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August 26, 2016

Fall 2016 Clinical Experience Waiver

Intern Name: Francisco Alonzo
This is a waiver for one full day of clinical experience, a total of six (6)
hours for the week of August 29th September 2nd, 2016.
1. Print this waiver and staple it to the back of your Timecard for your
records. On your Timecard, write in 1 day (toward your required days)
which is equivalent to 6 hours (toward your required hours) for this
particular week.
2. Once you have a confirmed internship assignment, show the copy of this
waiver to both your Intern Mentor Teacher and your Clinical Experience
Instructor so they are aware of this waiver and the hours/day you have
documented on your timecard, per my directions.
3. Explain to your Intern Mentor Teacher that he/she is to accept and signoff on this waiver for 1 day/6 hours on your Timecard and to include this
1 day/6 hours in your Tk20 midterm and final evaluation documentation
of hours/days.

Melissa Johnson
Placement Specialist


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