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My Daily routines. Mi rutina diaria de Lunes a viernes en Ingles.

Good morning. My names carlos said arias. I am an electronic technologist.I

wake up at four o'clock every morning.
I press the snooze button two times every morning before I turn off the alarm
and get up.

When I get up I like to open the window to let in the fresh air of the day.
At five past four I make the bed.
At ten past four I Brush my teeth, I take a shower, and I shave my beard,
At fifteen past four I get dressed, and I combs my hair.

At twenty past four, I have a cup of coffee and make breakfast.

I go to work in my motorcycle.
I get to work at seven o'clock.

When I work I have to make telephone calls.

Once a month I report to my boss, but maybe I have to report to my boss more

At one o'clock P.M. most days I have lunch.

I buy lunch at a restaurant near work.

Also, I take a little nap after of lunch every day.

In my house I usually make dinner.

The family eat dinner together at seven thirty.

Every day I take my favorite book: The Bible and read to learn more about God,
this book I will read it forever because I love it.

Then I pray and thank God for all the blessings he has given me on this day.

The last things I do is lock the door, turn off the lights, and go to bed, and then
I lie down to sleep.

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