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Subject-verb agreement exercise 02

This exercise consists of 10 sentences. For each sentence you should decide if the subject
agrees with the verb. If so, type the word "Correct" in the space below the sentence; if not,
write the sentence correctly in the box below it. Follow the directions of your instructor in
completing this exercise. A link appears at the end of the sentences that gives an
explanation for each sentence.

1. Either of the two boys have the ability to make the team.

2. The committee members meet once a month to try to determine the policies of the

3. The babies in the nursery, and one in particular, was crying for some attention.

4. The politics of the committee were such that no one could be elected chair of the group.

5. A bizarre series of incidents has surrounded that old house lately.

6. The president jogged by the group of tourists who were gaping out the window of the

7. A wide variety of strategic reasons have been used to explain Napoleon's defeat at


8. Incidents of alcohol abuse account for many traffic fatalities each year.

9. Few of the senators were on hand for the vote.

10. The most resilient among the war's survivors were the children.

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