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Introduction to Engineering Design _ Semester 2 Final Study Guide

For the semester 2 final you will need to complete a drawing of an object
using Fusion 360 software or Sketch-Up, and Share the project with me.
The object will be similar to the Track Pad drawing that you have already
done. Here is a list of the tools/skills that you will need to use for the

Create Tab*
*When adding new features to an existing body you must select New Body
under the Operation pull down menu in the Extrude Dialogue box

Modify Tab
-Fillet (Not the same as the Fillet tool in the Sketch Tab, this fillet tool will
modify a body)

Assemble Tab*
*Remember that bodies must be converted into components before they can
be assembled. You must also be very careful when selecting your joint origins
so that your parts mate accurately. You can change a body into a component
by Right Clicking on the body tab in the browser and selecting Create
Components From Bodies

Sketch Tab*
Center Diameter Circle
2-Point Rectangle
Center Rectangle
-Fillet (Not the same as the Fillet tool in the Modify Tab, this fillet tool will
modify sketch lines)
-Sketch Dimension
*Remember that your sketches disappear after you use them the first time to
create an extrusion. You must turn their visibility back on, if you need to use
them again, by selecting the light bulb and turning it from blue to yellow.


-You should know how to change the appearance of different bodies or

features. Right click in the white space of the canvas and select

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