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Diction: Word Choice

In order to determine a tone, style, etc.

you must analyze the words the author
Example: It was a dark, and dreary night.
The rain howled outside my window, as I
lit a match to read by in the dark. When
suddenly, CRACK! Lightening struck the
power went out. I quickly lit a match. I
could smell the sulfur immediately. When I
looked around the room I saw a faint
glimmer in the far corner near my dogs
bed. I crept closer, entranced by the light.
What could it be? I crept closer and closer,
when I jolted to a complete stop. Even
though there was no light, I knew my face
turned pale as I was hit with the
realization that I was the only person in
the room.
What is the overall atmosphere of
this passage?
What diction determines that for

Knowing what you know about
style, what do you think this authors
style could be?

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