first he needed to persuade his wife.
To persuade his wife he arguing that he had had a dream in which her
grandmother appeared and told to him that Lazer Wolf was a bad
husband and the sailor was the good one so after convince his wife he
cancelled the compromise and Tzeitel and Motel got married; but during the
weeding the Sargent attacked the Judges and ruined the wedding.
After the wedding Perchick and Hodel fell in love and they decided to get
married but Perchick had to leave to Kiev; some time later Hodel left her home
to meet Perchick in Siberia where he was taken because he was arrested.
The third daughter Chava fell in love with a Russian guy named Feydka who
wasnt Jude because of that Tevye didnt accept their relation, despite that,
Chava and Feydka got married but in the Orthodox way, so Feydka said that his
daughter died.
After that all Jews were forced to leave their homes so Tevye and his family
went to NY but before that he reconciled with his daughter.
La accin se desarrolla en la aldea ucraniana de Anatevka, en el ao 1905. Es una
comunidad en la que convive una poblacin juda y ortodoxa de manera ms o menos
cordial. Tevye (Tobas), el lechero, intenta mantener su vida tradicional, y la de sus hijas,
en un momento en que los tiempos estn cambiando.
Tevye tiene cinco hijas, y la mayor preocupacin que tienen tanto l como su mujer, Golde,
es casarlas a todas con un hombre acaudalado, o bien, que tenga una buena herencia
para as terminar con su linea de pobreza. Las tres mayores, Tzeitel, Hodel y Chava son
las que ms cerca tienen el matrimonio.
Tevye conoce un da a Perchick, un estudiante de Kiev, al que la gente de la aldea
considera un radical. Tevye le invita a su casa a cenar, para el Shabbat, y despus de la
cena le ofrece trabajar como tutor para sus hijas ms pequeas a cambio de manutencin.
Durante el tiempo de su estancia en la casa de Tevye, Perchick se enamora de Hodel, e
incluso ve cmo ella sigue ciegamente el modelo de vida familiar judo que tanto le molesta
a l e intenta cambiarlo.
Tzeitel que es la hija mayor se casa con Motel que es un sastre, amigo de su infancia, que
aunque es un poco cobarde es un "buen tipo" honrado pero pobre, as que Tevye decide
celebrar la boda de su hija con el sastre. Chava que es la hija que sigue en el orden de

casamiento conoce a Fyedka, quien resulta ser un amante de la literatura que se enamora
de Chava. Esta ltima unin no ser permitida por Tevye ya que Fyedka no era judo y ya
en los dos anteriores compromisos haba desafiado su tradicin. Esta termina casndose
con Fyedka lo que significa para Tevye que su hija ha muerto. Al momento de ser exiliados
de Anatevka se reconcilian.
Al final de la pelcula se ven los problemas de la dispora juda en la Rusia zarista, hecho
por el cual son obligados a abandonar sus tierras y a establecerse en Nueva York. En la
pelcula se retrata a su vez el descontento general por las decisiones del Zar, y la
influencia del marxismo en los grupos de emancipacin emergentes que posteriormente
daran origen a la revolucin rusa.
1. Bsqueda de Palabras
El uso de los nombres de los personajes de la historia, crear un rompecabezas de
bsqueda de palabra.
2. Quin es Joseph Stein?
La investigacin de la autora, Joseph Stein, y escribir una breve biografa de
l. Incluya algunos de sus otros trabajos.
3. Localizar en un mapa de salida
Crear un mapa para el pueblo ficticio de Anatevka. Incluya hogares y puntos de
referencia especficos. Dnde est la casa de Tevye? Tienda de Motel? La posada
del pueblo? Aadir tantos detalles como sea posible.
4. Las hijas de Tevye
Escribe un poema que describe la personalidad y las caractersticas de cada uno de
Tevye de .
Discussion Questions:
1. See Discussion Questions for Use With any Film that is a Work of Fiction.
2. Why would Tevye continue to follow traditions when he didn't know the
reason for them?
3. Tevye talks about the importance of tradition but does he follow it most
of the time?
4. What was the significance of the fact that Perchik was sent to Siberia and
Hodel went to accompany him?
5. Remember the Rabbi's blessing for the Czar: "May God bless and keep
the Czar ... far away from us." Why did he say this?
6. What did the parents mean when, in the Sabbath prayer, they asked God
to protect their children: to "Strengthen them, oh Lord! And keep them from
the strangers' ways"? Who were the "strangers" that the parents were

referring to? Did something happen later in the story that related to this?
7. When everyone was drinking in the tavern, did you notice that Tevye was
not sure whether he should dance with the Russians? Why was that?
8. What did America mean to the villagers?
9. Do you think that when Tevye agreed to marry Tzeitel to Lazar Wolf,
Tevye's judgment was clouded because he had been drinking alcohol? We all
know that alcohol makes people lose their coordination. What does drinking
alcohol do to someone's judgment?
10. Why did the Czar's government incite the pogrom?
11. Why did the villagers beat the Jews and destroy their homes?
Social-Emotional Learning Discussion Questions:
1. See the Quick Discussion Question and ask what this decision tells us about
good parenting.
<="" a="">Moral-Ethical Emphasis Discussion Questions (Character
Discussion Questions Relating to Ethical Issues will facilitate the use of this
film to teach ethical principles and critical viewing. Additional questions are
set out below.
(Treat others with respect; follow the Golden Rule; Be tolerant of
differences; Use good manners, not bad language; Be considerate of the
feelings of others; Don't threaten, hit or hurt anyone; Deal peacefully with
anger, insults and disagreements)
1. Is respect for tradition an important value? How does it relate to other
values such as "caring"?
(Be kind; Be compassionate and show you care; Express gratitude; Forgive
others; Help people in need)
2. See the Quick Discussion Question

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