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Prueba de ingles 2

Contents: countable and uncountable. Use of A/AN/some. Vocabulary : food.

Demonstrative adjectives.
Write the words from the box in the table

Bread tomato egg apple onion- cheese salt sugar

banana strawberry orange potato.






Complete the sentences with

a, an, or some

1.- would you like _______________juice?

2.- lets go to supermarket and get _____________fruit.
3.- I often have ____________egg for breakfast.
4.- Im hungry. I want ____________food.
5.- we need _____________apples, _____________bananas and
6.- Id like ____________sandwich, please.

Write C (countable) or U (uncountable)

1.- shop _________

4.- meat __________

2.- beef __________

5.- sugar __________

3.- burger _________

6.- carrot __________

Write the meaning in Spanish

1.- Bread ________________
2.- honey ________________
3.- raw egg ________________
4.- garlic ________________
5.- cheese _______________


Complete these sentences with THIS THESE THAT- THOSE

1.- ____________are my shoes

2.- Is ___________your ice cream

3.- we need ____________strawberries for the pie

4.- ____________chips are really good !

5.- Look at _____________dragonflies

6.- I would like to have ____________bike !

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