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As the title of the article suggest, this article is about making more
new immigrants to become a grassroot leader. This is to better nurture
new leaders and also to deepen our cross-cultural relationship
uderstandings. Nurturing and bringing in new immigrants or citizens to
serve as grassroots leaders is to garner more different views and
perspectives from each and every one of the diverse groups. In return,
this allows us to better understand the needs of the different
community investors. Through this, more opportunities are generated to
induce people with diverse interests to participate in it.
Based on the purpose of this article, the issue of bringing in moew
new immigrants to serve as grassroots leaders is inevitable. That is
because in Singapore we need to have more leaders from diverse
community and also more citizens to step up and contribute to
Singapores economy and political problems.
Firstly, with more new immigrants coming in to serve as grassroots
leaders, it increases the sense of responsibility in themselves and also
to improve their understanding of creativity.
Secondly, it foster cooperation and collaboration between different kind
of sectors within communities.
Thirdly, enhance the leadership skills and abilities of individuals who
are, or will be, active in the civic life of their communities and focus
on grassroots leadership needs for traditionally inadequate representation
Furthermore, it is a known factor that Singapore is in need of good
leaders to contribute and lead the community, so as to improve and/or
sustain Singapores economy and political system, as well as social
In my opinion, bringing In more new immigrants to serve as the
grassroots leaders helps in Singapores economy, political, and also
social scene. This Is because we are in need of grassroots leaders of
different races and religions, so as to having a better understanding of
various cultures. Moreover, individuals that stood out to becoming a
grassroots leader will help in creating more opportunities for various
coummunity or diverse groups, and also to motivate all citizens to step
forward and contribute to the society.

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