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This case study, Turnbull rented an apartment to Jones, which is taken from a very
renowned book Getting to Yes by Roger Fisher, William Ury, Bruce Patton. By
far this is the best example to get a better understanding of using BATNA and other
negotiation tactics. Turnbull used the method of Principled negotiation, like
please correct me if I am wrong. He present all his reasons before offering a
solution. He successfully dealt with the problem, neither party feels cheated or
angry, or neither is likely to try to sabotage or ignore their agreement. A healthy
working relationship is maintained for the future. Throughout the dialogue
Turnbull maintained everything on reasons. Initially, he just proposed the idea of
face saving, getting into any uncomfortable situation for both sides. Turnbull was
not intended to turn down Mrs. Jones at any point, rather he asked questions
instead of making any remarks straight ahead. By using BATNA he was well aware
of the position of himself as well as the other party i.e. Mrs. Jones.
On the other hand BATNA of Mrs. Jones was in beginning defensive. As the
conversation continues by making open conversation and communication between
the both parties, they supported each other, both parties attained the strategy of
principled negotiation. As, we read in books BATNA can change at any point in the
negotiation process, thats what exactly happened at the Mrs. Jones end.
By the end of negotiation both parties successfully handle the problem by creating
a win-win situation. They both controlled their emotional and psychological
pressures. They both look for mutual gain. They focus on interests rather than
positions. Perception is there, both of them put themselves in each others shoes to
get a better understanding of the situation.

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