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I live in Valladolid. My address is 4, Amrica square (sq). In front of

my house, there is a park and behind a meadow. (medow)
I live in a block of flats and it is at the corner of building. The second
floor is mine.
When you get to my house on the end of corridor is my bedroom.
It is a large and bright. It has a double bed, between two bedside
tables with lamps above.
Opposite the double bed, there is a great wardrobe and, on the right
is a chest of drawers with a mirror above.
On the end of the bedroom there is a large windows.

1--Qu llevabas en la fiesta?
.....What were you wearing at the party?
2--Llevaba el vestido rojo que me regalaron mis amigos por mi
....I was wearing the red dress that my friends gave for my birthday.
3--A dnde ibas cuando te vi?
....Where were you going when I saw you?


4--Tena prisa iba a ver a mi madre que estaba en la peluquera.
....I was in a hurry I was going to see my mother that/who was at the
5--Con quin estabas tomndote un caf ayer por la maana?
.....Who were you having/taking a coffe with yesterday morning?
6--Te v por la ventana en la cafetera, pero no tena tiempo.
.....I saw through the window caf, but had no time/but didn't have
any time.
7--Cuando estaba pidiendo el men, vino otro camarero con la
bebida.(***EN GENERAL)
....When I was ordering the menu, another waiter came with the
8--Los nios montaban en bicicleta, cuando de repente se explot un
globo y todos gritaron.
....The children were riding a bike, when suddenly a balloon
exploded and everyone screamed./shonted/cried.

1--Complete the sentences. Use a verb from the box.
1. I cleaned my teeth three times yesterday.--Me limpi mis dientes
tres veces ayer.
2. It was hot in the room, so I opened the window-- Haca calor en la
habitacin, as que abr la vetana.
3.The film was very long. It started at 7.15 and finished at 10 o'clock.-La pelcula fue muy larga. Comenz a las 7.15 y termin a las 10 en
4. When I was a child, I wanted to be a doctor.--Cuando era nio, yo
quera ser mdico
5. The accident happened last Sunday afternoon-- El accidente
sucedi el domingo pasado por la tarde.
6. It's a nice day today, but yesterday it rained all day.-- Hoy hace un
buen da, pero ayer llovi todo el da.
7. We enjoyed our holiday last year. We stayed at a very nice place.-Disfrutamos nuestras vacaciones el ao pasado. Nos alojamos en un
lugar muy agradable.
2--Write the past simple of these verbs.
--see-- said--VER
--pay-- paid-- PAGAR
--go--went-- IR
--copy-- copied--COPIAR
--know-- knew--SABER
--put--put--PONER, COLOCAR

--speak--spoke--HABLAR3--Read about Lisa's journey to Madrid. Put the verbs in the correct
Last Tuesday Lise flew from London to Madrid. She got up at 6
o'clock in the morning and had a cup of coffee. At 6.30 she left home
and drove to the airport. When she got there, she parked the car,
walked to the airport building, and checked in. Then she had breakfast
at a caf and waited for her flight. The plane departed on time and
arrived in Madrid two hours later. Finally she took a taxi from the
airport to her hotel in the centre of Madrid.
--El martes pasado, Lise vol desde Londres a Madrid. Se levant a
las 6 en punto de la maana y tom una taza de caf. A las 6.30 se fue de
casa y condujo hasta el aeropuerto. Cuando lleg all, aparc el coche,
camin hasta el edificio del aeropuerto y se registr. Luego desyun en
la cafetera y esper su vuelo. El avin sali a tiempo y lleg a Madrid
dos horas despus. Finalmente ella tom un taxi desde el aeropuerto
hasta su hotel en el centro de Madrid.
4--Write sentences about the past (yesterday/last week etc).
1.James always goes tu work by car. Yesterday he went to work by
car.--James siempre va a trabajar en coche. Ayer se fue a trabajar en
2. Rachel often loses her keys. She lost her keys last week.--Raquel a
menudo pierde sus llaves. Perdi sus llaves la semana pasada.
3. Kate meets her friends every evening. She met her friends
yesterday evening.--Kate se encuentra con sus amigos todas las noches.
Ella qued con sus amigos ayer por la noche.
4.I usually buy two newspapers every day. Yesterday I usually bought
two newspapers -- Normalmente compro dos peridicos todos los das.
Ayer me compr dos peridicos.

5. We often go to the cinema at weekends. Last Sunday we went to

the cinema.-- A menudo voy al cine el fin de semana. El domingo pasado
fuimos al cine.
6. I eat an orange every day. Yesterday I ate an orange.-- Yo como
una naranja todos los das. Ayer me com una naranja.
7. Tom always has a shower in the morning. This morning he had a
shower.-- Tom siempre se ducha por la maana. Esta maana el se
8. Our friends often come to see us. They came to see us last Friday.-Nuestros amigos vienen a menudo a vernos. Vinieron a vernos el
viernes pasado.
5--Write sentences about what you did yesterday.
1. I went to the theatre--Fu al teatro
2. I bought at the supermarket.--Compr en el supermercado.
3. Yesterday I ate pasta and fish with potatoes.-- Ayer com pasta y
pescado con patatas.
4. I spoke with my friends-- Habl con mis amigos.
5. I swam in the swimmingpool during twenty minutes.--Nad en la
piscina durante veinte minutos.
6. I learnt the lesson of English-- Aprend la leccin de ingls.

1- Where were Rachel at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon?

--Rachel was at home.
2- What were Rachel doing?
--She was watching TV.
3-Where were Jack and Kate at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon?
--Jack and Kate were at the cinema.
4- What were Jack and Kate doing?
--They were watching a film.
5- Where was Tim at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon?
--Tim was in his car.
6- What was Tim doing?
--He's driving his car.
7-Where was Tracey at 3 yesterday afternoon?
--Tracey was at the station.
8- What was Tracey doing?
--She was waiting for a train.
9-Where were Mr and Mrs Hall at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon?
--Mr and Mrs Hall were in the park.
10-What were Mr and Mrs Hall doing?
--They were walking in the park
11--Where was you at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon?
--I was in this classroom.
12-What was you doing?
--I was reading in the classroom.
2--Sarah did a lot of things yesterday morning. Look at the pictures
and complete the sentences.

1-What was she doing at 8.45?

--She was washing her car.
2-What was she doing at 10.45?
--She was playing tennis.
3-What was she doing at 8 o'clock?
--She was reading her newspaper.
4-What was she doing at 12.10?
--She was cooking the foot.
5-What was she doing at 7.15?
--She was breakfast cereal with milk
6-What was she doing at 9.30?
--She was cleaning the kitchen.
3--Complete the questions. Use was/were -ing. Use what/where/why
if necessary.
1. Where were you living in 1999? In London.---Dnde vivi en
1999?. En Londres.
2. What were you doing at 2 o'clock? I was asleep--Qu estabas
haciendo a las 2 en punto? Estaba durmiendo.
3. Was it raining when you got up? No, it was sunny.--Estaba
lloviendo cuando te levantaste?No, haca sol.
4. Why was Sue driving so fast? Because she was late.--Por qu Sue
fue conduciendo tan rpido?Porque era tarde.
5. Was Tim wearing a suit yesterday? No, a T-shirt and jeans-Llevaba puesto Tim un traje ayer? No, una camiseta y unos pantalones

4--Look at the picture. You saw Joe in the street yesterday afternoon.
What was he doing? Write positive or negative sentences. (SEGN EL
1. He wasn't wearing a jacket.--No llevaba puesta una chaqueta.
2. He was carrying a bag.--Llevaba una bolsa.
3. He wasn't going to the dentist.--No vena del dentista.
4. He was eating an ice-cream. --Comi un helado.
5. He wasn't carrying an umbrella.--No llevaba un paraguas.
6. He wasn't going home--No iba a casa.
7. He wasn't wearing a hat-- No llevaba una gorra.
8. He wasn't riding a bicycle.- No estaba montado en bicicleta.
5--Exercises con PRESENTE SIMPLE.
--12.1--Complete these sentences with the verb in the negative
1. I saw Barbara, but I didn't see Jane--Vi a Brbara, pero no vi a
2. They worked on Monday, but they didn't work on Tuesday.-- Ellos
trabajaron el lunes, pero no trabajaron el martes.
3. We went to the post office, but we didn't go to the bank.--Fuimos a
la oficina de correos, pero no fuimos al banco.
4. She had a pen, but she didn't have any paper.--Ella tena un
bolgrafo, pero no tena ningn papel.
5. Jack did French at school, but he didn't do German.-- Jack hizo
francs en la escuela, pero no hizo alemn.
--12.2--Write questions with Did..?
1. I watched TV last night. How about you?--Did you watch TV last
night?--V la televisin anoche. Y t?--Viste la televisin anoche?
2. I enjoyed the party. How about you?-- Did you enjoy the party?--Me
gust la fiesta. Y a ti?--Te gust la fiesta?

3. I had a good holiday. How about you?-- Did you have a good
holiday?-- Tuve unas buenas vacaciones. Y t?-- Tuviste unas buenas
4. I finished work early. How about you?-- Did you finish work
early?--Termin el trabajo temprano. Y t?-- Terminaste el trabajo
5. I slept well last night. How about you?-- Did you sleep well last
night?--Dorm bien anoche. Y t? Dormiste bien anoche?
12.3--What did you do yesterday? Write positive or negative
1--(watch TV)----I watched TV or I didn't watch TV--V la televisin o
no v la televisin.
2-- (get up before 7 o'clock)----I got up before 7 o'clock or I didn't get
up before 7 o'clock.--Me levant antes de las 7 en punto o no me levant
antes de las 7 en punto.
3--(have a shower)--- I had a shower or I didn't have a shower--Me
duch o no me duch.
4--(buy a magazine)---I bought a magazine or I didn't buy a
magazine-- Me compr una revista o no me compr una revista.
5--(eat meat)---I ate meat or I didn't eat meat-- Com carne o no com
6--(go to bed before 10.30)--- I went to bed before 10.30 or I didn't go
to bed before 10.30---Me fui a la cama antes de las 10.30 o no me fui a la
cama antes de las 10.30.
12.4--Write B's questions. Use:
1- A: We went to New York last month.---Fuimos a Nueva York el mes
B: Where did you stay?--Dnde fuiste?
A: With some friends--Con algunos amigos.
2- A: I was late for the meeting.-- Legu tarde a la reunin.

B: What time did you go?--A qu hora llegaste?

A: Half past nine-- A las 9.30
3-A: I played tennis this afternoon.--Jugu a tenis esta tarde.
B: Did you win?--Ganaste al tenis esta tarde?
A: No, I lost.-- No perd.
4- A: I had a nice holiday.--Tuve unas buenas vacaciones.
B: Good. Where did you arrive?--Bueno. De dnde llegaste?
A: To the mountains.--De las montaas
5-A: We came home by taxi--Fuimos a casa en taxi
B: How much did you cost?--Cunto os cost?
A: Ten pounds.-- 10 libras.
6- A: I'm tired this morning.-- Estoy cansado esta maana.
B: Did you go to bed late?-- Fuste tarde a la cama?
A: No, but I didn't sleep very well-- No, pero no dorm muy bien.
7- A: We went to the beach yesterday.-- Fuimos a la playa ayer.
B: Did you have a nice time?.--Hizo buen tiempo?
A: Yes, it was great.--S hizo bueno
8- A: The window is broken.--La ventana est rota.
B: How did he happen?-- Cmo sucedi?
A: I don't know-- No lo s.
12.5- Put the verb in the correct form- positive, negative o question.
1. We went to the cinema, but the film wasn't very good. We didn't
enjoy it.--Fuimos al cine, pero la pelcula no era muy buena. No nos
2. Tim bought some new clothes yesterday: two shirts, a jacket and a

pullover.--Tim compr algo de nueva ropa ayer: 2 camisas, una

chaqueta y un jersey.
3. Did it rain yesterday? No, it was a nice day.--Llovi ayer?No hizo
un buen da.
4. We were tired, so we didn't stay long at the party.-- Estbamos
cansados, as que no nos quedamos mucho tiempo en la fiesta.
5. It was very warm in the room, so I opened a window.--Haca
mucho calor en la habitacin, as que abr una ventana.
6. Did you phone Chis this morning? No, I didn't have time.-Llamaste por telfono a Chis esta maana? No, yo no tuve tiempo.
7. I cut my hand this morning. How did you do that?--Me cort la
mano esta maana. Cmo hiciste eso?
8. Why weren't you at the meeting yesterday? I didn't know about
it.--Por qu no fuiste a la reunin ayer? No lo saba.
14.1.-- Look at the pictures. Put the verbs in the correct form, past
continuous or past simple.
1--Lucy broke (break) her arm last week. It happened when she was
painting her room. (paint). She fell of the ladder.--Lucy se rompi su
brazo la semana pasada. Sucedi cuando estaba pintando su habitacin.
Se cay de la escalera.
2--The train arrived (arrive) at the station and Paula went off (get
off). Two friends of hers, Jon and Rachel, were waiting to meet her.--El
tren sali de la estacin y Paula se fue. Sus dos hermanos, Jon y Raquel,
estaban esperndola.
3--Yesterday Sue was walking (walk) along the road when she


James. He was going (go) to station to catch a train and he carried

(carry) a bag. They stopped (stop) to talk for a few minutes.--Ayer Sue
estaba caminando a lo largo de la carretera cuando se encontr con
James. l iba a la estacin a coger un tren y llevaba un bolso. Ellos se

pararon a hablar durante unos minutos.

14.2.- Put the verb into the past continuous or past simple.
1.-A: What were you doing (you/do) when the phone rang (ring)?
---B: I was watching (wastch) television.
----Qu estabas haciendo cuando son el telfono?
----Estaba viendo la televisin.
2.-A: Was Jane busy when you went to see her?
----B:Yes, she was studying.(study)
----Estaba ocupada Jane cuando fue usted a verla?
----S estaba estudiando.
3.-A: What time arrived the post this morning?
----B: It came while Iwas having breakfast.
----A qu hora lleg la noticia esta maana?
----Lleg mientras estaba desayunando.
4.-A: Was Tracey at work today?
----B: No, she wasn't going to work. Se was ill.
----Fue Tracey a trabajar hoy?
----No, no fue a trabajar. Estaba enferma.
5.A:-How fast were you driving when the police stopped you?
---B:-I'm not sure, but I wasn't driving very fast.
---A qu velocidad estabas conduciendo cuando la polica te detuvo?
---No estoy seguro, pero no estaba conduciendo muy rpido.
6.A:-Did your team win (your team/win) the football march
--B:-The weather was very bad, so we didn't play (not/play).
--Gan tu equip en el partido de ftbol ayer?

--Haca muy mal tiempo, as que no jugamos.

7.A:-How did you break (you/break) the window?
--B:-We were playing (play) football. I kicked (kick) the ball and it hit
the window.
----Cmo te rompi la ventana?
----Estbamos jugando al ftbol. Le di una patada al baln y se golpe
la ventana.
8.A:- Did you see (you/see) Jenny last night?
--B:-Yes, she was wearing (wear) a very nice jacket.
----Viste a Jeny ayer por la noche?
----S, llevaba una chaqueta muy bonita
9.A:-What were you doing (you/do) at 2 o'clock this morning?
--B:-I was asleep
----Qu estabas haciendo a las 2 de la maana?
----Estaba durmiendo.
10.A:- I lost (lose) my key last night.
----B:- How did you get (you/get) into your room?
----A: I climbed (climb) in through a window.
------Yo perd mi llave anoche.
------Cmo entraste en tu habitacin?
------Sub a travs de una ventana.

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