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Goal #1: Communication through


The School Planning Process: Part 3


Monitor: Qualitative and Quantitative Data

Attendance at DL Centres: (sign in sheets)

Attendance at Orientation sessions
Number of Moodle/School Connects/Emails to
Number of meetings with school
teams/admin/counsellors re: DL and specific DL students
Hits on DL website
Visits to Choices teams to support DL students
Increase use of social media tools: Remind, Twitter, etc.

Evaluate: Progress Indicators

DL Satisfaction Survey results: positive for communication

Increased course completion rates as a result of stronger
Clear understanding of DL by mainstream schools as
indicated by fewer questions and concerns by admin,
teachers, counsellors and parents
Increased course completion rates

Goal #2: Curriculum Development

Monitor: Qualitative and Quantitative Data

Roll out of grade 8 and 9 DL courses using the new curriculum:

gather feedback from students and parents
Goal of having each grade 10-12 teacher include Big Ideas in each
unit of their DL courses
Goal of having each grade 10-12 teacher use the NVSD Curriculum
Planner to create, a minimum one new unit incorporating the new
Creation of two new Careers courses in DL, shift of Socials 11 to
Socials 10, determine how to develop and implement the English
optional modules

Evaluate: Progress Indicators

End of course surveys for students regarding curriculum:

authentic, engaging, enjoyable for students etc.
Teacher expertise/comfort in the shift from content based to
understanding based
Increased course completion rates



Review of the data and progress indicators at the end of each

Review of the data and progress indicators at the end of each

Term to re-evaluate our communication strategy and revise

Final review in June to update strategies to support
communication for the upcoming school year

Term to re-evaluate our communication strategy and revise

Final review in June to update strategies to support
curriculum development for the upcoming school year

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