bp1 - Why Kids Dont Like Social Studies

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Two-Column Notes


Cameron Adamski
EDTL 2760
MR Title(s): Mark C. Schug, Robert J. Todd, and R. Beery, Why Kids Dont Like Social Studies
MR Source(s): Schug, M. C., Todd, R. J., & Beery, R. (1984). Why Kids Dont Like Social
Studies. Social Studies Education, 47-53.
The Text Says
I Say
Notes (key concepts, direct quotes, etc.)
My notes, commentary
However, 13 Percent of the high school
students hinted that social studies was
important because of its emphasis on
citizenship education.
When students reflected upon their social
studies classes, they were unable to recall
quickly significant learning experiences like
a field trip, simulation game, or a class
discussion of a controversial issue. Instead,
the student remembered only the general
type of subject matter that was covered.
Twelfth grade student: Well, it got boring
when you are memorizing date after date,
name after name, President after President
that type of thing. It gets a little tedious
after a while.

This is personally why I think Social Studies is

one of the more important subjects of school.
However, the instructors for Social Studies
dont express this reason of importance
Shouldnt this be the same for math? I feel like
this sentence is biased a bit against social
studies because of the questions they were
asking. But math is pretty much the same way
about not having any super memorable
learning experiences, at least in my experience.

This type of social study class was non-existent

in my high school. I never had to memorize
every single date, President, etc., in my social
studies classes. This leads me to believe that
the class itself may not even be the real
problem, but the teachers themselves.
Connections to previous MR: Back in my high school career, all of my social studies teachers were my
favorite teachers in the school. They knew the content to a tee and knew how to help us if we had
questions or concerns. I think that if the authors studies were conducted in a different school system,
then the results would be different. For example, if it were conducted in my high school, I believe that
social studies would rank over reading, and possibly even over mathematics. I dont completely
disagree with the authors studies, but I think that if the studies were conducted on a wider scale, so

maybe more students from different parts of the United States, then the studies would have be much
more accurate.

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