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The Many Cemeteries Of Paris

Paris has many sobriquets to its credit- its the city of love! And the city of lights! And err. the
city of cemeteries as well. Yes, thanks to its long and illustrious history, some of the worlds
famous men lie buried here. The cemeteries are notable for their architecture and elaborate art on
tombs. Unlike the Louvre or the Pompidou Center, entry to these places is free. You get to see
sculptures of world class artisans for free while paying to view the work of some of the same
artists at the Louvre. Paris has around 14 cemeteries, with the three most popular ones in three
corners of the city. Pere Lachaise is on the east, Montmartre is on the north, and Montparnasse is
in the south. Some of the popular ones include:

Pere Lachaise:

The Pere Lachaise Cemetery is one of the most visited graveyards in the world! Some of the
best-known talents, including Oscar Wilde, Jim Morrison, Chopin, and Haussmann lie buried
here. Heres an interesting blog about the different people buried here. But it is not just the (dead)
people that make this place noteworthy. The artwork on some of the tombs is exemplary. For
example, the bronze figure on Belgian author Rodenbach, or the figure of Felix Faure draped in a
cloth and lying on a death bed are noteworthy. The most popular attraction is the sphinx-like
angel atop Oscar Wildes tomb.

Montparnasse Cemetery:

No other cemetery has such an excellent display of art as the Montparnasse Cemetery. Some of
the popular sculptures can be found atop Charles Pigeon and Rachevskiaia, and the tombs of
Heloise and Abelard. Some of the popular people buried here include Rossini, Colette, and
Richard Wright. With more than a thousand trees, Montparnasse is in effect a garden providing
ample of green space to Parisians.

Montmartre Cemetery:

The Montmartre Cemetery was opened in the early 19th century to replace the old cemeteries
that had become overcrowded and unhygienic. The cemetery was built within an old lime quarry.
It contains some of the best and elaborate artwork. Some of the famous people buried here
include Dalida and Alexandre Dumas. Cobbled alleys, rows of trees, and the wonderful art
around the tombs make this place strangely romantic.

About the Author:

The Author is a chronicler of cemeteries. He has visited more than a dozen cemeteries from
around the world, including the Pere Lachaise Cemetery in Paris.

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